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Operating Expenses

# Audience TWIMC emails

Operating Expenses
Total $$ Revenue
# of NOTION Performances % increase year to year
# of Technical Support E-mails
# of Technical Support Phone Calls
% adding additional auths
# Additional copies authorized
# of Rehearsal Actvations
Amateur Customer
Total $$ Revenue
Operating Expenses
Total Commission Paid
# of NOTION Performance rentals % increase year to year
# of NOTION Rehearsal activations % increase year to year
# of Discs distributed
# of Performance Leases % increase year to year
# of Titles % increase year to year
# of Partnerships
License House
Operating Expenses
Total $$ Revenue
# of Seats sold
# of NOTION Performances % increase year to year
# of Performance Leases % increase year to year
# of Titles % increase year to year
# of Partnerships % increase year to year
Pro Customer
Total $$ Revenue
Operating Expenses
# media interviews
# Trade Shows
# Pro Contracts Paid
# Shows developed
# New opportunity encounters
# direct customer encounters
Custom Services
Operating Expenses
Total Revenue
# Staff Heads
# Pro Shows
# of NOTION Performance rentals
# of NOTION Rehearsal activations
# License House Aggreements
Board of Directors
Custom Services Success Scorecard

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