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'And you can be sure I went into that angle, my dear.

I've discovered
that he regards women in the same light that you regard men. In other
wordshe's a woman-hater.'
'I'm not going!' she insisted.
'Oh yes, you are. I just finished honing. !e's on his way down from
"tirling right now, and he's e#ecting to meet you at the cottage at
seven. "o you see, you have no choice.'
$or a moment their eyes met in a silent clash, father and daughter, he
calm, very much the stern arent, she rebellious, her temer
recarious. %hen %amsin shoo& her head. 'All right,' she said softly,
temer fading raidly. "he &new when she was beaten. ''ou win. (ut
'It's been done before. )isten, *ad, he's staying there as well, isn't he+
At the cottage, I meanI can see by your face. ,ow you &now how I
feel about men in general -'
'I &now you're an unreasonable, -uic&-temered little hussy who li&es
her own way,' her father interruted. 'And I &now I should have
san&ed you more when you were a child'
'%han&s!' sar&ed bac& %amsin. '(ut if you thin& I'm sharing a
cottage with a mangood grief! I'm surrised at you even
considering the idea. !e could be a wolf -'
'Ah, ah, don't soil it' !is face softened. ''ou're my daughter all
right. *o you thin& I'd li&e it if you were all mee& and mild+ ,o,
love, I wouldn't change you in any way. (ut in this matter, I have no
.I'd told you before not to touch the babies. It's dangerous to lay
with the young of any tye of animal if the arents are around - you
&now that. It's tyical of you that you did it on the edge of a

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