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'It's been done before. Listen, Dad, he's staying there as well, isn't he?

At the cottage, I meanI can see by your face. Now you know how I
feel about men in general '
'I know you're an unreasonable, !uicktem"ered little hussy who likes
her own way,' her father interru"ted. 'And I know I should ha#e
s"anked you more when you were a child'
'$hanks%' s"arked back $amsin. '&ut if you think I'm sharing a
cottage with a mangood grief% I'm sur"rised at you e#en
considering the idea. 'e could be a wolf '
'And you can be sure I went into that angle, my dear. I'#e disco#ered
that he regards women in the same light that you regard men. In other
wordshe's a womanhater.'
'I'm not going%' she insisted.
'(h yes, you are. I )ust finished "honing. 'e's on his way down from
*tirling right now, and he's e+"ecting to meet you at the cottage at
se#en. *o you see, you ha#e no choice.'
,or a moment their eyes met in a silent clash, father and daughter, he
calm, #ery much the stern "arent, she rebellious, her tem"er
"recarious. $hen $amsin shook her head. 'All right,' she said softly,
tem"er fading ra"idly. *he knew when she was beaten. '-ou win. &ut
'Ah, ah, don't s"oil it' 'is face softened. '-ou're my daughter all
right. Do you think I'd like it if you were all meek and mild? No,
lo#e, I wouldn't change you in any way. &ut in this matter, I ha#e no
.I'd told you before not to touch the babies. It's dangerous to "lay
with the young of any ty"e of animal if the "arents are around you
know that. It's ty"ical of you that you did it on the edge of a

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