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Name ___________________ Current Events

Student News Reflection Questions:

1. A. Should the people in Liberia have been sealed off as part of the Ebola containment

1b .Why or why not?

1c. What are other ways health officials there could respond to the outbreak?

1d. The two Americans who contracted Ebola have recently been released from the
hospital, although this is great news, why do you think many people are concerned and have
questions about the risk to the community?

2. A. Why do you think Attorney General Eric Holder described the Bank of America
settlement as appropriate?

2b. Why might others think that it was too high or even too low?

3. A. Why did the mission meant to rescue James Foley and others fail?

3b. What effect might the failed rescue mission have on how ISIS operates?

4. A. How are students in Ferguson coping with all of the turmoil in their town?

4b. Why do you think the football team decided to start practice for the season, even if
it had to move?

5. A. Why are people outraged that the redwoods are being damaged?

b. What makes it difficult to protect the trees?

6. A. Do you think iPhone fans are the next big thing?

b. Why or why not?

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