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Grade Pre-AP Language Arts
Course Syllabus 2014-2015
Ms. Miller Rm. 408
Twitter: @missmillerhms
Tutorial Times:
Tuesday-Friday: 7:30am-8:00am
Monday-Thursday: 3:25pm-3:45pm
Unit 1: The Choices We Make
Unit 2: What Influences My Choices?
Unit 3: Our Choices and Lifes Lesson
Unit 4: Reflecting on My Choices
Unit 5: How We Choose to Act

Essential Questions: (2 per unit)
How do authors use narrative elements to create a story?
Why is storytelling an important aspect of a culture or society?
How do advertisers attempt to influence consumers?
How do purpose and audience shape the content in a persuasive text?
What is the relationship between choices and consequences?
How does research contribute to the discovery of solutions?
Why is it important to revisit, reflect on, and revise previously written texts?
What influences a writers choices during the revision process?
How does a speaker create and present an effective oral text?
How do literary devices enhance a text?

Class Norms
Respect the thoughts, feelings, and actions of your peers and teacher.
Listen with an open mind and different point of view.
Engage with positivity.
Prepare to share and discuss EVERY DAY- your thoughts are important!
Arrive prepared with what you need to learn, Leave ready to apply it.

Other Information:
We will be using as a resource for vocabulary development.
All students will participate in a district-wide 25 Book Challenge this year. There will be
30 min. of independent reading in class but students will be expected to read outside of
the classroom as well.
Daily assignments (class assignments, participation, homework, etc.) 50%
Assessments (Personal Narrative, Expository, projects, etc.) 40%
Quizzes (blog posts, exit/entrance tickets, etc.) 10%
Penalties will be assessed for late work
Supplies for Class (for Every Day)
Pencils/pen to write
Novel to read
Spiral notebook 70-100 pages (leave in class)
Homework Policy & Grading Policy
Homework must be turned in at beginning of class period to receive credit
o Daily Work 50%, Tests/Quizzes 40%, Homework 10%
Late work:
o 1 day late = 15% off grade of assignment
o 2 day late = 30% off grade of assignment
o 3 days late = 50% off grade of assignment
o 4 days late = 0%
If you know in advance that you will be gone, get your assignments before your
absence. Upon your return, please check with me to get your make up work. I
will be glad to help you get caught up before or after school.
Tutoring will be provided during Stampede on my scheduled days. Arrangements
can also be made before and after school. I am here to help you. Do not be afraid
to ask!
Be polite! Any activity that prevents another student from learning is
unacceptable. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. All HMS students are
expected respect all students, teachers, school rules, and school property.
Consequences may include: warning, detention, parent call or conference, and/or
office referral for administrative intervention.

Thank you for taking the time to read this document. Please sign the form below to
indicate you understand my expectations. Please return the bottom portion of this form
by Friday, Aug. 29

Student Name_______________________________
Student Signature_________________________

Parent Signature________________________________
Course Details
Some of the learning experiences and tools will include:
SpringBoard (English Text Workbook kept in class) (vocabulary building 30-60 minutes per week)
Google Classroom & Google Drive
Writing & Reading Workshops
25 Book Challenge
o 30 minutes reading per week in class
o 45- 100 minutes per week outside of class
First Semester- Getting Started
Review Genres, 25 Book Challenge, Class Expectations
Unit 1: The Choices We Make
How do authors use narrative elements to create a story?
Why is storytelling an important aspect of a culture or society?

Unit 2: What Influences My Choices?
How do advertisers attempt to influence consumers?
How do purpose and audience shape the content in a persuasive text?

Unit 3: Our Choices and Lifes Lesson
What is the relationship between choices and consequences?
How does research contribute to the discovery of solutions?

Second Semester
Finish Unit 3: Our Choices and Lifes Lesson
What is the relationship between choices and consequences?
How does research contribute to the discovery of solutions?

Unit 4: Reflecting on My Choices
Why is it important to revisit, reflect on, and revise previously written texts?
What influences a writers choices during the revision process?

Unit 5: How We Choose to Act
How does a speaker create and present an effective oral text?
How do literary devices enhance a text?

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