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12/18/2013 F2013-MAE241 Statics Final Exam-FE 1-Panta

Problem 1 (Points: 15)

Determine the magnitude of F1 and its direction so that the resultant force is directed
vertically upward and has a magnitude of 800 N.
Problem 2 (Points: 25)
(a) Draw the free-body diagram of the dumpster D of the truck, which has a weight of 000 lb
and a center of gravity at G. !t is supported by a pin at A and a pin-connected hydraulic
cylinder BC "short link#. "#
12/18/2013 F2013-MAE241 Statics Final Exam-FE 1-Panta
Problem 3 (Points: 20)
Determine the force in members EI and JI of the truss which serves to
support the deck of a bridge. State if these members are in tension
or compression.
Problem 4 (Points: 20)
!f each bo$ weighs 10 lb, determine the least hori%ontal force P that the man must e$ert on
the top bo$ in order to cause motion. &he coefficient of static friction between the bo$es is
0. , and the coefficient of static friction between the bo$ and the floor is 0.' .
12/18/2013 F2013-MAE241 Statics Final Exam-FE 1-Panta
4/25/14 Sp 2014-MAE241 Statics Sample Final Exam-SFE YP-1/1
4 Pages fom!la s"eet is allo#e$% Attac" it #it" &o! ans#e pape% 'ime( 1(50 mins% F!ll Points( 100
Please cleal& $epict &o! sol!tion incl!$ing F)*+ ,i-en+ Fin$+ Plan+ an$ Action fo f!ll ce$its% .se gap"ical
inst!ments #"ee necessa&% Attempt t"e /on!s po/lem onl& afte sol-ing !pto po/lems 5%
Problem 5 (Points: 20)
(ocate the centroid for the angle)s cross-sectional area.
Bonus Problem 6 (Points: 8)
Determine the moment of inertia of the composite area about the centroidal
y axis.

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