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Symbols and abbreviations

1. Yr(s) year(S)
2. Wk(s) week(s)
3. U units
4. T temperatura
5. TB tuberculosis
6. R right
7. PE pulmonary embolism
8. ng nanogram
9. mmhg millimetres of mercury
10. mL milliliter
11. min(s) minute(s)
12. mg milligram
13. g microgram
14. L litre
15. Kg kilogram
16. H hour
17. g gram
18. ECG electrocardiogram
19. Ca cancer
20. CI contraindications
21. Echo echocardiogram
22. BP blood pressure
23. GI gastrointestinal
24. Hb haemoglobin
25. IM intramuscular

Westtler Emanuel Alonzo Solrzano
Carn 1276- 11 -4767

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