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Main points:-

In childhood every child has a natural intention to follow
whatever parents tell him.This is because they are the most
trustworthy people in his life.This trust is inculcated in the
child because its his parents who guide him/her regarding
each and everything about life.His/her own thoughts and
perceptions start building up at a later stage.
!hile growing up you get distracted from what your parents
taught you about life.This happens when you see others
following a di"erent way of life.
#nd you start $uestioning your own philosphy of life.%ather
the philosphy of your parents about your life.
&usti'cation from story:-
)ou start losing people from your life when you want them
that thier philosphy of life is wrong i.e*when you try to
enforceyour own ideas and oppinions on them.
,hildren initialy ma-e their full e"orts to avert a distraction
from whatever their parents teach them..ut eventually have
to go out of their comfort /one to tell their parents that they
might be wrong.
.oo-s are not the ultimate source of -nowledge.Its life that
gives you a more practical outloo- of life.#nd boo-s dont
guarantee you success.
2arents are not willing to go on bac- foot even when the
children 3ustify thier perceptions and thoughts regarding
change through boo-s.
Its chidren who always have to go on bac- foot even when
thier percetions are right.
&usti'cation from story:
Its very di6cult to bring a modi'cation in the views of your
parents..ecause whatever they believe is deeply inculcated
in them.
#nd its nearly impossible to bring about a change in believes
deeply engrained in them.
2arents eventually have to open up..ut they do so by still
being very careful and to a very measureable e8tent.Its only
because they cannot too longer resist whatever is demanded
by the change prevailing everywhere.

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