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Ten minute writing exercises are for writers in a hurry. I have designed
them so that if you fnd yourself with only ten free minutes you can use
that time creatively while developing your writing skills.
For those of you who fnd themselves with the odd fve minutes to
spare here and there I have also added these even faster creative
writing exercises these you can do in fve minutes! So you see no
If you prefer to ease yourself gently into your writing session then you
will fnd these easy creative writing exercises with their leading
!uestions will su"tly trigger your creativity.
#hichever way you prefer to get your creative writing exercise I wish
you all the "est of luck and don$t forget to let me know how you got
on I would love to hear from you.
If you are looking for ways to stimulate your creativity you are in the
right place. I love writing and I hope I can inspire you to feel the same.
#riting takes practice lots and lots of practice. %xercises are a great
way to practice and a regular writing exercise routine "rings umpteen
"enefts. There are ten exercises "elow and each one comprises a
simple set of three !uestions. %ach one should be answered as
quickly as you can. &emem"er there are no right or wrong answers
only ideas. It is up to you to decide whether the ideas appeal to you
enough to make you want to develop them further. I suggest trying
them all and see what happens.
&. Who is co'in( round )he corner*
+. Wha) is )heir secre)*
,. Wha) are )hey carryin(*
&. Why did -e)er lose his )e'.er wi)h Ro/y
+. Where did he (o a0)er he s)or'ed ou)*
,. Wha) ha..ened )o hi' when he (o) )here*
&. Who has 0ound so'e)hin( a) )he back o0 )he wardrobe*
+. Wha) ha1e )hey 0ound*
,. Wha) will )hey do ne/)*
&. Who chea)ed 2ohn*
+. Wha) did )hey chea) hi' a)*
,. Will 2ohn do so'e)hin(*
&. Wha) buildin( can you see Rose lea1in(*
+. Wha) is she wearin(*
,. Where is she (oin(*
&. Why is Ian 3ndin( i) di4cul) )o s)eer )he car*
+. Where is he (oin(*
,. Who is )here*
&. Where did )he acciden) ha..en*
+. Who was hur)*
,. Who hel.ed*
&. The 1iew is blocked by*
+. Whose 1iew is blocked*
,. I0 )he 1iew wasn5) blocked wha) would )hey see*
&. Who closes )he window*
+. Why*
,. How old are )hey*
&. Who is 2enny*
+. How )all is she*
,. Why is she alone*
6es) o0 luck777

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