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\Science I & II

Earth Science & Biology

Syllabus & Course Information Sheet

Instructor: Ms. Kayla Cunningham (2!""2# $office%&
Email: 'ayla(cunningham#)*+,
-ffice hours: Before an. after school.
Welcome to Earth Science the study of the world around you. Our topics will include
Astronomy (study of outer space), Geology (study of rocs, earth!uaes, "olcanoes and
plate tectonics), #eteorology (study of the atmosphere, climate and climate change), and
Oceanography (study of the oceans and water systems). $his course will use hands%on
e&perimentation, acti"ities, and direct instruction. 'ou will (e ena(led to learn the )how*
and )why*, not +ust the )what* of science. , will show how Earth Science is rele"ant in
your e"eryday life- you must pro"ide the willingness to learn. , hope you are looing
forward to an e&citing e&ploration of many concepts this year.
Textbook: Science of Earth Systems (Please keep your textbook at home.)
Bring to class everyay: !omposition Book an Science Biner"foler #ith paper $ see
belo# Pencil an"or Pen (ark blue or black ink only)
%ptional but useful: !alculator& colore pens an"or pencils& scissors& ruler
/ules an. E01ectations
'. (rrive prepare to learn (mentally reay an e)uippe #ith the correct
*. +ever prevent others from learning (inappropriate behavior or talking)
,. (l#ays follo# safety rules uring lab (prevent in-ures)
.. /o not take or amage any classroom e)uipment
0. Participate in class iscussions& activities an complete all assignments
Beha2ior Ste1s & Conse3uences
'. 1irst offence: stuent$teacher conference
*. Secon offence: stuent$teacher conference an parent$teacher conference
,. Thir offence: referral to counseling office per stuent hanbook
.. Serious offence: referral to (ssistant Principal.
2n aition to Earth science& #e #ill be iscussing Biology '& #hich covers five main
topics throughout the year:
Scientific 3etho an
!ell Processes
Throughout the year& #e #ill be focusing on in)uiry an problem solving in light of these
ifferent themes.
5e #ill be using Science of Earth Systems as our text. 2t is essential that
you keep track of your assigne text an reurn it on the en of the )uarter.
6ou #ill only be given ' copy of the text. Since you must
keep your textbook for an entire semester& 2 #ill sign books
out. 2f you o not return the textbook& you #ill be charge
to replace the book (7'*8.88).
2t is essential that you have a , ring biner to keep all your notes an
class#or in. 6our notebook shoul have multiple folers"iviers& so that
they #ill be easy to access at the en of the semester. 2t is essential that
this be kept organi6e. an. neat at all times. The ay of the test& 2 #ill
collect noteboo's an. gra.e them on se)uence an completeness.
Class 7roce.ures:
.eginning class/ Stuents shoul
be in their assigne. seats 8hen the bell rings an
they shoul begin #riting the aily 2/ on the boar.
Stuents #ho are not in their seat #orking #hen the bell
rings #ill be assigne a tary.
.athroom 0asses/ !lass time is very valuable. Stuents #ill be allo#e to use
the bathroom before or after class. 2 #ill allo# four 9emergency: passes a
)uarter. These passes #ill allo# the stuent to leave uring normal instruction
time. (fter these passes has been use& the stuent must take a tary to leave the
$ardies: Stuents #ho have receive a tary #ill be assigne a lunch etention.
%n the ay of this lunch etention& they #ill nee to bring a sack lunch since they
#ill not be allo#e to buy lunch in the cafeteria. This etention must be serve
#ithin * ays of the ate the tary #as receive as per the school policy
1ood and 2rin: 1oo& rink& an gum are not allo#e in the science classroom.
Early 3ompletion/ 2f #ork is complete early& please have free reaing material
or home#ork available. ;eaphones are not allo#e uring class hours.
3lass 3onclusion/ Stuents are to stay in their assigne seats until they have been
9tten.ance:4ar.y 7olicy
Being late an missing class causes you to miss valuable information.
3ount <ernon=s attenance"tary policy #ill be enforce. !onse)uences
per )uarter for being tary are as follo#s: 'st an *n tary > verbal
#arning& ,r an .th tary > call to parents. Thereafter& the tary policy in the
stuent hanbook #ill be enforce. 5hen you are tary to class you must come see me
after class to make sure 2 have put you on the roll for the ay.
There are t#o basic rules:
') Sho# respectful behavior to#ars the teacher an other stuents.
*) (ttention is to be focuse on class #ork from the time the bell rings until you
are ismisse.
!hoosing not to abie by these rules #ill result in negative conse)uences.
;ab Safety:
Some labs #ill be in the classroom #ith calculators& maps&
charts& chemicals an e)uipment #hile other labs #ill
be outoors moving aroun the campus conucting
The most important aspect of any lab #ill be
safety. 6ou #ill nee to follo# all safety instructions& #hich may inclue #earing
goggles& hanling glass#are
carefully& etc. +ot follo#ing the safety instructions #ill be cause to prohibit you from
participating in labs& for
your safety an the safety of others. See Safety ?ules ;anout.2n orer to ensure your
safety an provie the best learning environment possible& please ahere to the follo#ing
lab rules.
'. Enter the room )uietly an sit in your assigne seat.
*. @isten to irections. (sk )uestions if you are unsure.
,. Stay in your seat unless you are irecte to get up. 92oi. horse1lay<
.. 1ollo# the irections for the lab. (sk your teacher before you try a 9
ne# iea:.
0. +ever eat or rink in the lab. 6ou never kno# #hat #as put in the beaker before
you use it.
A. !lean up all messes immeiately.
B. 5ear goggles #hen you heat anything or mix chemicals.
C. Dse the e)uipment #ith care so that the stuents after you have the same
opportunity to learn.
E. !lean you lab area before you leave.
'8. (ccients o sometimes happen. +otify 3s. !unningham 233E/2(TE@6&
especially #ith any spills of chemicals or broken glass.
=ome8or' an. 9ssignment 7olicy
;ome#ork #ill be given any#here from ' to . times per #eek (epening on the pace of
the class) an shoul take the average stuent approximately ,8 minutes to complete.
I> ?-@ 9/E 9BSE54A I4 IS ?-@/ /ES7-5SIBI;I4? 4- >I5B -@4 C=94
9ssignment 7olicies:
@ate 5ork:
(ssignments are given so that you may practice the skills #e are #orking on an
sho# me #hat you have learne. To#ars this en& all #ork is ue at the time
stipulate #ith your name on it. @abs an other ma-or assignments #ill be
accepte late for a reuction of the earne creit. (ny #ork turne in later than
one ay #ill not be accepte. This #ill help to ensure that #e are all #orking on
the same topics an that you have the skills an practice necessary for moving on
to the next topic.
+ightly home#ork that is gone over the next ay in class #ill not be accepte for
late creit.
@ate #ork must be turne in by the time the test over that material is given&
unless an alternative ate is announce.
3ake$Dp 5ork:
2f you have been absent& you #ill have as many ays to make$up ne# #ork as you
have been excuse for your absence. ;o#ever& 2 #ill not pursue you about your
misse #orkF you must check the agena an get explanations from another
truste stuents if you have been absent. 2f after checking #ith both these sources
you are still confuse& come see me for further clarification.
1or assignments that can not go home& you may make them up before or after
school. Please see me for a contract. Tests an )uiGGes can be mae up before or
after school or in a sprint or )uest class #ith teacher approval. 2 #ill allo# short
)uiGGes to be taken in the @earning !enter uring lunch. ;o#ever& the )uiG
#oul nee to be complete uring that lunch perio. Test an )uiGGes must be
mae up #ithin t#o #eeks of the actual test ate. 2f it is not mae up #ithin the
allotte time& it #ill become a Gero.
6ou are not excuse from a test or )uiG if you have misse a ay of class
D+@ESS #e have gone over ne# material that #ill be on the test. 3issing a
revie# ay oes not excuse you from taking a test.
5ork that #as assigne before the absence #ill be ue on the first ay back in
class. (This inclues -ournalsH)
Please inform me of planne absences as soon as you are a#are of them. 2 #ill
nee at least a #eeks notice in orer to get you #ork before you leave. This is
especially crucial for absences of more than t#o ays.
4raes #ill be base on the accumulation of points from tests& )uiGGes& home#ork
assignments& pro-ects& labs an participation. 6our grae in this class is the percentage of
points you have earne out of the total number of points possible. 2t is your
responsibility to keep track of your grae on the grae sheet provie. 2f you have a
)uestion or concern about your grae& you must make an appointment #ith me before or
after school. Be sure you bring an upate grae sheet #ith you to the appointment.
B- 5-4 9SK ME 9B-@4 ?-@/ D/9BE B@/I5D C;9SS 4IME<
2 #ill have some extra creit assignments from time to time. (ll extra creit #ill have ue
ates that #ill be poste #ith the assignment. They #ill pertain to #hat #e have or #ill
cover in class. 5- ;94E C-/K IS 9CCE74EB -5 EE4/9 C/EBI4
E0tra >iel. 4ri1s (#" 1oints each fiel. tri1&:
2n aition to lectures& it is important for you to atten our class fiel trips. 2 o not take
attenance an the fiel trips are not re)uire& but they are highly recommene an
extra creit points #ill be a#are for each time you are present. The fiel trips #ill
provie opportunities for iscussion& exam revie#s& an hans$on exposure to fossils an
artifactsF you #ill learn more an o better in the class if you are there. 6ou can receive
up to a maximum of ,8 points of extra creit ('0 points each fiel trip) by attening the
t#o esignate class fiel trips.
7lanne. >iel. 4ri1s:
'. 3useum of +atural ;istory: This course #ill provie an introuction to the
history& purposes& transformations& an internal #orkings of museums from a
historian=s perspective. Stuents #ill be taken too a museum #here #e #ill focus
on natural an cultural history relate to #hat #e are stuying.
*. D$/24 1%SS2@S: (t some point uring the year #e #ill travel to /elta region of
Dtah (, hours a#ay)& an #e #ill be visiting the TopaG 3useum an then going to
ig for trilobites in one of the #orl=s richest eposits of trilobites. D$/24
1%SS2@S& offers the experience an thrill of fining your o#n fossil trilobites.
This fiel trip #ill allo# you to ig for fossils like an archeologist"paleontologist.
Cha1erone Information
5ell$prepare chaperones are essential for a successful visit. 2 encourage help an
support of chaperones uring fiel trips& so that together& #e can accomplish my class
goals of keeping stuents engage in learning #hile practicing safe an respectful
!heating on all assignments& tests& etc. is forbien. 2f you cheat on an assignment& you
#ill be given a grae of Gero(1) for that assignment. This inclues those that provie
ans#ers as #ell as those that copy ans#ers.
E0tra =el1
Please come to me early if you o not unerstan the material. /% +%T #ait until the
en of the )uarter or semester to ask for help. 2 #ant E<E?6 %+E of you to succee an
2 #ill o my best to provie the assistance an tools you nee. 3y office hours are before
an after school. 2n aition& 2 have /irecte Stuy (stuy hall) on ($/ay from ':*8$*:.8
-ther Information
+o foo #ill be allo#e in the classroom.
/o not apply any type of cosmetics uring class (not even !hap Stick).
+o hats& hoos or other type of hea covering is allo#e.
+o cell phone& !/ player& mp, player& iPo& earphones& electronic games& earphones&
etc. #ill be allo#e in class. (The school rules state that if a cell phone or other
electronics is visible& then 2 shoul take it an turn it into the office)
/o not use any type of inappropriate language in class (s#ear #ors or erogatory
remarks about race& gener& religion or sexual orientation& etc.)
/o not thro# or toss any ob-ect in class.
2f you tear paper out of a spiral notebook& you must neatly cut off the confetti that is
left on the page ege. Papers #ith Iege= confetti #ill not be accepte.
Every paper you turn in must have a heaing in the upper right corner on all papers. (
proper heaing consists of: ') your first an last name& *) ate& ,) perio& an .) name of
assignment. Papers #ithout this information may have points eucte. ! Fuarter 8ill be calculate. as follo8s:
(ttenance an /aily Participation *8J
Participation& ;ome#ork& .8J
+otebooks& (ssignments an Essays
0 hours !ommunity Service '8J
?eaings& /iscussions '8J
K !ritical Thinking Luestions
Luarter Test(s) *8J
>inal Fuarter Dra.e #GGH
D/9BI5D SC9;E I5 7E/CE549DES: Scale:
( > E, $ '88J ( $ > E* $ E8J
BM > CE N CBJ B > CA N C,J B$ > C* N C8J
!M > BE N BBJ ! > BA N B,J !$ > B* N B8J
/M > AE N ABJ / > AA N A.J /$ > A, N A8J
1 > 0EN 8J
F@9/4E/ I# & I2
Fuarter I#
!hapter ' N ;istory an (ge of Science
2ntrouction to Earth Science
Scientific 3etho
!hapter * N 3atter an Energy
!hapter , N The Earth as ( Planet
3oels of Earth (@atitue"@ongitue& Topographic 3aps& 4PS ?eceivers)
!hapter .: The 3oon Earth=s !losest +eighbor
3oon=s orbit& Phases of the 3oon
Fuarter I2
!hapter 0 N @ife of Stars& Stuying Space& 3inor Boies of the Solar System (Satellites&
(sterois& 3eteors)
!hapter A N %ur Solar System (1ormation& Terrestrial Planets& 4as 4iant Planets)
(stronomy& Stars& 4alaxies an the Dniverse (3ilky 5ay 4alaxy& Types of 4alaxies)
The Sun (Solar Energy& Stellar Evolution)
!hapter B N The Earth=s 2nterior
?ocks (?ock !ycle& 2gneous& Seimentary an 3etamorphic ?ocks)
!hapter C N Plate Tectonics (Seafloor Spreaing& Plate Bounary 1eatures& Plate 3otions)
!hapter E: Earth)uakes (Seismic 5aves& !auses& !alifornia ;aGars) an <olcanoes
(Types of <olcanoes an 3agma& !alifornia ;aGars)
Stu.ent =onesty
2 hereby plege& that in all my interactions #ithin this classroom community$
2 #ill never misrepresent any one else=s #ork or ieas as my o#n.
2 #ill al#ays turn in iniviual #ork that is entirely mine& meaning 2 have one all
#ork #ith my o#n hans an min.
2 unerstan that #orking together on assignments is only allo#e to the extent
that 2 may iscuss any #ork #ith others in the class.
Dnless specifically assigne a group pro-ect& 2 #ill never turn in #ork one 9#ith:
someone else. 2 #ill not turn in #ork ientical to another=s an say 9#e #orke
together:& nor #ill 2 submit #ork one #ith or by another iniviual as my o#n
2 #ill never allo# anyone to misrepresent my #ork as theirs.
2 #ill not communicate in any #ay #ith other stuents uring test or evaluation
activities. ((ny communication #ill result in a Gero for the assignmentH)
2 unerstan that an unexcuse absence for a test or assignment gives a score of
5hen taking a test or )uiG& 2 #ill not communicate in any #ay #ith anyone else
(#ritten& verbal& signals& etc.) /oing so #ill result in a 8J on the assignment for
both persons involve an a #rite$up in my iscipline file.
2 #ill give proper citation to other author=s #ors& ieas& collecte information& or
creative #ork & #hether obtaine from #ritten meia& the internet& intervie# or
any other meia.
2 #ill make sure that papers or posters turne in by me constitute my thinking& not
a rephrasing (or #orse yet& the copying) of another=s #ork& even if 2 cite that
2 unerstan that the betrayal of acaemic honesty may lea to subtraction of the
value of the assignment& lo#ering of the marking perio grae& an"or failure in
the course.
2 have rea an unerstan the proceures an rules for 3s. !unningham=s science class
an have share them #ith my parents.

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