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The True Picture of Life

Life is not about the big buildings, fast cas o the
cool gadgets! E"en befoe these things ca#e
into being natue $as sta%ing in co#fot!

Onl% $hen so#e &eo&le ealised that did the% find it
i#&otant to tal' about natue in te(t boo's! )ell tal'ing
about natue on te(t boo's and eating food in a dea# is
&ett% #uch the sa#e thing because in both cases one
cannot get the tue taste and neithe does it satisf% the

If one has to e(&eience $hat natue has to offe then he is
to "isit the uninteu&ted natue! *en%a is one of such &laces
$hee natue is at is tue and undaunted fo#!

+o$e"e in ode to e(&eience this fo# of natue a tou
&lan and acco##odation is essential! )ith the ne$
lodge safaris in Kenya one can get the best e(&eience in
both acco##odation and location!

Too add to the glo% of such an e(&eience one $ould find
that the lodge safaris in Kenya allo$ one to e(&eience the tue
feeling of the foest due its location!

+ee the &lants see# to go$ in thei o$n fee #anne $hile
the ani#al see#s to be least botheed about $hat is
ha&&ening in the outside $old!

To add to co#fot Kenya adventure wildlife safariensues
that a &eson has safe ti&! Geneall% in #an% &ats of the
$old touist ha"e an un&leasant e(&eience $hee the
&oble#s e"en e(tent to se"ee da#ages being caused to a


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