Megarachnids 1

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Shadow Widow Queen..


Shadow Widow Queens are the Mothers of a Megarachnid Webnest, spawning the Websacs that in turn
spew forth Megarachnid Warriors needed to slay the foe of the Megarachnid; since the exile to Urisarach,
the once-united race has turned upon itself, and these Warriors have been used to defend the Webnests
from other Megarachnid families rather than the enemies of the greater Megarachnid race.
However, with the arrival of the Imperium, the race has once again united, and now the Shadow Widow
Queens must increase the reproductive output of the Webnest many fold in order to keep up with the grind
that the Imperium has forced upon them.
Queens usually take to the field surrounded by waves of Warriors, the larger Shadow Widows forming a
web of defence around the Queen.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Shadow Widow Queen 5 4 6 5 3 6 4 10 3+ Infantry
Unit Composition:
1 Shadow Widow Queen

Unit Type:
Infantry (Character)

Aluminflesh (3+ Save)

Special Rules:
Independent Character
Eternal Warrior
Furious Charge
It Will Not Die

-May take one of the following:
Bile Ductflex........................................+5 points
Web Katharact....................................+10 points

-May replace Venarray with :
Large Arachanlace...............................+25 points

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