English II Syllabus 2014 2015

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English II Syllabus 2014-2015

Mrs. Lacey Lee

Clear Lake High School NGC
2903 Falcon Pass
Houston, ! ""0#2
Contact $n%or&ation' (2)*+ 2),-2,00 (NGC+ or .ia e&ail at llee2/ccis0.net
Course Title: 1nglish $$
Teacher Conference Time: #
2erio0 an0 3y a22oint&ent a%ter school
Aro!imate Timelines an" #ue #ates of $ong Term %ro&ects: 4ssess&ents &ay
inclu0e o35ecti.e 6ui77es an0 e8a&s, ti&e0 9ritings, essays, an0 grou2 an0 in0i.i0ual
2ro5ects. Pro5ects an0 2a2ers 9ill 3e gi.en a0e6uate ti&e %or co&2letion.
'eneral (etho"s of Assessment an" 'ra"e Calculation:
:aily gra0es (class 9ork an0 ho&e9ork+;<ui77es (count t9ice+= ,>?
Ma5or gra0es (tests, %or&al 2a2ers, 2ro5ects, ti&e0 9ritings+= >0?
@ea0ing assess&ent= >?
A)erage amount of *ome+or,: Stu0ents 9ill 3e e82ecte0 to co&2lete ho&e9ork
regularly. Stu0ents 9ill also 3e re6uire0 to rea0 one no.el o% choice outsi0e o% school each
nine 9eeks. 4 2ro5ect 9ill acco&2any each o% the re6uire0 outsi0e rea0s.
Tutorials: utorials are hel0 each ues0ay an0 hurs0ay a%ternoon %ro& 2'30-3'*> an0 on
other a%ternoons 3y a22oint&ent. 4ll stu0ents are encourage0 to atten0 tutorials.
Course #escrition: he goal o% the 1nglish $$ class is to 2re2are stu0ents to 3eco&e
success%ul rea0ers an0 9riters.
(a&or +or,s for the year'
Possi3le no.els inclu0e' Lord of the Flies 3y Aillia& Gol0ing, Night by 1lie Aiesel,Of Mice
and Men 3y Bohn Stein3eck, To Kill a Mockingbird 3y Har2er Lee, Anthem 3y 4yn @an0
Possi3le 2lays inclu0e' Antigone 3y So2hocles, Julius Caesar 3y Aillia& Shakes2eare, Tel!e
Angry Men 3y @eginal0 @ose
Classroom E!ectations:
Ce 2ro&2t Ahen the tar0y 3ell rings, you shoul0 3e
seate0 an0 rea0y to 3egin class.
Ce 2re2are0 $ e82ect you to ha.e the necessary 3ooks
an0 su22lies in class e.ery0ay.
Ce in.ol.e0 $ e82ect e.eryone to 3e acti.e
2artici2ants 0uring class.
Ce courteous Ce courteous to your class&ates an0 to
Ceha.ioral an0 tar0y 2olicies 9ill 3e i&2le&ente0 as set %orth 3y ca&2us a0&inistration.
Please re.ie9 the 0istrictDs Honor Co0e.
Clear $a,e *igh School-s late +or, olicy:
* 0ay late= ">? o% original gra0e
2 0ays late = ">? o% original gra0e
3 0ays late= you 9ill recei.e a 7ero %or the assign&ent
Aork (class 9ork an0 ho&e9ork+ that is not turne0 in 9hen calle0 %or is late unless
other9ise s2eciEe0. Stu0ents 9ho are a3sent 9ill recei.e one 0ay 2er each 0ay &isse0 to
co&2lete their assign&ents. $t is the stu0entDs res2onsi3ility to o3tain the a22ro2riate
assign&ent(s+. Stu0ents are e82ecte0 to &ake-u2 tests an0 6ui77es u2on return. $% a3sent
the 0ay 3e%ore a 6ui7 or test, the stu0ent is e82ecte0 to take the 6ui7 or e8a& i% the 6ui7 or
e8a& 9as announce0 2rior to the a3sence. <ui77es &ay 3e announce0 or unannounce0.
.e/uire" Sulies:
co&2osition note3ook (2+
note3ook 2a2er
Fenue or Latitu0e
.e/ueste" Sulies: Stu"ents are encourage" to "onate the follo+ing to our
classroom sulies0
Perio0' 3o8 o% tissue
Perio0' 2ost-it notes
Perio0' 2encils
.emin" 101
Please sign u2 %or @e&in0 *0* i% you 9oul0 like to recei.e te8t &essage re&in0ers a3out
class acti.ities. 4 sheet 9ith %urther instructions 9ill 3e 2ro.i0e0.
Class 1ebsite- htt:22leeteach0+eebly0com
Fisit the class 9e3site regularly %or re&in0ers, class acti.ities, an0 hel2%ul links.
$ ha.e rea0 an0 un0erstan0 the gui0elines an0 2roce0ures.

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