Opening Day Grading Policy and Procedures

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Welcome to Honors History of Western Civilization!

Mr. Hanley - Requirements and Grading Policy

Grades in Honors History of Western Civilization will be calculated by the point system.
The students score will be divided by the total points possible to determine the final
grade. Grading will follow the Peters Township guidelines. The following assessments
will determine the students grade:
Tests / quizzes / document-based question analysis
Reading assignments/ projects / reflection essays
Class preparation and participation
Final exam

Tests: Chapter and unit assessments include standard tests with essay components,
and quizzes with varying formats. Point values will vary according to the amount and
difficulty of the material covered. Point totals are doubled to reflect grade weight.
**Tests/quizzes equal approximately 2/3 of your grade.

Graded assignments/projects:
Assignments may include supplemental readings, the reading and outlining of chapters,
thesis-based essays, papers, presentations, and projects. Point values will vary
according to the scope, length and difficulty of the project. Work plagiarized, or copied
with permission from another student, will receive a 0% grade for both parties. Students
are NOT permitted to read together and complete outlines.
.** Homework equals approximately 1/3 of your grade.

Binders are required: a 1-inch three-ring binder is required for taking notes during
reviews of material, and keeping handouts and chapter outlines organized.

Class preparation and participation:
Class participation is 15 points of each students quarterly grade. Points will only be
lost if there is a demonstrated lack of responsibility on the students part. Each
infraction is a 2 pt. deduction. Preparation and participation responsibilities include:
Being in class and ready to start on time. No sleeping; heads up.
Being prepared every day: bringing your binder, a pen and pencil, and
completed homework assignments.
Bringing the knowledge needed to participate in the days lesson, which comes
from completing the important reading assignments.
Being a valuable member of class. Participate in class discussions and actively
involve yourself in cooperative learning and group projects.

Absences: In fairness to others, completed papers that were due must be emailed in
case of absence so that they are submitted on time. If you are absent from class at the
time an assignment is due but you are in the building on that day, you are expected to
hand in that days assignment. (Ex. You have a special excuse for a dentist
appointment and will miss Western Civilization class the day a composition is due. To
receive full credit for that assignment, you must hand it in before you leave for the
appointment. If you wait until the next day the paper will be considered a day late and
the grade will be lowered 10 %. No papers will be accepted after three days.)
Final exam: A comprehensive final exam will be given that is worth 1/5 of the grade.

On-line resources: Students may review for tests on-line at
Parents and students should keep current with grades on-line.

Contact: email me at
Class Website:

Policies and Procedures

Classroom Behavior: The teacher and the students will interact with each other in a
spirit of fairness and respect for one another. For that reason, handbook rules will be
enforced. Out of courtesy, we will all pay close attention when a member of our class,
including the teacher, is speaking. I look forward to our classroom being an enjoyable
place to meet every day.

The asking of questions, and attempts to respond to teacher questions, are encouraged.
Many times I will ask students to make guesses while predicting a specific scenario based
on a classroom topic. No student is to ridicule another for engaging in either of these
valuable activities. They are essential to learning.

Boundaries must be respected. Teacher areas, such as the desk, file cabinets, bulletin
boards, and technology resources are off-limits to students. We must all protect our
technology equipment so that we may enjoy using it. No standing until dismissal please.

Cell phones and other devices are not to be used or seen in the classroom. Confiscation
will be immediate. Ladies are not to have purses on their desks; gentlemen will keep their
hands out of their pockets. Cell phone use during an assessment will be considered
cheating = 0%. Being on-task during class time is essential to a students success.

Daily Attendance in class is also essential for success. Class activities provide
enrichment and cannot be replicated. Students who have excused absences must see me
for make up work, if it is available.

No late homework assignments will be accepted unless there is an excused absence and
handbook guidelines are followed. Assignments will not be accepted after the first minute
of class. Write date of excused absence at the top of HW papers if submitting late.
Reading outlines will earn up to 5 pts. per section of the text. Quality counts.

Electronically scanned answer sheets for quizzes and exams will require a #2 pencil, in
addition students should bring a pen for long essay questions on tests or quizzes.

Students should have no food or drink in class unless there is a medical excuse for this
on file with the school nurse. Unauthorized items will be placed in the trash.

Only rarely should a student ask to be excused to the restroom. Students should take
advantage of breaks between classes, and right after arrival to class just check in
with me, and go to the restroom. A medical note should be on file with the school nurse if
you require more frequent restroom breaks.

Any student who is having difficulty should see me for help. I will be available after
school on most days. I will also be in close contact with parents to assure your success if
you are having difficulty. Please check your grades on-line frequently and keep a written
record of returned papers. Please speak with me immediately if you see an error of mine
on Power School. Everyone should meet with success if they participate fully.

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