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Last Name: --------- Religion: ---------

First Name: --------- Height: ---------
Middle Name: --------- Weight: ---------
Gender: --------- Health: ---------
Civil Status: --------- Address: ---------
Nationalit: --------- ---------
Age: ---------
!ate o" #irth: --------- Email: ---------
$la%e o" #irth: ---------
$hone Num&ers: (Mobile) ---------
(Home) ---------
E!'CA()*NAL #AC+GR*'N!
High School:
1994 -1997 School name
Address, Iloilo City
1997 !!1 "achelor o# Science in $%rsin&
St' (a%l )ni*ersity Iloilo
+eneral ,%na Street, Iloilo City
(assed- $C,./-0$, State o# Cali#ornia (!!4)
"asic ,i#e S%11ort (",S) Certi#ied (!!4)
C+2$S (!!3)
45.2,64S. (!!3)

$%rse ,icens%re .7amination (8ecember !!1)
$ational 0an9in&- :::
College: C%m ,a%de (March !!1)
Ci*il Ser*ice .li&ible
,eadershi1 A;ardee
Ser*ice A;ardee
<o%rnalism A;ardee
C%lt%ral A;ardee
High School: 0an9in&: (March 1997)
(hili11ine Mathematical 5lym1iad, $ational ,e*el
- =
1lace, 4eam Com1etition (1997)
St%dent City Co%ncilor, "oys> and +irls> ?ee9 (1997)
Elementary: 0an9in&: (March 1993)
!!@ Clinical Instr%ctor
St' (a%l )ni*ersity Iloilo
!! $%rsin& "oard .7am 0e*ie;er
St' (a%l Colle&e o# Iloilo
Volunteer Work
!!1 Assistant Instr%ctor
,e*el , "achelor o# Science in $%rsin&
S%mmer .nrichment (ro&ram
St' (a%l Colle&e o# Iloilo
!!! 2ree Clinic #or Indi&ents
"arotac $%e*o
!! "lood (ress%re Screenin& 8ri*e
Comm%nity Ser*ice s1onsored by Soro1timist Cl%b
+eneral ,%na Street, Iloilo City
?ith e7cellent com1%ter s9ills in-
Microso#t 5##ice (Microso#t ?ord, .7cel, (o;er(oint)
?eb 8esi&n
+ra1hics 8esi&n
?ith 9no;led&e in basic 1ro&rammin&
.7cellent in oral and ;ritten comm%nication
+ood s9ills in mana&in& 1eo1le and reso%rces
+ood mathematical s9ills
,an&%a&es- 2l%ent in .n&lish, 2ili1ino and Hili&aynon

)N(ERES(S . AC()-)()ES
Com1%ters- s%r#in& the internet, &ra1hic and ;eb1a&e desi&n
,iterary- readin&
S1orts- s;immin&, s9atin&, tennis
Arts- ;atchin& mo*ies and theatrical 1resentations

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