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The video "instruction manual for life" is about a family who goes by everything in the

book that describes the instructions for living life. They follow the book because they are
terrified of challenge, difference and change. The main theme of this video is that one
can not dictate others how to live their lives. What applies to one person may not apply
to another person. When we go out and live life, we'll have our own experiences which
will result in our own lessons from the school of life. In the school of life we are all
The video tells that life doesn't come with an instruction manual. "ometimes, life doesn't
go according to our plans.#nd when a person is completely dependent on the
instruction manual, he sometimes moves in the wrong direction and things start getting
$y point of view after watching this video is that one learns about life by living it,not
reading about it. %ne doesn't learn to surf by standing on the shore. We have to go to
the water, take a few waves on the head and keep struggling until we can stand on the
surfboard. Thus one can neither tell others how to live their lives nor dictate others.
veryone has his own experiences based on specific circumstances he faces and thus
manages his life accordingly.
If a person is unwilling to deviate from a straight and narrow obsolete path, he will cut
off the possibility of reaching new and interesting destinations.Thus if one wants to take
the scenic route through life, he will have to draw the map as he travels.
Intuition comes from experience. %nce a philosopher said& "'our feelings are a ()"
system for life". *ut its only when we end up at the wrong destination then we finally
start paying attention to that ()" system we call our feelings or intuition.%ne can
become a better surfer by spending more time in water.
$oreover, one should not be so rigid that he avoids acceptanceof other's point of views.
+igidity in attitude prevents the development of healthy and fruitful learning environment
and hinders the development of creative abilities in a person.
Therefore, life doesn't come with an instruction manual. The video is extremely
interesting as it points out how many different mediums can be used to make a point
and in so many different ways.

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