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Grading Threaded discussions: No longer an ethereal exercise

Notes by KB

Fair & valid grading

Rubric adapted from Harvard School of Business – the moral Leader

More than a grading tool –it is also a teaching tool. Here are ways to
improve your responses, etc….

Rubric was handed out. 1-5 or I would do whatever point system I’m
using and components that are relevant.


I. Initiative 1. Responds to TD topic directly 2.adds

originalthoughts or concepts to the topic 3 clarifying question

II. Response 4 respectful and attentive response to other

discussants 5. Able to accurately summarize other’s views
and arguments

III. Analysis – to easily and correctly reference/apply

topics in response 7. Identifies patterns or themes in

IV. Debate – 8. Good defense of point of view 9. On-point

rebuttal 10. Able to escalate or deepen argument

V. Exploration – 11.Open to revising personal views 12.poses

larger question 13. Proposes new direction for discussion

VI. Continuity 14. Maintains flow of discussion 15. Creates links

across texts or sessions 16. Draws strands of discussion

VII. Transformation 17 changed mind-based on discussion 18.

Resolve to act/implement 19. Deeper conviction expressed

My thots - not sure I would use all these for one thread – discussions in
my coursework have all different purposes. Consolidate and use a 3pt
rubric. Really wasn’t a rubric handed out – just categories- no definers.

Combine I, II and VI – RESPONSE is on task, respectful tone and adds to

the discussion in a meaningful way. APPLICATION

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