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Form: 10
Level: A2
Title of the lesson: Making a Living, Upstream Upper Intermediate
Type of lesson: acquiring new vocabular related about !obs
developing communicative s"ills about !obs and their s"ills and
Functions: to as" and give in#ormation about !obs
to e$press satis#action and dissatis#action about a !ob
Aids: te$tboo", pictures
Techniques: conversation, pair wor", dialogue
Objectives: %1 &'(A) describe a picture related to a !ob
%2 &'(A) as" and give in#ormation about di##erent !obs
%* &'(A) describe s"ills and qualities required #or a !ob
%+ &'(A) use the new acquired vocabular in their descriptions
Lesson Staes!
"# $arm%up "&'
,hec"ing homewor"
&s open their boo"s on page +- and ta"e a loo" at the pictures #rom the te$tboo"
and at e$ 2a
(# Pair%)or* "+'
&s guess the meaning o# the words, con#ront their answers with those o# their
colleagues and ultimatel with the teacher
In pairs &s choose a picture to describe the !ob it represents
%ne o# the students present the description
,# Pair%)or* "&'
&s go at page +. o# their te$tboo"s #or s"ills and qualities required b !obs
&s guess the meaning o# the words, con#ront their answers with those o# their
colleagues and ultimatel with the teacher
&s complete their previous description o# the !ob with the s"ills and qualities
%ne o# the students present the s"ills and qualities
-# Pair%)or* "+'
&s in pairs have to thin" about a !ob and describe it including s"ills and qualities,
without stating what !ob the are describing
%ne o# the students present the !ob in #ront o# their colleagues, who have to guess
what !ob has been described
+# Follo) up!
&s have to describe their ideal !ob as homewor"

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