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%uer# is a request for information from a !atabase. +here are several !

ifferent ways to
pose a query.
&canning is the process by which a computer collects !ata from process sensors for use in
calculations. It is the sequential interrogation of !evices or lists of information un!er the
P%Cs control.
#hile the P%C may in fact u$date values' $oll !evices' an! rectif# aspects of the process
in response to !ata it encounters !uring its routine' the best term for this continuous
se%uence is scanning.
+he correct answers are %' template' an! (' scanning.
Definition& Design, specify, and procure the hardware*software used in the system.
CAP uestions
1. =ow is #ID defined in the phrase A#ID control loop,A
'. Proportional Instrument Device
(. Piping Instrumentation Diagram
%. Percentage Integration Delta
D. Proportional Integral Derivative
2. #BID is an acronym for which of the following,
'. Process an! Instruction Document
(. Process an! Instrument Diagram
%. Piping an! Instrument Diagram
D. Piping an! Installation Drawing
CAP ans!ers
1. D' Proportional Integral Derivative

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