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Fill in the gaps using a suitable word/phrase to link the ideas between

the sentences:
1. For a large part of recorded history, science had little bearing on
peoples' everyday lives. _________________, with the dawn of
the Industrial Revolution in the 18
century, this rapidly
2. ioche!ical research is responsible for the antibiotics and
vaccinations that protect us fro! infectious diseases.
_______________, the !a"ority of people on the planet now live
longer and healthier lives than ever before.
#. $cientists utili%e e&isting 'nowledge in new scientific
investigations to predict how things will behave.
_______________, a scientist who 'nows the e&act di!ensions
of a lens can predict how the lens will focus a bea! of light.
_______________, by 'nowing the e&act !a'eup and properties
of two che!icals, a researcher can predict what will happen
when they co!bine.
(. )o!puter si!ulations allow e&peri!ents to be conducted
without any ris's. _______________, they can alter the apparent
passage of ti!e, speeding up or slowing down natural processes.
_______________, scientists can investigate things that happen
very gradually, or ones that happen al!ost instantaneously.
*. $cience has brought about technology that helps save hu!an
life. _______________, science can also generate technology
that is deliberately designed to har! or to 'ill.
1. /owever
2. 0s a result
#. For e&a!ple1 In the sa!e way
(. 2oreover1 0s a result
*. 0t the other e&tre!e

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