7 Steps To Natural Health

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Message from the Author ............................................................................................... 3

Introduction .................................................................................................................. 5
Part I: Why Are We Unhealthy? ...................................................................................... 7
Chapter 1: The Failure of the Health Care System ...................................................................................... 7
Chapter 2: You Are What You Eat - The Perils of Modern Agribusiness and Junk Food ............................. 14
Chapter 3: Our Toxic Environment ............................................................................................................ 19
Chapter 4: Stress and Toxic Emotions ...................................................................................................... 24
Chapter 5: Cancer - Friend or Foe ............................................................................................................ 27
Part II: The Solutions ................................................................................................. 32
Chapter 6: Get Off Drugs for GOOD ......................................................................................................... 32
Chapter 7: Keep Your Muscles and Joints Healthy .................................................................................... 42
Chapter 8: Treating Depression and Stress ............................................................................................... 46
Chapter 9: Your Body was designed for Physical Work .............................................................................. 48
Chapter 10: The Unsuspected Illnesses .................................................................................................... 54
Chapter 11: Intelligent Design in Nutrition ............................................................................................... 62
Chapter 12: Detoxify Your Body ............................................................................................................... 70
Summary ..................................................................................................................... 72

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Message from the Author

I am excited to have you join me on this journey to better health. I call myself a natural medicine
physician and I try to filter my recommendations for my patients through the lens of common sense
and using natural approaches for treatment and prevention before resorting to drugs. The problem
with drugs is that they are commonly tested for only a short time and may have serious side effects.
Before embarking on a course of therapy or a strategy for the treatment or prevention of disease, I
ask myself: (1) What is the evidence? (2) Who did the research? (3) Are there traditional or nutritional
treatments that are effective? (4) If I do use a drug, is there evidence beyond the drug company
sponsored clinical trials for the drugs safety and efficacy?
My credentials include a Medical Doctorate from the University of Nevada School of Medicine, board
certification and Fellow of the American College of Preventive Medicine, board certification by the
American Board of Physician Nutrition Specialists, a Fellow of the American College of Sports
Medicine, and Masters degrees in Public Health and Exercise Physiology from the University of
Arizona. I have been appointed to the position of Clinical Assistant Professor at the University Of
Arizona College of Medicine. For 12 years, I consulted with thousands of patients on the road to
health at the world-famous Canyon Ranch Health Resort Medical Department in Tucson, Arizona. I
left that position and now I can give you this health information that was once reserved for the
wealthy and elite. Join me on this journey of learning how to sidestep processed food, toxic exposures
and the hazardous healthcare system.
You must know the truth in order to improve your health. Doctors spend an average of 16 minutes
with their patient and then write a prescription for a drug, which, if like Vioxx or a multitude of
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other medicines, might actually make your health worse, if not outright kill you. In this book, I will
outline the common traps that people fall into in a medical system with its foundation of greed and
unethical practices. More importantly, I'll teach you how to avoid those traps.
By following the steps in this book, you can have the energy and health that our Creator originally
designed you to have. This will occur by gradually changing your thinking and lifestyle. Is it easy? No,
it is not always easy. It is a process and neither you nor I will ever get it perfectly right. We will
always have struggles. But we must realize this is a war. Truth is the key. We are being fed a long list
of lies regarding our health. Finding out what is true is the most important step. This book will give
you a battle plan. We can use science to help guide us toward the truth, but we also need to have our
eyes open to how science is so often perverted for monetary gain.

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In this book, you will learn how to resist the quick-fix mentality and how to stop thinking you can
solve a health problem by focusing on, or masking, symptoms. Deception is a major cause of disease.
We have been misinformed and misled as to what is good for us and what is dangerous. Trying to fix
symptoms instead of looking for the cause is the universal error of the present health care system. If
you discover the cause, then you can truly heal.
Do you want to awaken each day with boundless energy and optimism? Following the steps outlined
in the solutions section of this book will help. You will be a better steward of the Creators gifts to
you; your body, your mind, and even your money.
Let me warn you now that these changes will not happen without a fight. You'll come up with all
kinds of reasons and excuses as to why you can't do something, or that what is written here is a lie.
Your doctor will tell you its crazy not to have faith in the cholesterol medicine, anti-hypertensives,
anti-depressants, antacids, anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, invasive procedures, chemotherapy,
ionizing radiation, vaccinations or cancer screenings that he or she recommends. You may also get
resistance from your spouse, kids, relatives, co-workers and even your clergy.
The government will coerce you, even to the extreme of enforcement at gunpoint, to have you fall in
line with modern medical care. We have all been blinded to the truth. It could be that the drugs you
are taking now have numbed your brain and you may not be thinking clearly.
I am not saying that drugs are evil. I am not against using a drug for a specific purpose. But too
often, drugs or other risky treatments are the only option given to us because our health care system
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has been built upon a foundation of greed and lies. The system keeps you where they want you;
plagued by low energy, depression, and wasting your money on expensive drugs with poisonous side
effects. We hold onto toxic emotions that make us sick. Please join me in the battle to take back our
health. You will need all the help you can get. I am here to educate and encourage you, but you will
need to recruit others to help you as well. The enemy isolates us and then takes us out. If you are
healthy now and have good energy, the ideas in this book are the best preventive medicine you will
find anywhere. I believe that a higher power is in control, and if you have this book, you have it for a


This publication contains the opinions and ideas of the author. It is intended to provide helpful and
informative material on the subjects addressed in this publication. It is sold with the understanding
that the authors and publishers are not engaged in rendering medical, health, psychological or any
other kind of professional services in this book. If the reader requires personal medical, health or
other assistance or advice, a competent professional should be consulted.
The author and publisher cannot be held responsible for any liability, loss or risk, personal or
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Part I: Why Are We Unhealthy?

Chapter 1: The Failure of the Health Care System

The first truth is that the medical system in the United States is the biggest impediment we have to
health and living the life the Creator meant for us. Looking at statistics, one independent
study, www.vacinfo.org/Null.pdf, shows that medical mistakes and side-effects from medications is
one of the leading causes of death in the USA, killing over 700,000 persons per year.
I am grateful to live in the United States, and as a physician practicing in this country, I have always
believed Americans are getting above-average health care when compared to the rest of the world. My
specialty, Preventive Medicine, has never been a popular field. It is difficult for medical schools to
keep preventive medicine training programs funded because of the way our system pays for health
care services.
A doctor doesnt get paid by the insurance company or government unless there is a diagnosis. If I
am practicing prevention, there should be no disease yet, thus no diagnosis and no payment. The
Preventive Medicine residency at the University of Arizona Health Sciences Center in Tucson, where I
did my training, has since closed because of lack of funding. Having to wait until a disease has
manifested itself is one of the reasons Americans are so far below average in terms of health.
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This is also one reason why our health care system is so expensive. I knew we spent a lot on our care,
but I was surprised to see how we compared to other affluent nations. If you look at the health of our
nation, and look at statistics that compare the 44 richest nations on earth, the USA comes in near
the bottom for almost all health categories, including longevity. But what is most disturbing is the
cost. Compared to countries in the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Development), we spend twice as much on health care than average. The USA is by far number one at
two trillion dollars per year. The percentage of the gross domestic product spent on healthcare has
risen from 8.8 percent in 1980 to 15.2 percent in 2003. What do we get for all this money spent? The
USA is ranked 31st in life expectancy and 28th in infant mortality. We rate poorly in most other
categories as well. So there you have it. We have the most expensive and ineffective healthcare
system in the world. As I see it, a big factor in our poor rating is the reliance on drugs for treatment
rather than looking for the root cause of a problem.
A drug generally doesnt impact the cause of an illness or disease; it only treats a symptom. From
1990 to 2001, the percentage of the health care dollar spent on drugs in the U.S. has increased by 70
percent. In my 27 years of practicing medicine, drugs have always been the primary tool used by
American physicians to treat diseases. More and more drugs are being recommended to prevent
disease as well. Examples are the blood pressure medicines, osteoporosis drugs, cholesterol drugs,
diabetes drugs, acid blockers, and mood altering drugs. The list is ever expanding.
These are the drugs the pharmaceutical companies want to promote to doctors and patients. They're
highly profitable because, theoretically, you could put every single person on a preventive drug and
the misinformed patient is going to take it for her/his entire life. The drug company would like the
patient to think, Why would I ever want to stop preventing a disease? Prevention should be focused
not on drugs, but on diet, adequate exercise, reducing stress, avoiding or eliminating toxins, and
monitoring for cellular dysfunction. My job and mission through the www.naturalfoodsdiet.org
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website is to keep subscribers informed of the latest information on optimal health so that they can
make better choices to prevent or treat disease in the most effective and least toxic way.
Down the road, there will be a cost for not looking to the root-cause of a problem and relying on a
man-made chemical to block a function in the body to help override a cellular process. We should
have learned this lesson with Vioxx, synthetic hormones, diabetes drugs, and a laundry list of
others. It is hard to imagine this startling statistic, but according to the FDA, the toxic effect of
properly prescribed medicines is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States.
Evidence suggests the possibility of adverse health reactions from many blockbuster drugs like statin
drugs for cholesterol, blood pressure drugs, bisphosphonates for low bone density, acid-blocking
agents for acid reflux, diabetes medications, antidepressants, pain medications, sleep medications
and many others. Since ancient times, medicinal herbs have been used for healing. The advantage of
using a natural substance for health is that the body is more likely to have a way to metabolize the
molecule and it will be less likely to have toxic side effects. Medicinal herbs have supporting
chemicals that optimize the active ingredient and prevent toxicity whereas a drug is just a one
molecule poison that is much more likely to cause harm.
There is no windfall profit potential for animal and plant derived, natural compounds because of the
present patent laws. That means the pharmaceutical companies are not interested in natural
products they cant patent. Its not that I blame them. A company would be crazy to settle for a 100%
mark-up when they could instead create their own chemical and mark it up 50,000% or more. I have
seen a report where it was estimated that Prozac was marked up by 224,973% for the retail price as
compared to the cost of production. Talk about a profitable product. These companies are in business
to make a profit, and because of patent laws, big profits are only achievable with a new, man-made
chemical they can convince doctors to prescribe for their patients. I mean BIG as in billions of
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Lipitor, the drug for treating cholesterol elevation, has been taking in an estimated $12 billion a
year in sales. That kind of money will pay for plenty of ad campaigns for physicians and patients,
excessive research, marketing campaigns, lobbyists pushing for beneficial legislation, building wings
on hospitals and medical schools, and a ton of influence over all involved.
There have been over 400 studies done in an attempt to find more and more indications for Lipitor.
At the same time, we have no studies for testing the natural molecule co-enzyme Q10 to see if it can
prevent the adverse side effects of statin drugs like Lipitor. I suppose if they did that study, and
found that you needed to supplement with co-enzyme Q10 in order to prevent the side effects of the
drug, fewer people would take the drug. These critically needed studies are ignored when dozens of
worthless studies continue to be carried out; which goes to show how it is all about profits and not
about health.
Money, and the influence it allows, is used to suppress the truth. It keeps you and me in bondage,
ignorant of the fact that there are other options. Im not saying that all manmade chemicals are evil
and we need to throw them out. What I am saying is that there are evil forces involved behind the
scenes, agreements made with the dark side for the sake of profit. There are numerous examples of
this profit-seeking practice.
You may wonder why I think drugs are often more toxic, especially when compared to a medicinal
herb. The cost involved to bring a new chemical to market through the FDA approval process is
enormous, typically hundreds of millions of dollars. That means the molecules that are chosen are
the ones with the strongest effects.
If you have the choice between two chemicals to put through this long process, the stronger one
generally will be used because it would be more likely to pan out in the end, thus showing the result
the pharmaceutical company is seeking. I believe this is why the drugs we do have are so toxic. They
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bind to their target and they wont let go, as if Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator grabbed
onto your leg. This is not usually what is best for the body. Slowing the target molecule down instead
of killing it may be more effective and less toxic.
It is important for you to know how the large profits from drug sales are used and how they might
impact the poor health of our nation. This has an impact on what information your physician is
taught in medical school, residency, and after he or she is out in practice. The money is used to
influence our laws and, ultimately, suppress our freedom to make an informed choice.
Natural substances are direct competition for drugs, but have no deep-pocket lobby to protect them.
Your access to natural alternatives to drugs is slowly being legislated away. Certainly, your ability to
receive information about how an alternative treatment can be used has been severely limited by our
laws and regulating agencies. The FDA is an agency that appears to be a major force for suppressing
all natural treatments under the guise of protecting us.
Protecting us from what nature provides for healing--natural substances that have been used for
hundreds and even thousands of years. The FDA has become an arm of the pharmaceutical
companies with the goal of wiping out any unapproved therapies. That would include almost all
natural therapies, so that the pharmaceutical companies can keep us in bondage to their drugs.
Another strategy of the drug companies is to turn natural treatments into profit making drugs. The
goal is to require any supplement that makes a health claim to undergo clinical trials. Then the FDA
comes in and bans all competing natural products and only allows the tested supplement made by
the drug company to be sold. This system has already taken hold in Europe. I could envision this
happening with a drug like Lovaza. Fish oil is known to lower triglycerides so a drug company took
fish oil and made it into a drug. So if a patient goes into their doctor and says Hey Doc, I dont want
to pay $20.00 a month for fish oil, can you write me script for Lovaza because my co-pay is $10.
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Although the patient may pay the $10.00 co-pay, Lovaza costs $300.00 to $900 a month, a
difference to regular fish oil only in price, not efficacy. We all ultimately pay for this in the form of
higher health insurance premiums. It really harms everyone except the pharmaceutical companies
and their shareholders. The next step in this devious plan will be for the FDA to ban all fish oil
supplements that have not undergone clinical trials. Then the only alternative would be to squeeze
your own fish or shell out the ridiculously inflated price of the drug company product. Do you think
that cant happen? The FDA has already outlined their plan for doing this very thing with many
natural therapies.
The drug companies have bought and paid for many physicians. When one of the major medical
journals wanted to get an unbiased review of antidepressant medications, it searched for a
psychiatrist department head in an academic setting who had no ties (payments from) to the drug
companies to write the article. The article was not written because they could not find one single,
independent, qualified psychiatrist. If you go to an annual meeting of the American Psychiatric
Association, it is more like a pharmaceutical company festival than a scientific meeting for
researchers and physicians.
A few years back, my own specialty of preventive medicine took a pharmaceutical company grant that
paid a stipend for a resident to do a year-long fellowship in medical informatics. Does this mean my
specialty society is indebted to this company? It may be why the American College of Preventive
Medicine went into the business of promoting a drug, aspirin, for prevention. The company that gave
them the grant for the fellowship just happened to be a major seller of aspirin.
When a leading cardiologist in the community is paid by a drug company to give an evening talk to
local physicians on how to aggressively lower your LDL cholesterol using high-dose statin drugs, is he
going to be unbiased, think holistically and use lifestyle change, herbs, vitamins, or other natural
approaches? Will he or she advise a search for an underlying hormonal imbalance that might be
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better treated by hormone corrective therapy? No, he or she wont. Thankfully, the bandwagon to give
high-dose simvastatin is beginning to crumble as a warning was recently released by the FDA
advising doctors against high doses of this commonly prescribed drug, as it has been found to have
dangerous side effects.
Does the average doctor even have the knowledge of the various choices available to the patient
besides the drug? Chances are that he or she does not. Remember, in medical school, and in the
training thereafter, doctors are taught to diagnose, prescribe drugs and to perform procedures.
Prevention or using natural therapies is not part of the training.
Be informed about your choices. You do have choices. If your intuition and evidence leads you and
your physician to treat with drugs, at least you will have explored the alternatives, which for
thousands of people each year, could be life-saving.

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Chapter 2: You Are What You Eat - The Perils of Modern
Agribusiness and Junk Food

Big agribusiness has looked for and found ways to reduce the costs of food production. One big
development was the use of chemical fertilizers. To find a better way to fertilize crops, scientists
extracted various minerals out of manure until they discovered the bare minimum requirements for
plants to grow. NPK was discovered (nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium). If a farmer adds these
elements to the soil, the plants will grow. This allows the fertilization process to cost less. It is also
less time consuming compared to natural fertilizers or letting nature replenish the soil by leaving it
The problem is that there are many other minerals besides NPK that are necessary for optimal health
for animals. After three or four seasons of crops grown on a plot of land, the other minerals are
depleted from the soil and you get crops with poor nutritional value. Big agribusiness has the goal of
making fertilizers cheap to maximize profits and to make the crop look good, so it will sell. It doesn't
matter that people may not be as healthy or that the local family farmer is run out of business. In
fact, the art of destroying the competition is the ultimate goal for many large corporations to further
solidify their markets.
Of course, depleted soils and chemical fertilizers are just the beginning of the assault on our health
from agribusiness. Toxic pesticides and herbicides are in most fruits and vegetables. Animals are
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routinely fed antibiotics and shot-up with hormones. Genetic engineering gives us Frankenstein
plants for food that may be further assaulted by sterilization with irradiation.
Organic farming techniques are sustainable, give people wholesome work, and really do increase the
nutritional value and taste of food. A 30 year study called The Farming Systems Trial compared
organic farming with conventional farming. The FST Facts List was presented on the first page of the
report. 1) Organic yields match conventional yields. 2) Organic outperforms conventional in years of
drought. 3) Organic farms build up the soil organic matter rather than deplete it as conventional
farms do. 4) Organic farms use 45% less energy and are more efficient than conventional farms. 5)
Conventional systems produce 40% more greenhouse gases than organic systems. And finally, 6)
organic farming systems are more profitable than conventional.
Studies have been done that show there are levels of pesticide toxins in just about everyones blood,
including pregnant women and their unborn children. The good news is that these levels go down to
near zero when people consume a diet of organic fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy, seafood, meat and
It is pure arrogance of modern industry to think that altering a plant genetically, like making a corn
plant inedible to the European corn borer, might not have some unforeseen consequences. If it makes
the corn borer sick, how do they know it won't make us sick? It is much more likely that the corn
borer will adapt to the toxin than humans.
So, they sell the farmer the alien corn. Oh, and by the way, if the farmer tries to plant one of those
corn kernels the next year, guess what? It won't grow. They cleverly genetically engineer the plant so
that it cannot reproduce on its own; making the farmer forever dependent on the company that
developed it. If that doesn't sound like the strategy of an evil empire, I don't know what does.
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Most corn grown in the United States is genetically modified. Is it safe? It is chemically different to
normal corn. It contains a protein toxic to insects. How do we know if the monster won't turn on us,
like an agricultural Frankenstein? It seems, at the very least, long-term safety studies would be
required. But with the political clout of these large businesses, they have had no problem getting
their products approved; in essence, we are all part of a long-term experiment with an unknown
outcome. The very survival of our species may be at stake. Animal studies of GMO foods have shown
that the health effects may show up in a later generation. One of those effects is sterility.
Soy is another problem food. In the United States, most soy is genetically engineered and heavily
dosed with pesticides and herbicides. Modern agribusiness has developed soybean oil as a major
product. Their dilemma was what to do with the waste left over after the oil was extracted? They
couldn't feed it all to animals as it would make them sick if they ate too much. They figured out a
brilliant plan to make us think it is a health food and they feed it to us in the form of highly
processed, soy protein. The only way that soy should be eaten is in the naturally fermented form
(miso, tempeh, and natto), as that removes the toxic anti-nutrients contained in soy. If you look
carefully at the ingredients of most processed food, you will see soy protein has been added, though it
may be disguised under different names. In my opinion, soy protein is the ultimate junk food
If you want to consume soy, make sure it is fermented, non-GMO and organically grown. Avoid all
soy milks, tofu, soy burgers, soy ice cream, soy cheese, and all soy-containing junk food. Most
importantly, never give soy-based formula to an infant. All of these foods are super processed and
contain anti-nutrients that are harmful to your health.
Have you ever heard of the land of milk and honey? In the Bible, it alludes to a land of great
abundance. Unfortunately, I often have to tell my sick patients to reduce or get off dairy products.
This is another example of agribusiness having a negative effect on health. Big dairy producers, along
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with public health departments, have pretty much succeeded in driving small organic dairies which
produce raw milk out of business. Pasteurizing and homogenizing have not only killed the living
health properties of milk but have also altered the fats in milk to make them potentially toxic. There
are also the issues of hormones, antibiotics, stressed-out cows, and overcrowded conditions. To make
matters worse, cows are given unnatural feed filled with pesticides, herbicides, rendered dead
animals, soy waste and then injected with bovine growth hormone. For milk to have the nutrition
designed for abundance, the cow should feed on pasture.
After a period of time, the fat in raw milk will naturally separate to the top of the bottle. So, with its
usual arrogance, big business says, Hey, we can fix that. Now it is very difficult to find non-
homogenized milk. It is thought homogenized milk is harmful is because when fat is mechanically
broken down into small chunks in the homogenization process, it can then penetrate into where it
isn't supposed to go, such as the intestinal and arterial walls. It may also be more prone to oxidation.
My own son, Robbie, was quite active as a toddler and preschooler. When I say active, I mean people
would suggest we put the child on ADD drugs. He tended to be small for his age but the big problem
was gas. That tiny kid could smell up a whole room. We finally got him off pasteurized milk and onto
whole, raw milk. We also added a natural, cod liver oil supplement. Within a few weeks, the flatus
disappeared. He was calmer, began to catch up on growth, did very well in school, and became a
standout basketball and baseball player in high school.
I know that the public health departments have us all convinced that raw milk is full of dangerous
bacteria. And if you get your milk from a factory-farmthey are probably right. But if you raise cows
in a healthy environment and give them access to pasture, milk is one of the Creators gifts to
mankind. I suggest you use your intuition and common sense to decide what is best for you and your
family. If the Bible tells me that the land of milk and honey is the land of abundance, I believe it. I
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will not let corporate greed and evil influence brainwash me into believing that good, pure milk,
straight from a cow or goat, is bad.
We are a nation of junk food eaters. When you take refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and
hydrogenated oils together, you get the largest source of calories in our diet. If refined carbohydrates
and hydrolyzed soy protein are added, there isn't room for anything else. We are an obese nation
because we are malnourished. Weston Price was a dentist who studied primitive cultures in the early
1900s and found when these populations ate their natural diet (no grocery stores), their health was
good. They had straight teeth with no cavities, big smiles on their faces and were almost completely
immune to infectious diseases like tuberculosis.
When a neighboring tribe was introduced to modern foods (a grocery store came to town),the people
started to develop cavities, and within two generations they had narrow faces, crooked and crowded
teeth, increased susceptibility to infectious diseases along with a paranoid attitude. Dr. Price
documented these same changes in many different cultures from all over the world. If you read his
classic book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, you will be as convinced as I am.

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Chapter 3: Our Toxic Environment

We are being drowned by a sea of toxic chemicals that are being added to our environment every day.
A few years back, a study was carried out by the Environmental Working Group (ewg.org) to test the
umbilical cord blood on ten newborn babies to see the amount and number of toxins present.
There were 287 toxic chemicals detected. Of these, 180 cause cancer in humans or animals; 217 are
toxic to the brain or nervous system; 208 cause birth defects or abnormal development in animals. If
this isn't a wakeup call to all of us that we are being poisoned by evil forces, I don't know what is.
Some of the chemicals found were 8 perflourochemicals which are used in stain and oil repellents in
fast-food packaging, clothes, and textiles. This group includes the Teflon chemical PFQA, a
carcinogen. These chemicals are also used in flame retardants and pesticides.
There are over 80,000 chemicals used in industry and 3,000 of these are used at a rate of over a
million pounds per year. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been given the enormous
task of regulating the use of these chemicals. The Toxic Substances Control Act requires that the
government approve or reject a new chemical within 90 days. Up to seven new applications for
chemical approval are made each day.
The reality is that few safety studies, if any, are being done and new chemicals are approved through
a negotiation process with the EPA. A new chemical is innocent until proven guilty. And even if a
chemical is found to be toxic, the excuse for allowing its use is that there is no evidence that the
small amount a person is exposed to would affect their health. This assumption is applied without
any evidence to back it up.
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One of the roles of government is to protect those that are most vulnerable in society. An example
would be a newborn baby. There is ample evidence that shows that the toxic level of a chemical is
much lower for a newborn than it is for an adult. Studies of the detrimental effects of lead on the
growing child show that there is no safe level except zero. This could be true of many toxins and it is
indeed frightening to see the number of chemicals our most vulnerable are exposed to.

Don't Drink the Tap Water

Most of us know there can be bad things in our tap water including chlorine, fluoride, lead, and
many other chemicals. Water is one of the keys to life itself and it is just common sense that it needs
to be pure. Did you know you may be taking drugs along with the rest of your friends and family,
even if your doctor hasnt prescribed any?
Again, thanks to an investigation by the Environmental Working Group, municipal water testing
showed that at least 41 million Americans are exposed to a wide range of pharmaceuticals in their
water. The list included antibiotics, sex hormones, and drugs used to treat epilepsy and
antidepressants. I recall educational seminars that were sponsored by drug companies when I was
first in practice. Several times the speaker would comment This drug is so good we may one day put
it in the water supply. Sometimes evil prayers are answered.
So, what does the EPA tell us about this problem? First of all, there is no limit on the amount of
drugs that can be in the water. Then we get the standard statement the amount that a person would
be exposed to is so small there is no evidence for harm. But if you look at all U.S. drugs, 13 percent
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list serious side effects at levels of 100 parts per billion. Some drugs may have an effect in the parts
per trillion ranges. Again, we need to protect our most vulnerable. We cannot let chemical and
pharmaceutical companies decide what we get exposed to.

The Problem with Heavy Metals

Mercury and lead are the heavy metals I find elevated most often in my patients. Susan, a CPA, came
to me complaining of fatigue, bloating, and intermittent episodes of her heart racing. Her history was
significant in that she had six amalgam fillings in her teeth, was a regular sushi eater and also got a
flu shot every year for the past ten years. It was also significant that her mother developed
Alzheimer's disease in her 50s.
We did a comprehensive nutritional analysis and found that the mercury level in her red blood cells
was elevated. When I get a patient with high mercury levels and health challenges, I feel it is prudent
to do further testing to see if there is evidence of an overburden of mercury in the body. For Susan we
did a DMSA challenge test, which involves taking a chelating drug, DMSA, and then measuring how
much mercury comes out in the urine. The premise is that if a lot comes out, then there may be an
overburden, which may lead to health challenges. We also did genetic testing that showed she had
one Apo E-4 gene, which compromises her ability to excrete mercury and also raises her risk for
developing Alzheimer's and coronary disease.
Susan's baseline mercury level in the urine was low, but after DMSA, it went up into the probable
overburden range. We found a biologic dentist to safely remove her fillings, which were 50% mercury.
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Next, we treated her with intermittent DMSA along with nutritional support, including a nutrient-
dense diet that was low in mercury. Supplements that may help your body excrete mercury and lead
include cilantro, chlorella, garlic, selenium, clay bathes, zeolite, alpha lipoic acid, N-acetyl-cysteine,
food energy, sun exposure and vitamins.
Why do you suppose your doctor has never inquired about your mercury exposure? One reason may
be that if a doctor believes an overburden of mercury may impact your health, he or she will labeled
as entering into the realm of quackery based on many state medical board investigations. How can
this be, you ask, when there are thousands of studies that document mercury toxicity? There is
evidence of the association of mercury levels with coronary artery disease, Alzheimer's disease,
autoimmune disease, kidney problems, multiple sclerosis, infertility, food allergies, thyroid problems,
arrhythmias, and cardiomyopathy. In addition, mercury levels are associated with various
neurological disorders including tremors, insomnia, polyneuropathy, paresthesias, emotional lability,
irritability, personality changes, headaches, weakness, blurred vision, dysarthria, slowed mental
response, and unsteady gait. The truth is, if any doctor does anything different than prescribing the
toxic, FDA-approved drugs, which have become the standard of care, he or she is risking the loss of
his/her medical license.
After a year of treatment, Susan's mercury levels tested much lower and her symptoms resolved. We
hope that removing this neurotoxin will reduce the risk of following her mothers footsteps in regard
to Alzheimer's disease. It only takes a few cases where a physician sees the overburden, treats it, and
gets a good response to make her or him believe that this is a common problem. You don't need a
double-blind, placebo controlled study (that will never be done, by the way, because DMSA is a
generic drug with no blockbuster financial potential).
In summary, there are several possible sources of mercury exposure. The first is silver fillings in the
teeth which are 50% mercury. Studies show that mercury blood levels increase with increasing
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surface area of amalgam fillings and having four or more fillings in an adult could have an impact.
There are other factors that can increase mercury exposure with dental fillings. If you have an
amalgam filling next to a gold crown or another metal in bridgework, the process of electrolysis can
increase mercury release up to ten-fold. Remember what Dr. Price taught us. We can probably
eliminate cavities all together with the proper diet.
The next source is fish and seafood. Go to gotmercury.org to find out how much mercury is in the
seafood that you like. There is also the preservative thimerosol in many vaccines, including most of
the flu vaccines, and this contains mercury.
Many of us have genetic polymorphisms that can impair detoxification, as Susan did. Remember,
mercury binds firmly to cell structures, many of which are in the central nervous system (CNS). The
half-life of mercury in the CNS is estimated to be 15 to 30 years.

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Chapter 4: Stress and Toxic Emotions

Stress can be both good and bad. Stress may be the stimulus for great achievement. It may also be a
part of what brings us back to our Creator. Chronic fear and worry can have devastating
consequences to our health.
Stress is usually not addressed by the average physician except for placing the patient on
tranquilizers and/or antidepressants. As I mentioned earlier, psychiatry and psychiatrists, for the
most part, have become drug pushers. I look at depression as a symptom of a problem and not as a
diagnosis. Psychiatric diagnoses are voted on by a committee of experts. This diagnosis, by the way,
allows them to get paid for their services by third parties like insurance companies and Medicare. So,
the practitioner who stands to benefit most from depression being called a disease is the same one
who decides the criteria and what is classified as a disease, just by a show of hands. That same
practitioner is again financially rewarded for prescribing a drug to treat it. Ray Moynihan and Alan
Cassels in their book Selling Sickness: How the Worlds Biggest Pharmaceutical Companies Are
Turning Us All into Patients describe how a public relations firm for a pharmaceutical company was
able to invent a disease, social phobia disorder, and then get physicians to prescribe a medication
(Paxil) for it that took in three billion dollars a year. Oh, by the way, psychiatrists lead the pack for
the specialty with the most payments from drug companies.
There is almost always an underlying cause for depression, anxiety, and hyperactivity; be it physical,
emotional or spiritual. Treating symptoms while ignoring the cause can be a recipe for disaster. There
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are a multitude of side-effects from the antidepressant drugs, just take a look at the package insert.
Included in these side-effects are lowered bone density, sexual dysfunction, weight gain, insomnia,
possible increased cancer, suicidal thoughts and attempts, to name a few. I believe another of these
side-effects has led to continual tragedies of persons committing mass murders. Many of the high-
profile mass killings have been committed by people on or coming off these drugs. If you dont believe
me, take a look at a list of 4,800 SSRI stories from media about this potential effect. One of the side
effects of the psychoactive drugs is a break from reality. To the killer, it may be more like a video
game than a real act. These kinds of episodes are extremely rare in people who are not drugged.
The real tragedy is that these drugs are not even that effective. A recent meta-analysis (combination
of many studies) showed that for treating mild to moderate depression, overall, antidepressants are
no more effective than a placebo (sugar pill). You might wonder, as I did when I heard this, how can
we have millions of people on these drugs if they don't work, or their effectiveness is equal to a sugar
pill? In many studies, exercise has been shown to be an effective treatment and has mostly healthy
side effects. Several studies show that herbs such as Saint John's Wort or supplements like SAMe,
tryptophan, 5-HTP also work as well or better than the drugs. Trying something as natural as
increasing your sun exposure may be one of the best treatments for depression. This shows how the
influence of money and profit affect what is used by our doctors. We, and I mean all of those involved
in the modern healthcare system, have made an agreement with the devil.
After reading this, you may be fighting mad and want to fire your doctor or psychiatrist. Remember,
over 90 percent of doctors are caught up in the flawed system, totally blind to the moral boundaries
they have crossed. So, don't blame them and do not discontinue any regimen without consulting your
physician. Abruptly stopping these drugs can be extremely dangerous. In addition, the same study
mentioned above shows that antidepressant drugs appear to have a better record for treating severe
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depression. Drugs can be an alternative in the short term for severe depression or can be tried if
treating the cause is not effective.
In the solutions portion of this book, we will look at common causes of multiple medical diagnoses
and alternative treatments.

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Chapter 5: Cancer - Friend or Foe

Cancer is killing more people every year is now estimated to be the leading cause of death worldwide,
which means the death of 22,000 persons per day. One question we might ask is: Why was the
disease so rare in the past? Another good question is: Would a Creator or nature design our cells in
such a way that they have a tendency to become malignant (uncontrolled growth)? What you may not
realize is that cancerous cells are being produced in our bodies all of the time. Under normal
circumstances, these cells are taken care of by the immune system and other mechanisms. The truth
is that we have always had cancer and it isn't something unnatural at all. These aberrant cells are
there for a reason and are probably a survival mechanism, rapidly altering cellular genetic
information in a stressful environment.
If we look at cancer from this perspective, it would seem the reason the incidence of cancer is
increasing is because of the numerous assaults on our body that occur in our present environment.
This includes toxins and pollution, low nutrient foods, lack of exercise, stress, emotional trauma and
spiritual warfare. A big problem is how our medical system defines cancer and the methods used to
treat it.
I see reports of all of the cancer survivors we have in this country. In the present system, we identify
cancer as the enemy and then immediately attack it with all the lethal means we can employ. Rarely
is there any thought given to the cause. Looking at all the cancer survivors, we get the impression
that we are making progress in conquering the disease. The statisticians have conveniently added
skin cancer survival rates into the statistics, which gives the impression that millions of lives are
being saved. The flaw is that skin cancer is rarely fatal.
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Another reason people are living longer after the diagnosis of cancer is because of intensive
screening. We are identifying cancer earlier; sometimes diagnosing a cancer that our own immune
system might have taken care of on its own. This makes it seem as if the person lives longer after
diagnosis, but actually may die sooner due to side effects of treatment. You can see how we would
call this unnecessary treatment a success and how it would be classified as a statistical victory. The
reality may actually be years of productive life taken away.
There have been some successes with modern cancer treatment, but if you look at the overall
mortality rates from cancer, there has been no significant change in the past 50 years. Such little
progress suggests that our trillion dollar cancer industry is a failure.
Chemotherapy treatment is used because it makes money. There are many alternative cancer
therapies that may be more effective and far less toxic, but are commonly banned as a treatment by
the FDA. They are banned because they have not gone through the hundred million dollar FDA
approval process. Most of the treatments that do go through the FDA approval process are manmade
poisons that kill both the cancer cells and normal cells and can be patented. Once patented, they can
be sold at monopoly prices to make back the initial hundred million spent on them. So, if an onion
cured cancer, it would be banned as a treatment that your doctor could use unless someone forked
over the money to get it through the approval process. With the evil, money-grubbing system we now
have in place, we can NEVER have a non-toxic, inexpensive, and FDA approved cancer therapy even
though I believe there are hundreds, if not thousands, of potential treatments out there.
Obviously, it makes more sense to prevent cancer in the first place. But the problem is that there is
no big money to be made here. No side-effect-laden and expensive drug. No machine or treatment to
sell. The billions of dollars that go into cancer research are focused on finding a man-invented cure or
developing more unproven screening tests to get as many patients as possible. Children's cancer
rates are rising in direct relationship to our exposure to more and more toxic chemicals. Tons of
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money goes into cancer research searching for another treatment because that is the Holy Grail for
profit. The sad fact is that thousands more children every year are diagnosed with cancer but the
chemicals we are exposing ourselves to continue to be unstudied. In other words, the cause is almost
completely ignored. This is truly absurd.
I try to take a different approach with my patients, focusing first on lifestyle for prevention. And, if
cancer is identified, I don't advise blindly following the recommendations of those that profit from the
illness. Take Jake, for example. A 62-year-old retired policeman, he was found to have an elevation of
his PSA blood test. Even though this commonly used screening test has not proven to save any lives,
it is a risk factor for possibly having prostate cancer. He was advised by his urologist to have a
prostate biopsy to make sure he didn't have cancer. I don't generally advise prostate biopsies because
of the risks of the procedure--and it may miss the cancer anyway. Biopsies may inflame the prostate
which may actually increase cancer risk. I propose and use alternative ways to make the diagnosis. I
advised Jake to have a more sensitive and specific test called the Dia-pat test, which is a proteomic
test. This test was also abnormal. He then had a PET scan, which showed the cancer in the prostate.
The first step after cancer is discovered is to do a survey for possible causes. This would include
evaluation and treatment of nutrition, detoxification, and a search for toxic emotions and stress.
Praying for healing is inexpensive, effective and has good side effects. Next, we looked into alternative
cancer therapies. In Germany, there is a clinic that treats prostate cancer by the simple method of
heating the prostate with a catheter containing hot water. Records from the clinic showed 80 to 90
percent cure rates with no side effects. This treatment is not available in the USA because of the lack
of corporate support. I mean, how much can you charge for hot water? The treatment was effective
and the cost was even covered by his USA-based health insurance. By addressing lifestyle issues that
may have contributed to his developing cancer, he is not as likely to have a recurrence or develop a
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new cancer. In the USA, he was advised to be slashed by a robot and then burned with radiation;
both of which commonly have permanent side effects.
The unfortunate truth is that if you have been treated with chemotherapy and/or radiation, you have
a much greater risk of getting another cancer or some other serious condition because of the
unavoidable damage to your immune system caused by these treatments. The shortening of your life
as a result of these treatments is not necessarily included in all the cancer statistics that are
reported. If you have a heart attack or die from pneumonia, it will likely not be linked to your cancer
therapy, but that may very well be what caused it.
I hope you can see the failing of our health system and how it is profoundly dangerous. If cancer is
discovered in you, it will be thought of as a potentially lethal enemy that needs to be immediately
treated with its removal and/or other aggressive and poisonous treatments, even if they have not
been proven to work. Your doctor or oncologist will use scare tactics to get you to use the profitable,
poisonous treatments. The truth is, if you correct the cause, the tumor may resolve on its own, just
as the multitude of other cancer cells that have appeared in your body during your life. It could be
that taking poison is the exact wrong thing to do. If the cause of your cancer is cells trying to mutate
because of toxic threat, what do you think will happen if we pile on even more potent toxins? If any of
the cancer cells survive, or new ones form, they will be even more out of control when they start to
grow again. Even if the chemo or radiation kills all the cancer cells, there is a good chance another
cancer will start.
If you decide to go the route of chemotherapy, there are now innovative ways to greatly reduce your
exposure to the toxicity. An example is insulin potentiation therapy for cancer. It allows some
patients to use 10% or less of the usual dose of chemo with the same effectiveness, yet is rarely
recommended by mainstream oncologists who get their information from the drug companies. There
are other promising treatments using older, less toxic drugs but these are not studied because of low
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profit potential. An example is low-dose naltrexone which has been shown to safely treat some
cancers and autoimmune diseases. So old, non toxic drugs like this one, with the potential to cure
cancer, will not be studied because of the choke-hold the FDA and the drug companies have on our
healthcare system and nation.
The evidence that we are making progress against cancer is weak. When you take into account the
studies we do get are biased toward what is profitable, it becomes all the more apparent we are on
the wrong track. In the name of profit, we are headed in the wrong direction. I have faith that our
Creator did not make a mistake in the design of our bodies. He didn't include a self-destructing cell.
Cancer is not the enemy. It is an urgent message telling us that we need to make a radical change.

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Part II: The Solutions

Chapter 6: Get Off Drugs for GOOD

In my practice, I have consulted many patients who are taking a laundry list of drugs that have been
prescribed by their physicians. Most of the time, many, if not all, of the drugs are unnecessary.
Jim came to me complaining of fatigue, trouble sleeping, feeling depressed, elevated blood sugar and
he was wheezing while working out. He was a 56-year-old oral surgeon who had issues with chronic
neck pain as well. His doctors had him on blood pressure medications, including one that can worsen
asthma symptoms and can reduce the ability to exercise. He was also on a cholesterol medicine, a
diabetes medicine, inhalers for his asthma, sleeping pills, pain pills and an antidepressant. To top it
all off, his physicians also had him on vitamin V (Viagra).
I searched for a possible underlying cause for all of his symptoms; to look at his health challenges
from a holistic perspective. His army of specialists included an internist, cardiologist, psychiatrist,
allergist, urologist, pulmonologist and a pain specialist. Each specialist was prescribing a different
drug. None of his doctors were looking at the whole picture.
After a thorough work-up, I found that Jim had a very low testosterone level. Getting this hormone
up to optimum levels would have a positive impact on pain, energy, mood, sexual functioning,
strength, endurance and improve insulin resistance. In addition, testosterone is one of the best
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treatments for improving circulation and reducing cardiovascular disease risk. Of course, improved
nutrition and weight loss are vitally important, but even they will not work in the soup of so many
devitalizing drugs.
I started him on a transdermal testosterone gel and weaned him off most of the drugs, substituting
natural alternatives in the form of supplements and a whole-food, unprocessed diet. There was one
drug that he should have been on but wasnt. The drug is Metformin which was originally extracted
from the French Lilac plant. If there ever was a drug close to being a panacea, this is it. Long-term
controlled trials have proven its safety, tolerability and effectiveness. It is one of the few drugs proven
to dramatically cut mortality and reduce cancer, obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Doctors still
use it as a frontline drug for diabetes, but the drug companies are steadily trying to undermine its
use by combining it with new, expensive, unproven drugs.
After six months, Jim had lost the excess weight, had great energy and was drug-free. His
cardiologist was adamant about at least keeping him on the cholesterol medicine and gave him dire
predictions of the increased risk of prostate cancer from being on testosterone. The evidence actually
shows a low testosterone is a risk factor for prostate cancer.
One of the benefits Jim hadn't expected with his new regimen was the dramatic reduction in his neck
pain. At his cardiologists insistence, he went back on the statin medication. In a matter of days, his
pain intensified again. After I explained to him that muscle pain is the most common side effect of the
statins, it wasn't hard to convince him to get off the statins for good. Research has shown that statin
drugs activate a gene that actually destroys muscle.
So, the question you may be asking is, why do doctors use drugs to treat symptoms instead of
looking for the underlying problem? Part of it is time. Remember the average time of an office visit is
16 minutes. It is much easier to write a prescription in that short amount of time than to search for
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the cause of a problem. Four billion dollars a year is spent on drug ads to patients and 5.3 billion
dollars is spent on the training of doctors in the use of drugs by pharmaceutical reps. Your doctor
has not been trained to look for the cause of your problem; he/she has been trained to prescribe
drugs. Plus, your doctor is inundated with ads for drugs just like you are, only worse. I subscribe to
the American Medical Association journals and you wouldn't believe how many times I have had to
look at the same photo of a woman twirling a red scarf above her head with a big smile on her face,
all because of the antidepressant she was put on by her doctor. You can imagine how down she
looked on the previous page (before antidepressants). She had no makeup on and the photo was in
black and white; her facial expression was one of melancholy. Look at the magazines you subscribe
to. If there are many drug ads, then you know who is paying the bills for that publication, and you
can count on biased reporting of health issues.
A good portion of the required continuing medical education for physicians is financed by the drug
companies. Do you think it is good for the drug company's bottom line to find the cause and cure a
disease? The best patient is one where you treat the symptoms, but keep the cause in place; then you
have a customer for life. Does that sound like bondage?
The big push and the biggest blockbuster drugs are the ones that supposedly prevent disease. The
statin cholesterol lowering drugs like Lipitor, Pravacol, Mevacor, Crestor, and others are in this
category. Up until recently, I had pretty good grounds to say that patients shouldn't take the statins
for prevention of heart disease. I must admit, however, that the evidence is good that statins do treat
heart disease.
I want you to know that I am still wary of any drug, even if the evidence for it is good, because of the
nature of the system and the track record of unethical actions by pharmaceutical companies and
researchers that turn up on a regular basis. Examples include hiding data, breaking laws,
suppressing studies, studies being ghostwritten, and the bribing of doctors. Add to that, undue
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influence over Congress with direct donations and lobbying as well as seeing that the people that
once policed the industry with the FDA are often given lucrative consulting positions and vice versa
(the revolving door).
Getting back to statins, I now have to fight extra-hard to keep my healthy patients off statins because
of new evidence that they are good for everyone, even if you have normal cholesterol or low
cholesterol. I believe, as do many other physicians, that statins reduce the risk of heart disease not
because they lower cholesterol, but because of other actions, including the blocking the proliferation
of smooth muscle in the artery, anti-clotting effects, and anti-inflammatory effects.
A recent study that treated people without heart disease with the statin drug Crestor, relied solely
on the CRP test (a measure of inflammation) to decide who got the drug, instead of using the
cholesterol level. They found a decrease in cardiovascular events and an improved mortality for
patients using the drug versus placebo. This finding was hailed as a breakthrough in preventive
cardiology by the press and the researchers. They forgot to mention the persons getting the drug had
an increase in diabetes to the same magnitude of the decrease in heart disease. That doesn't sound
so good to me. The decrease in heart disease was so large they halted the study early because they
felt it was unethical to let those poor souls in the control group go without the medication.
It was absurd to halt the study early because critics of statins (like me) will say it takes time to
develop the many side effects that come with these medications. The longer you are on them, the
worse you will do. It goes to show the devious genius of the drug companies. By halting the study
early, they have everything they need to convince doctors to put millions more of their patients on
statins without the risk of finding that the drug is really poisonous, particularly over time. They also
saved themselves a ton of money.
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Now, measuring CRP as a marker of inflammation is smart. I have been doing that on my high risk
patients for many years, because inflammation is an underlying mechanism of many degenerative
diseases, and if it is high, you have work to do. In the past, drug companies only wanted doctors to
measure cholesterol, not inflammation. But what if the CRP test could get millions more patients that
they didn't get before because they had normal cholesterol? They estimate $9 billion a year for the
makers of Crestor if doctors treat using the new criteria. These guys are smart! Add in the fact that
the principal investigator of the study and the teaching hospital where the study was headquartered
conveniently own the patent on the CRP test--more billions to be made.
I'm not surprised that, in the short-term, patients with elevated CRP get some benefit from statins.
Like I said before, their anti-inflammatory action is part of how they work. But what they don't tell
you is that you need to treat 80 patients to reduce one event, at a cost of $557,000 per life saved.
With that money, several organic farms could have been started which would save many more lives
and improve the health of multitudes more. It is such as waste of precious resources. The side effects
of statins--muscle pain, mental deterioration, neuropathy, liver toxicity, and heart toxicity--are a
direct attack on the body, no different than taking a poison. Crestor is the most expensive of the
statin drugs and is already listed in the ads of personal injury attorneys because it is reported to
cause more kidney failure than all of the other statin drugs combined.

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Table 1. Recommended Tests for Cardiac Disease Risk Evaluation
Lp (a) cholesterol (If elevated, increases coronary disease risk-four fold)
HDL and LDL cholesterol
HDL and LDL particle size (VAP, NMR or Immunogel eletrophoresis)
C reactive protein (cardio CRP)
Fasting insulin (ideal level is 5 or less)
Imaging tests of arteries: Ultrasound of carotid artery, CT heart scan
Tests of artery function: Endo-PAT (tests artery elasticity)
Apo E and other genetic tests

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If the drug companies would do the long-term studies, I think we would get the real answer. The
statins inhibit an enzyme involved in cholesterol synthesis, and unfortunately, it also inhibits the
synthesis of other critical molecules as well. According to the drug companies and most cardiologists,
even though cholesterol is the largest component of the dry weight of the brain, it is bad stuff. Our
Creator made just a few little mistakes in our biochemistry, so that millions of us need to take drugs
to reduce the risk of disease.
My advice, again, is to listen to your intuition. A statin drug is not unreasonable if you have heart
disease, but please also take a good dose of coenzyme Q10. Coenzyme Q10 is required for your cells
to make energy from oxygen and is depleted by statin drugs. Because of this and other reasons, I am
concerned that statin drugs may increase the risk of cancer and heart failure.
Again, one of the problems we see with drugs, and especially new drugs, is that many times they are
approved based on improving a biomarker such as cholesterol or blood sugar, instead of proving the
drug has an effect on health or mortality.
An example of this is the diabetes drug Avandia. The drug was effective at reducing blood sugar, but
it was eventually discovered that it increased heart failure, heart attacks, and death. When this
research came out, I thought, it sure is good that we have after-market surveillance systems in place
so we can identify dangerous drugs. This is a system where a drug's side effects are reported and
kept track of.
Avandia became a blockbuster diabetes drug with $3.2 billion in yearly sales. Based on the
statistics of its sales and the amount of increased risks, it may have contributed to the early death of
35,000 people per year. The scary part is that the research that identified this problem was carried
out by an independent researcher. It was not detected by the market surveillance system. If we had
left it up to the FDA and the drug companies to protect us, we would still think Avandia is an
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effective drug and its sales would continue to increase. Of course, you can still take Avandia if you
like. Believe it or not, at the time of this writing, it is still on the market; although to get it, you now
have to sign a release so when it kills you, your family cant turn around and sue the drug company.
I would like for you to name one natural product that has stayed on the market despite killing many
thousands of people. Didnt they pull ephedra off the market for killing 117 people? Thats not per
year--that is the total.
One of the common conditions I see in my practice is called GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux
disease. The most common symptom is heartburn. This occurs when hydrochloric acid that is
usually contained in the stomach backs up into the esophagus. The esophagus cells are not resistant
to the acid, which usually results in painful burning in the chest area or abdominal area.
It is thought to be caused by impairment of the lower esophageal sphincter, which is a muscular
band that closes the esophagus so that stomach contents do not go into the esophagus. In traditional
medicine, if there are alarm features present, the symptoms are then evaluated by endoscopy (using
a thin, flexible instrument to look at the esophagus). These alarm features are signs that an
underlying problem could be causing the symptoms. The alarm signs include persistent vomiting,
difficulty swallowing, throwing up or coughing up blood, anemia, five percent or greater weight loss,
or symptoms for 10 years or more.
In general, if a patient has symptoms and is greater than 55-years-old, they are usually examined
with an endoscope in order to rule out cancer or other significant diseases. If under 55, the
individual is examined for H. pylori, a bacterium associated with ulcers. If H. pylori are found, it is
treated with antibiotics and acid blocker. If it is not found, a proton pump inhibitor drug like
Prilosec is used.
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The proton pump inhibitor drug treatment usually goes on for eight weeks. Endoscopy is
recommended if this trial doesnt work. Many patients are prescribed these medications as if that is
the cure, staying on the drugs indefinitely.
There are several studies that show proton pump inhibitor treatment may increase the incidence of
hip fractures and infections such as pneumonia. There are other studies that show it may
dangerously lower magnesium levels. My concern is that when you block stomach acid production,
an important component of the physiological process, your risk for illness will be higher. In my
practice, I try to look at a variety of factors that may contribute to or cause GERD symptoms.
Nine times out of ten, GERD can be resolved if you address the nutritional deficiencies of the modern
diet. Trying to lose weight and avoiding overeating may also help. Allowing three hours between
dinner and bedtime helps. Light exercise after dinner and avoiding trigger foods such as fried foods,
citrus fruits, tomatoes, high-fat foods, processed oils, coffee, alcohol, and caffeinated beverages are
also good preventive measures. Avoid chewing gum or sucking on hard candies, as this can increase
gastric pressure by swallowed air. Food allergies may be another cause of GERD symptoms.
Overconsumption of simple sugars and carbohydrates can also aggravate symptoms.
A natural treatment to use to reduce inflammation and aid in healing of the lining of the stomach and
esophagus include tablets or powder of deglycerized licorice or DGL. A quality aloe vera product may
also help symptoms. Zinc-carnosine has also been shown to help relieve symptoms of heartburn.
I recommend eating a natural, whole-foods diet, with plenty of the animal-source, fat soluble
vitamins. Make sure the diet is low in the factory-made fats. The hydrogenated oils and fats--avoid
them! Drink unpolluted water every day; I prefer spring water and not in plastic bottles. It is
important to replace salts when drinking a lot of water. I recommend Himalayan salt or a natural sea
salt. Many times, excess acid is not the problem. The Heidelberg pH test is a procedure a natural
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medicine physician can do that will determine if stomach acid production is normal or not. The
website phcapsule.com can direct you to a physician who does Heidelberg testing. Paradoxically,
stomach acid can be low in many patients with heartburn symptoms.
Most drugs that are prescribed are prescribed for various conditions and the cause is ignored. These
include depression, type 2 diabetes, hyperactivity, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, arthritis,
elevated cholesterol, overactive bladder, prostate enlargement, erectile dysfunction, menopause
symptoms, anxiety, insomnia, pain and many other conditions.
I advise finding a resource to locate a practitioner who would be open to natural treatments. Look for
a naturopathic doctor (naturopathic.org), a holistic physician (holisticmedicine.org) or a physician
member of the American College of the Advancement of Medicine (acamnet.org). Unfortunately,
almost all of the traditional medical organizations have compromised themselves for financial or other
reasons and cannot be relied upon to give unbiased information. The allopathic physicians may be
well trained and help with specific diagnoses, but please be wary of the reliance on drug prescribing
that is geared toward suppression of symptoms.

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Chapter 7: Keep Your Muscles and Joints Healthy

Are We Causing Our Own Joint Degeneration?

How are we told to treat our everyday aches and pains? If you listen to your doctor, or to ads on
television, magazines, and the Internet, it would be with a drug like ibuprofen, or any other of a
number of both prescription and over-the-counter pain relievers. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen are estimated to cause the death of 16,500 Americans per year as
reported in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1999. This death rate includes only people using
NSAIDs to treat arthritis and only those who developed bleeding ulcers. Other studies show that
regularly taking NSAID medications doubles the risk of heart disease mortality in the elderly
compared to non-users or infrequent users. If you added up all the ways NSAIDs can kill you, and all
the different conditions for which they are used, the number of deaths caused by these drugs must
be staggering.
You would think such a dangerous drug should be taken off the market instead of being sold
everywhere without a prescription. Yet, if you go to the Advil website you will be given helpful
advice as to how you should take these medicines as the first intervention for all kinds of pain.
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Besides causing bleeding ulcers, these drugs can damage the kidney and liver. I find in my practice
what studies have already shown, that NSAIDs predictably raise the blood pressure and increase the
risk of a heart attack. Studies show that just one pill damages the lining of the gastrointestinal tract.
The first phase of healing for an injury or overuse is inflammation. And inflammation results in pain.
What a beautiful system our creator has designed. The same process that starts the healing process
also warns us to stop the initiating event. Let's say you injured your knee skiing. The pain would
probably give you the hint you should forgo skiing until the injury has healed.
So instead, we reach for the bottle of Advil because we want the quick-fix that we have been
brainwashed into thinking is good. We injure our knee and take Advil, which blocks inflammation
so that we don't heal completely. This is great news for the joint replacement surgeons, the medical
device manufacturers, and the hospitals. If you keep treating your injuries and override symptoms
with these drugs, you will eventually need a joint replacement and you will praise God for the
abundance of orthopedic surgeons in this country.


I have been practicing sports medicine for over 20 years and completed a Fellowship in Sports
Medicine at the University of Arizona. I also have a Masters degree in Exercise Physiology from
Arizona. I have always wished there was a reliable way to augment natural healing for a particular
sports injury. Over the years, I have used most of the medical and physical therapies that have been
applied to these injuries. Anti-inflammatory drugs, icing, resting, bracing or immobilizing, and after
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the tissues have healed, beginning the rehabilitation process. All the while, however, I realized the
body has an amazing God-given capacity to heal itself and humbly knowing that this one factor is by
far the most important.
General health will always be an important factor when considering how someone might recover from
an injury. Is the athletes health good enough to support anabolic processes necessary to heal injured
tissues? This would include factors such as nutrition, stress, sleep and hormonal levels.
About 15 years ago, I first learned of a group of physicians that used a method of stimulating the
natural healing response with a treatment called prolotherapy, also known as sclerotherapy or
regenerative injection therapy. This treatment has been used in the USA successfully for over 50
years to stimulate the healing of damaged tissues such as ligaments, tendons and cartilage.
According to the hypothesis, often times a person will have continued pain and instability after an
injury. This is because of incomplete healing in the structure (ligament or tendon) which results in
extra movement, stimulating nerve endings, which are abundant in ligaments, and ultimately
causing pain. By injecting the structure with an irritating substance (sugar water or other
substances like PRP, Stem cells, hormones etc) the body's own internal healing mechanism is
reactivated, the area is strengthened and the pain resolves. After I learned the technique and applied
it to some of my patients and also to myself, I found prolotherapy to be effective.
I began to wonder, as other physicians have before me, are we wrong in how we treat musculoskeletal
injuries? Could it be that by treating ligament and cartilage injuries with anti-inflammatory
therapies, we are increasing the rate of failed healing? The result being the chronic pain and tissue
degeneration that is now an epidemic in our society. This is another instance where man is
interfering with the intelligent design of our physiology, and now we are paying the price. Here . . .
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just take this little pill for that annoying knee pain. You dont deserve this. We will have an artificial
replacement joint ordered right away.
When my financial planner was going over my investment portfolio, he advised me to consider
investing in a company that produced the hardware for total hip and knee joint replacement. The
growth of the company has been amazing, and because of the aging baby boomer population, joint
replacement rates are causing sales to skyrocket. It probably is a good investment, but I just cant
bring myself to invest in something that will profit from a failure of health care providers to find ways
to prevent joint degeneration.
Presently, when I see a ligament or tendon injury, I advise against or modify the R.I.C.E. protocol
(rest, ice, compression, elevation). Dr. Ross Hauser, a longtime prolotherapy proponent, has come up
with the mnemonic M.E.A.T. for the treatment of ligament injuries. M stands for Movement, as
ligaments heal faster and stronger when moved and stressed. E is for Exercise which increases
circulation to the area. A is for Analgesic (pain-killers) herbs or drugs (not NSAIDS or corticosteroids).
Enzymes are also helpful in facilitating the removal of cellular debris without blocking the natural
role of inflammation in wound healing (animal or plant-based enzyme products or foods). Finally, T is
for treatments, such as prolotherapy and others such as physical therapy, ultrasound, light therapy,
magnetic therapy, massage, topical herbs, and so on.
Next time you get an injury, try MEAT instead of RICE. If there is continued pain and/or instability,
get to a prolotherapist. It might lead you down a path to healing and restoration of function as
opposed to degeneration and bone-on-bone arthritis that leads to lucrative, high-risk, slash-and-glue
joint replacement. Remember it is good to have a normal, healthy joint--needing a joint replacement
as a result of drug side effects and improper treatment is bad. Three websites that can direct you to a
doctor in your area to see if you are a candidate for prolotherapy treatment
are: aaomed.org, acopms.com and getprolo.com.
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I'm not against joint replacement as a solution for severe osteoarthritis, but I believe that nine times
out of ten it could have been avoided by following the principles outlined above. Imagine if the billions
of dollars we spend on joint replacements every year in the USA were spent instead on creating a way
to enable people to eat a nutrient-dense dietthe foundation for health.
Chapter 8: Treating Depression and Stress

If drugs are not the answer for depression and anxiety, what is? The underlying causes can be
anything that affects our physiology, emotions or spirit. Nutrition is important. There is evidence that
low vitamin D levels are associated with depression (we'll talk more about vitamin D later). Hormone
imbalances associated with aging are commonly a contributor. This can include the thyroid and
adrenal hormones, which I address in Chapter 10. The other important hormones that tend to drop
with aging are the sex hormones. Spiritual issues can also cause depression.
You might ask, what can be done about the emotional causes of depression and anxiety? Emotions
can affect our subconscious mind and a person may not even be aware that an emotional issue plays
a role in their problem or symptoms. The subconscious programming from the past can create many
problems. For this reason, I recommend most of my patients with depression and anxiety use some
form of treatment that works through toxic emotions. Prayer is an important first step and will
usually help. Pray for wisdom, guidance and discernment as to which treatment to use.
The so-called energy techniques EMDR and EFT are often used and can be helpful for stress and
depression. There is a life force in biological forms that goes beyond mere chemical reactions. It is a
physical energy that we can't really explain, much like gravity and electricity. Just because I can't
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explain how gravity works, I still respect it and use it. The same is true with electricity and most of
the forces in nature. These forces can be used for either good or evil purposes.
EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing and is used often used for clients
in the sports peak performance program at the world-famous health resort, Canyon Ranch, where I
served as a physician for many years. This treatment has been shown to be particularly effective for
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The premise for the technique is that when emotional trauma
occurs, it gets locked into the nervous system with the original picture, sounds, thoughts and
feelings at an unconscious level. The eye movement unlocks the disturbing material and allows it to
be processed, thus draining the reservoir of negative emotions.
EFT stands for the Emotional Freedom Technique. It releases the same kind of emotional traumas by
tapping on acupressure points. Another technique is called BSFF (Be Set Free Fast) developed by
Larry Nims, Ph.D. as a refinement of EFT. The technical title is Behavioral and Emotional Symptom
Elimination Training for Resolving Excess Emotion: Fear, Anger, Sadness and Trauma.
These techniques can take the place of bottles full of pills and have no harmful side effects.

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Chapter 9: Your Body was designed for Physical Work

Our bodies are designed to be used for physical work. As a preventive medicine physician, I have
seen countless transformations in health where the main focus of change was regular exercise. The
attributes of physical fitness include strength, flexibility, aerobic endurance and speed, all of which
are important and should be included in your fitness plan. My advice is not to go out today and join a
gym and start pounding out the sessions. You must have the energy for, and the desire to, exercise to
get the benefits. One should first have good nutrition, proper hydration, an optimistic mood, proper
sleep, and a low toxic burden.
Which exercise is most important for health? Each of us was created with a unique genetic blueprint
and a unique expression of the genes so the program that is right for one person may be wrong for
another. Take an Olympic sprinter. You could not find a more impressive physical specimen, but that
person might not do well or be as healthy with a long-distance running program. Her body thrives on
sprinting and with those types of workouts, she will tend to stay at her ideal weight and optimal
How do you know what type of exercise is right for you? I often ask patients to think back to when
they were in grade school and the teacher lined them up for a race across the school yard. Did they
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finish in the top three or four, more in the middle, or in the last group? Then I ask the same question,
but for a run around the school campus or some other longer race of over four minutes. This is one
way to determine if you are a sprinter, an intermediate or primary endurance type. If you want to be
more scientific, you could have a muscle biopsy and see if you have more fast-twitch muscle fibers
(sprinters) or slow-twitch fibers (marathon runners).
Humans need to be able to sprint for survival. This is how you get away from that grizzly bear that is
about to attack you at Yellowstone Park. We also need to have endurance. This enables you cover 10
miles to get away from the raging forest fire. We have the pure sprint types (burnt to a crisp) and the
pure endurance types (eaten by bears), but most of us are intermediate, which means we will thrive
on a program that is balanced.
We need a combination of sprints or intervals as well as long, slow distance work that is at least 40
minutes in duration and ideally longer. To complete the program, you incorporate resistance and
flexibility work. The minimum is one to two sessions per week of intervals/sprints and two sessions
of endurance work. Add in two to three sessions per week for strength and flexibility and you have a
complete program. Again, this can and should vary depending on your preferences and your genetic

Interval Workouts

Interval workouts are the most difficult ones to do properly, but for the time invested they are also
the most productive. You need to have some kind of physical exam before starting intervals,
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especially if you are at risk for heart disease. If you are completely out of shape, please take it slow.
Remember that exercise is not helpful for your health if you don't have the energy for it. Exercise
should refresh you, not leave you feeling exhausted.
Eventually, you will work up to about eight intervals in a session. An interval can be anywhere from
30 seconds to four minutes or longer. I advise starting each session with longer intervals and make
the last ones shorter and more intense. The key is to push yourself to the point of being out of breath
when you stop. I'll describe one of my workouts that I do on the track at my son's high school.
First, I do a warm-up lap on the track at a slow jog followed by a lap at a hard pace, finishing at the
end like it is a race. Then, I recover with a slow jog to let my heart rate and breathing return to
normal. After I am completely recovered from the first effort, I then do a 300 meter intervala little
shorter than the first one, but I try to go faster so that I am still out of breath at the end. Once again,
I jog or walk until recovered and do the next interval with a shorter distance but more intense. I do
the sprint/recover for a total of eight cycles. The great benefit of interval training is that it is short
(about 20 minutes), but challenges your cardio-respiratory capacities much more than a 40-minute
slow run or walk. I also do a ride on a mountain bike around my neighborhood which has eight hills.
This is great for an interval period to the top of each hill and then a recovery on each descent.
Research has shown interval workouts build heart and lung reserves, which are important for
optimal health. These reserves are vitally important when the inevitable health challenges occur such
as coming down with pneumonia or being injured a car accident. Research shows this type of
exercise is more efficient for stimulating your metabolism for weight loss and aerobic fitness than
continuous exercise.
Another way to get this same kind of workout is playing sports, especially sports like basketball,
tennis, football, soccer, tag or other activities where you go hard and then catch your breath. This is
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a great way to combine fun with your workout. Even better yet is to do productive work while you are
getting a workout. If I'm working in the yard, I'll rake like a madman for a couple of minutes to get
out of breath and then recover. You can try pushing a loaded wheel barrel from the front to back yard
at a sprint. My favorite is swinging an ax to chop wood or a pick to dig a hole until the forearms and
core start to burn and then recover. My wife helps me out with this. Whenever I plant a tree, about a
month (or year) later she will decide she doesn't like where I planted it. So, I get the great work out of
digging it up, digging a new hole, moving it to the new hole, replanting it, and finally filling in the old
hole. You don't need a gym!

Endurance Workouts

Endurance training is defined as doing work utilizing the large muscles and trying to get the heart
rate above 70 percent of its maximum. Exercise experts will commonly tell you that maximum heart
rate can be estimated by the equation of 220 minus your age. Forget about the formula, it is
worthless for the individual. Your actual maximum could be 30 beats higher or lower. Generally,
people are within their aerobic range when they feel the work they are doing is rated as moderate
exertion as opposed to very light, light, heavy or very heavy. Heavy exertion is also within the aerobic
range and that is where advanced exercisers may want to do their aerobic/endurance work.
For endurance work, you need to find an activity that you enjoy, or at least tolerate. My favorite are
hiking, running, biking, swimming, skiing or rowing. It is interesting that all these activities are forms
of transportation, so they can be used productively as well. I like to use an endurance activity as a
method of transportation to reach a place of solitude for prayer.
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Again, chores can be done in an aerobic fashion. You can scrub floors, wash the car or till the soil for
gardening. What if your house is already clean? Find a neighbor, a school or someone with a physical
disability that needs some help. Just pick a 40-minute stretch or more where you are working at a
level of moderate exertion. You can get nearly the same benefit by doing two 20 minute sessions or
four 10 minute sessions.
I always appreciate it when I can get out into God's creation and get some spiritual rejuvenation
along with my healthy endurance work. Ventanna Canyon, near my home, is one of my favorite
places to hike. It is steep up-hill in the beginning and it is easy to keep my heart rate in the aerobic
zone. So, I hike up for 40 minutes to get in the aerobic work. While going up, I pray or chant. On the
way down, I work on strength (eccentric loading of the muscles) and balance, as I scramble over the
boulders, cacti and yucca spines.
I use these times also to quiet my mind and to appreciate nature. We have a shrub here in Arizona
called the ocotillo. It has stems that stick straight out of ground that look like a bundle of dead sticks
with thorns. When I first moved to Tucson, I thought they were all dead. But when it finally rained,
within a week succulent green leaves emerged out of the stalks and scarlet flowers sprouted out of
the top. We desperately need to get out and experience natures signs and designs on a regular basis.
Oh, by the way, high-definition TV doesn't count.

Strength and Flexibility

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The beauty of doing interval workouts is that speed work also builds strength, so you already have a
head start. You just need to work on your core and upper body to complete the program. This can be
accomplished with simple exercises that utilize your body weight for resistance. Again, strength work
can be part of productive work. Arms and core get a great workout when you dig a hole in the ground
to plant a tree (and then transplant it). Flexibility exercise is more important for tight-jointed folks
than for those that are highly flexible. People that are born with loose ligaments can develop
problems from too much movement in their joints so they want to focus more on strength.
For the inflexible person, it is better to stretch on a regular basis as opposed to a yoga class once per
week. I've always said stretching should be like a shower. A daily five minute shower is better (for
those around you anyway) than a one-hour shower once a week. One of the best ways to improve
your flexibility is to throw away the couch in the living room and sit on the floor (a mat is allowed).

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Chapter 10: The Unsuspected Illnesses

Could Your Thyroid Be the Problem?

Over the years, I have consistently seen patients in my office with a similar constellation of
symptoms. It is typically a woman or man complaining of fatigue, weight gain, depressed mood, dry
skin, cold extremities, poor circulation, constipation, thinning hair, elevated cholesterol, frequent
infections, headaches, puffiness in the face or extremities, pain in the low back or some other chronic
pain, and a feeling of anxietyor even panic.
In medical school, I learned that many of these symptoms are listed in the medical textbooks as being
typical of patients suffering from low thyroid function. Nine times out of ten, when I have checked the
thyroid hormones levels like the TSH, free T3, free T4 and thyroid antibodies, they are in the normal
range. Many of these patients have a history of seeing their doctors and being prescribed anti-
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depressants, sedatives, pain medications, cholesterol-lowering drugs, frequent antibiotics, and maybe
even some new weight loss pill that requires the use of a diaper. These symptoms are common but
the patients are usually told that their thyroid is normal.
In medicine, when there isnt an industry or profit center involved in a therapy, it can quickly die out.
Years ago, I was listening to an audio CD of a medical conference where Dr. Jonathan Wright was
speaking about a way of making the diagnosis of low thyroid using a simple test of metabolism.
I had learned to admire the way Dr. Wright doesnt throw out treatments just because they are old as
opposed to how I was taught to do in medical school. If there isnt a double-blind, placebo-controlled
trial of the therapy published within the past five years, well, it must be no good was the thinking
that was drilled into me as a student. But Dr. Wright mentioned a simple method of measuring body
temperature as a way to determine possible low thyroid function.
A low temperature in the context of hypothyroid symptoms would be enough to consider a trial of
thyroid hormone therapy. Dr. Wright mentioned a book, Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness
written by Dr. Broda Barnes. I went out and purchased the book right away. In the book, Dr. Barnes
used the basal temperature method in his practice, and through his own research determined what a
normal temperature was supposed to be.
He found, through treating thousands of patients, that the method was very reliable in identifying
hypothyroid sufferers and they consistently improved when he treated them with thyroid hormone.
He based the diagnosis on basal body temperature. If the temperature of a patient was below normal
and they had symptoms, then he or she was a candidate for a trial of thyroid hormone therapy.
Another of his hypotheses was that low thyroid was the reason for the epidemic of heart disease of
his day and he even wrote a book titled Solved: The Riddle of Heart Attacks based on this premise. He
found that none of his patients that were treated for low thyroid function developed heart disease.
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Dr. Barnes also speculated that the reason for the epidemic of low thyroid he was seeing in his
practice might be attributed to low thyroid children now living to reproduce after the advent of
antibiotics. Before antibiotics, children with low thyroid would usually die from infections because of
poor function of their immune system. Effectively, they were culled from the herd. After antibiotics,
the pneumonia that would have killed a child is treated and she survives and reproduces, passing on
the genetic propensity for hypothyroidism to her children. He estimated that a large percentage of the
population was hypothyroid back in the 1970s and this fraction would continue to grow over time.
Another alternative explanation for thyroid problems is possible lack of iodine in the diet and iodine-
depleting substances in food, water and other exposures. Iodine is not only beneficial for the thyroid
but increases the excretion of toxic metals like mercury and lead. It is important to also realize that
taking thyroid hormones will increase the need for iodine.
Why are we so often at risk for low iodine? First off, iodized salt is a poor source of iodine. Studies
suggest that only 10 percent of the iodine in iodized salt is bioavailable. In addition, poor farming
methods don't replenish iodine in the soil. We have always had a goiter belt in the middle of the
USA around the Great Lakes, where iodine is very low in the soil. Diets without fish and sea
vegetables will tend to be low in iodine. Also, people on a low-salt diet are at risk. High consumption
of bakery products reduces iodine. Vegan vegetarians are also at risk for iodine deficiency.
Bromide is used as an anti-caking compound in baked goods and depletes iodine. In the past, iodine
was used as an anti-caking agent, but it was replaced by bromide in the 1980s because of concerns
that excessive iodine might be a problem. Other sources of exposure to bromide include its use as a
fire retardant and as a fumigant for crops. Fluoride may have a similar effect and is often added to
municipal water supplies, toothpaste and many drugs.
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Iodine is concentrated in the thyroid, breasts, prostate, adrenal glands, salivary glands, cerebral
spinal fluid and ovaries. Diseases associated with iodine deficiency include thyroid disease, chronic
fatigue, fibromyalgia, depressed immune function, mental retardation, goiter, infertility, and
increased infant mortality as well as breast and prostate cancer. Iodine has been shown to induce
apoptosis (cell death) of cancer cells. Iodine can function as both an oxidant and an antioxidant in
the cell. Oxidation is another important mechanism for how our body disposes of unruly cells such
as precancerous cells.
Iodine deficiency appears to be widespread. NHANES (the National Health and Nutrition Survey) data
shows that iodine levels dropped 50 percent in the American population from 1971 to 2000. During
this time, we have had an increase in thyroid illness, and various cancers including breast, prostate,
endometrium, and ovarian. There are ongoing studies trying to determine if identifying and correcting
low iodine can prevent or treat breast cancer.
The ways to keep bromide exposure down include eating organic food, limiting the intake of bakery
products, taking supplemental iodine, getting adequate natural salt and getting optimal amounts of
magnesium. In my experience, both as a clinician and personally, I have found both iodine deficiency
and thyroid disorders to be very common.
My professors in medical school who talked about the double-blind, placebo-controlled studies also
told us, treat the patient and not the lab. We were not supposed to blindly treat lab results without
looking at the patient. My patients have told me countless times they have been told by their doctor
that their thyroid was normal based on the blood test and either they should suffer through their
symptoms or their doctor may say, Let's try some Prozac, maybe youre just depressed.
If my patient has a constellation of symptoms that look like low thyroid but the lab tests are normal,
could there be a normal lab, but still abnormal thyroid function? Does that make sense? It does when
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an excellent physician like Dr. Barnes has found an effective treatment through experimenting in his
practice. But it didnt catch on. Was it that his method is too simple? Not enough profit to get any
deep-pocket organization to support bigger studies? For my patients, it is worth a trial of thyroid
hormone. If the symptoms are improved, there is no need for more proof.
But, for some people, the prospect of being on a medication like thyroid hormone forever doesnt
sound so good either. I found many times that taking the hormone helps at first, but the symptoms
may return. In my search for thyroid solutions, I came across Dr. Wilsons work on a disorder he has
termed Wilsons Temperature Syndrome, which builds on the work of Dr. Barnes. Dr. Wilson began
looking deeper into the constellation of hypothyroid symptoms and temperature. His theory is that
the problem with low thyroid function comes about because of a stressful event in the patients life.
A survival mechanism kicks in during severe stress to lower metabolism, to conserve energy in order
to avoid starvation. The body then makes less T3 (the most potent thyroid hormone) and makes more
reverse T3 (which is inactive and blocks the thyroid hormone receptor). Conventional doctors typically
treat low thyroid with synthetic T4 (Synthroid, Levoxyl), which in this situation will be converted to
more of the blocking reverse T3 and, in the case of Wilsons Temperature Syndrome, can make the
patients symptoms worse.
The solution then is to give T3 in a dose that normalizes the temperature and allows the excess
reverse T3 to be metabolized, which resets the thyroid system. The treatment includes weaning the
patient off the T3 medication after capturing normal temperature. This doesnt always work, but
should be considered before permanent hormone therapy if the clinical picture fits Wilsons
Temperature Syndrome. This is something you can easily test yourself.
Normal oral temperature is 98.6 degrees F. Dr. Wilson advises checking your temperature three times
daily. It is done three hours after you get up, three hours later and, again, three hours later. If your
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average temperature over a period of weeks is significantly below the norm, say below 98.2 degrees F,
and you have any of the symptoms related to low thyroid, you may benefit from a trial of the Wilsons
T3 protocol to correct your thyroid function. Iodine supplementation along with other nutrients
important for thyroid function can be tried as an alternative to T3 therapy under the guidance of an
experienced physician.
Remember, the symptoms of low thyroid can include weight gain, cholesterol elevation, depression,
fatigue, dry skin, constipation, edema or puffiness, thinning hair, irregular menses, carpal tunnel
syndrome, fibromyalgia, coronary artery disease, migraine headaches, panic attacks, frequent
infections and many more.
Thyroid treatment is not a cure-all for every symptom. Do not overlook the possibility of iodine
deficiency as it is always better to treat the cause than to treat the symptoms. Thyroid malfunction is
a common problem that may be an underlying cause of numerous, seemingly unrelated, symptoms.
You won't be served well by taking prescription drugs in an attempt to suppress symptoms. Go
to brodabarnes.org or wilsonssyndrome.com for more information. A test called the iodine loading
test may be helpful for determining low iodine levels in the body. Iodoral is an iodine supplement
that is used for the loading test. Iodine supplements or iodine-rich foods can be used to treat iodine
deficiency under supervision of a physician skilled in nutritional and natural medicine.

Adrenal Fatigue

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The other gland that can be under-functioning is the adrenal gland. The endocrine disease where
these glands stop functioning entirely is called Addison's disease. The adrenal glands make important
hormones that help us with stress. The one that is secreted during sudden stress is adrenalin
(epinephrine). This hormone gets us ready to fight or run. It raises the blood pressure, dilates the
pupils, and opens the arteries to the large muscles.
Another hormone produced in the adrenals that is increased with stress is cortisol. This hormone
mobilizes stored energy so that it can be used. I see that patients in early stress will tend to have
elevated cortisol levels. When a person has had long-standing stress and has become fatigued, they
may have a low cortisol level, known as adrenal fatigue.
What are the symptoms of compromised adrenal function? Difficulty in getting up in the morning,
continuing fatigue despite adequate sleep, craving for salt or salty foods, lack of energy, increased
effort to do daily tasks, decreased sex drive, decreased ability to handle stress, increased recovery
time from illnesses or trauma, low blood pressure, light-headedness when standing up quickly,
irritability, depressed mood, increase in allergies, and lack of mental clarity and memory.
How is adrenal fatigue diagnosed? First, a physician or patient would look for the symptoms. Blood,
urine, or saliva tests for the adrenal hormones can also be helpful when evaluated by an experienced
Before beginning treatment, it is always important to look for a possible cause or causes. Do you
have a bad diet? Are you overstressed, not sleeping enough, not exercising enough or too much, or do
you have hidden infections or toxins in the body? There are some key nutrients that are needed in
the production of the adrenal hormones. These include vitamin C, vitamin E, magnesium,
pantothenic acid, niacin, and vitamin B6. After improving diet and/or adding supplements, other
possible treatments for adrenal fatigue are herbs like licorice and adaptogen herbs like ashwagandha,
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rhodiola and cordyceps. The corticosteroid drugs can also be used, but will most often have
unacceptable side effects.
In the old days, adrenal glandular preparations from animals were popular for treating people with
adrenal fatigue, but when the corticosteroid drugs came on the market they went out of favor. The
other option is to use prescription cortisol. The problem with this is you are replacing only one of
several adrenal hormones so it is not as likely to be as effective as replacing all, or most, of the
hormones as would be the case with using the glandular preparations.
It is common for adrenal problems to coexist with thyroid problems. I have found that if you try and
correct the thyroid when a person has underlying adrenal fatigue, the thyroid symptoms will often get
worse with treatment, so this can be a major clue as to why thyroid treatment sometimes will fail.
Has your doctor tested you for adrenal fatigue or even considered it? Again, this is probably not on
the radar for your doctor. There is no drug company with a patented drug to treat the problem, no
expensive procedure or medical device to fund studies. If you feel you are experiencing the symptoms
listed above, you must be proactive and find a qualified natural medicine doctor who will guide you
through the process of diagnosis and treatment.

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Chapter 11: Intelligent Design in Nutrition

I have complete confidence in my Creator, so the most important guideline and the first priority in
eating is to eat what is natural. I have little faith that what mankind has done to our food supply
since corporations took over is healthy, and I believe it is the major cause of our unprecedented
increase in degenerative diseases.
It is important to read food labels and try to reduce or eliminate imitation food. One of the worst
foods ever to be developed is margarine. Chemically, it is one step away from plastic, yet we were all
convinced by the food industry and the government that it was healthier than butter. If you leave
margarine out in the garage, the mice won't eat it and it will not decompose, just like plastic.
Earlier, I discussed the findings of Weston Price that isolated primitive populations have been able to
find a healthy diet in a variety of ways with a variety of foods. Almost universally, when the people Dr.
Price studied were switched to a modern, highly processed diet, they developed cavities, had poor
facial development, and had decreased resistance to infectious diseases.
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The incredibly important point is that most of the foods that contain the critical nutrients that Dr.
Price identified in the traditional diets are vilified by modern diet experts, our medical system and the
government. Why do you think we are a fat nation and getting fatter and more diseased by the day?
One of the main reasons is we do not get optimal nutrition from our food, so we continue to crave
more. Hunger and food craving is the natural reaction of our bodies trying to get what is missing from
the diet. I have found when I get my patients on a nutrient-rich diet, they will naturally move toward
their normal weight and the cravings tend to disappear.
Take the example of Billy. He had been frustrated by countless diets and yo-yo weight loss and gain.
He bought into all the propaganda that low fat eating is the healthiest diet. He even did a year as a
vegetarian. But it never worked for him. The low calorie diets would work for weight loss, but when it
came time to get on a diet to maintain weight, he could not control his appetite. So how did I help
him to keep his weight off?
We started by raising his deficient levels of fat-soluble vitamins D, A, and K2. How? By eating food
that was raised naturally: cows eating grass, chickens eating seeds and insects out in the sun so they
can produce vitamin D (chicken wings can be a health food if from a natural bird because of the fat-
soluble vitamins). Modern agribusinesses raise chickens in buildings crowded with an insane number
of birds fed hormones, antibiotics and their beaks are cut off so they dont kill each other. With a
combination of natural meat, nutritious vegetables, properly prepared grains and nuts, and natural
fats, Billy was able to feel satisfied with smaller meals and had substantially more energy for
continuing his exercise program. The weight came off gradually, and more importantly, stayed off.
Why are these fat soluble vitamins so important? Dr. Price found that all the traditional, healthy
cultures he studied had one thing in common: an animal source of the fat-soluble vitamins. The first
was vitamin A. He found the diets of healthy, isolated people had a diet that had ten times the
vitamin A content of the American diet of his day. Vitamin A acts as the catalyst for innumerable
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biochemical processes in the body. It acts as a powerful antioxidant and also stimulates the secretion
of gastric juices for optimal digestion. The best sources for the preformed vitamin A are butter fat, egg
yolks, liver and other organ meats, seafood, and fish liver oils.
Carotenes in vegetables are also converted to vitamin A in the body, but this process is compromised
in children, diabetics, persons with thyroid dysfunction and in those with overall poor nutrition.
Sound familiar? Studies have suggested that synthetic retinol, the vitamin A contained in vitamin
pills, may be toxic, so it should be avoided.
Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that most clinicians and patients know is related to blood clotting.
Most also know that the major source of this vitamin is green leafy vegetables such as lettuce and
spinach. Since the 1980s, studies have shown a correlation between vitamin K intake and the risk of
More recently, information has also related vitamin K intake to other diseases and conditions. As far
as bone density is concerned, it is known that calcium is incorporated into the protein matrix of the
bone by an activated osteocalcin. Osteocalcin is activated through a carboxylation process that is
catalyzed by vitamin K. Studies have shown that people with the highest percentage of inactivated
osteocalcin have a five times higher hip fracture rate than those with the activated osteocalcin. It has
also been shown that vitamin K2 is more efficient than vitamin K1 for activating osteocalcin levels.
Japanese studies have shown that supplementation with high levels of vitamin K2 can reverse
osteoporosis. Sources of vitamin K2 in the diet include natto, which is a fermented soy food eaten in
Japan, cheese and animal fat as well as organ meats. There is evidence linking persons and animals
that are deficient in vitamin K2 to abnormal calcification of soft tissue such as the arteries.
A large clinical trial done in Europe showed that low vitamin K intake was strongly associated with
the risk of developing coronary artery disease and was also significantly related to reduced mortality
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with higher blood levels. The proposed mechanism is that if calcium is not put into bone because of
inadequate levels of activated osteocalcin, then it may wind up in arteries and soft tissues where it is
not wanted. The studies in animals have shown that supplementing with vitamin K2 can completely
prevent calcification of the arteries in certain animal models. In the same studies, vitamin K1
supplementation was shown to have little effect.

It may be that vitamin K2 is the reason for the French paradox; this being lower rates of coronary
artery disease in French people despite a high fat diet including butter and cheeses. Other possible
reasons for the French paradox have been thought to be red wine antioxidants reducing coronary
disease as well as protection afforded by their lifestyle, which usually incorporates more walking.
Hardening of the arteries may also affect blood pressure and deficiency of vitamin K2 may be involved
in elevation of blood pressure.
Research has also shown that vitamin K2 catalyzes an enzyme that produces sulfatides in the brain.
Decreased sulfatides have been associated with aging and Alzheimer's disease. Another possible area
where vitamin K2 deficiency may be important is as a potential cause of kidney stones, again related
to calcium and calcium oxylate. It could be that increasing vitamin K2 in the diet or with
supplements could prevent kidney stones.
There is other evidence that K2 may have important ramifications for immune function. It has also
been noted that there are vitamin K2 receptors both in the mitochondria and cell nucleus of many
tissues. We may have only seen the tip of the iceberg as far as the effects of vitamin K2 go. It is
possible that fortifying the diet with foods rich in vitamin K2 may decrease risk for osteoporosis,
cardiovascular disease, brain diseases, immune dysfunction and possibly other diseases.
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Again, foods high in vitamin K2 are mostly the animal source foods including hard cheeses, butter
from grass-fed cattle, organ meats, egg yolks and curd cheeses. Vitamin K2 supplements are also
available in the form of MK-4 and MK-7 and there is evidence that these may also treat vitamin K2
Vitamin D really functions as a hormone in the body and is now thought to affect the expression of
thousands of genes, especially those related to the immune system; thus affecting susceptibility to
infectious disease, autoimmune disease, and cancer. You may know that vitamin D is activated by
the ultraviolet light that is present in sunshine. Of course, we all know we must stay out of the sun
but I have always had a hard time believing God would create the sun and then expect us to hide
from it. A vitamin D researcher has estimated that 30 percent of cancer deaths could be prevented if
we had adequate vitamin D levels. That would be 200,000 deaths in the USA and two million deaths
world-wide prevented every year.
There is good evidence that a majority of people today have suboptimal vitamin D levels and its
deficiency is a major cause of disease and disability. In the winter, when the sun is low, vitamin D
levels drop significantly. Some speculate this is the prime reason for the cold and flu season. My
advice is to get regular sunshine and add in the super foods from animal sources. The fat portion of
an animal that has been in the sun is a dietary source for vitamin D. If you must resort to
supplements, keep track of your vitamin D blood level with a 25 OH vitamin D test to avoid
overdosing and to optimize blood levels. I advise avoiding vitamin D2 that is used in some
supplements and most of the prescription forms. Use vitamin D3 instead.
The ability of humans to consume grains has greatly contributed to the growth of civilization. So why
have I noticed my patients usually improve when wheat and dairy have been removed from their diet?
This has become the mantra of many nutritional medicine physicians. We can also look at the
popularity of the Paleolithic diet comprised of fruits, vegetables, roots and animal products as the
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foods that a caveman would eat, thus the foods our genes are designed for. The idea is that grains
and dairy came much later and our genes haven't adapted.
The real issue, however, is that grains require careful preparation. If we look at the cow, an animal
designed to live off of plants, we see it has four stomachs to allow for a predigestion process for
materials that would otherwise be impossible to break down. And even when there are nutrients we
could digest, like the protein, fats and carbohydrates in nuts and seeds, there are also toxins and
anti-nutrients contained in them that prevent the germination and growth of the plant until the
conditions are just right. A seed that falls to the ground will not germinate until the conditions signal
good growing medium such as the right season and ample moisture in the soil. The seed requires
moisture, time, warmth and a slightly acidic environment in order for its growth potential to be
unleashed. These happen to be the same conditions present in the cow's stomach.
Cultures from all over the world would accomplish removing these growth inhibitors through soaking
or fermenting grains before consumption. Modern technology has turned bread from being the staff of
life into a poison. First, the parts of the grain are unnaturally separated into bran, germ and starch.
Soaking the grains is not done. Soaking at low temperature is important to remove the enzyme
inhibitors, but at the same time leave the beneficial enzymes intact. Soaking and fermenting also
causes other compounds like tannins, lectins, complex sugars and gluten to be partially broken down
so that they are more digestible.
Modern milling is done at high temperatures and pressures. This can denature the healthy enzymes
and destroy nutrients that make grain the staff of life. The grain is usually sprayed with pesticides
and often stored for long periods of time after being milled. All of this makes typical modern breads
one of the worst foods you can eat, even if made from whole grain. So what can you do? You can
learn to make your own bread the proper way. A good cook book for instructions on this process and
other traditional recipes is Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon. You can purchase bread at a health
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food store. It should be organic, using stone-ground flour, and made with sprouted grains or sour
It is important to try to reduce exposure to the pesticide and herbicide toxins in food. Fruits and
vegetables are better when organically grown, but knowing what foods have the highest pesticide
residues can help you with using resources wisely when it comes to buying nontoxic food. The
Environmental Working Group (ewg.org) has come up with a list of the dirty dozen fruits and
vegetables that have the highest pesticide residues. These should be purchased organically grown.
The Dirty Dozen
Sweet bell peppers
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Grapes (imported)

The foods scored lowest for pesticide residues were onions and avocados.
You might be surprised (as I was) to learn that you might want to use the term human loosely. The
Human Microbiome Project is a National Institute of Health initiative that has made great advances
in the knowledge of our bodys microbial inhabitants. This has been done by identifying organisms by
their genome instead of growing cultures which will fail to identify up to 80% of the organisms.
According to gene testing, our human cells may be outnumbered by microbial cells ten-to-one. If we
look at life on the basis of genetic material, we are outnumbered 100-to-one. We are essentially a
super organism and the impact this has on our health is almost totally unknown.
On the surface, it appears that the healthiest ecosystem is the most diverse one. Studies of the flora
of premature infants at Duke University have shown that a diverse gut flora means a more disease-
resistant baby. Our modern diet, toxic exposures, genetically modified food, and microbial-phobic
healthcare system all conspire to disturb the trillions of symbiotic friends that we carry around. It
may be that we eventually discover that the devastation of our microbiome is the most important
factor in the epidemic of degenerative disease in our modern world.
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Our misguided public health officials will soon have our entire food supply sterilized with
pasteurization, irradiation, fumigation and whatever other alteration they can dream up. I predict we
will discover this has a tremendous negative impact on our health. I am happy to know there is a
growing group of passionate consumers and food producers that are trying to go back in time and
give us the health-giving, natural food of our ancestors. Foods like raw milk and cheeses, soaked and
fermented grains and beverages, organic fruits and vegetables with traces of soil-based organisms,
and other sources of the thousands of species that have evolved with us.

Chapter 12: Detoxify Your Body

Your body will naturally detoxify if you follow a healthy, natural diet and get plenty of sunshine and
exercise. Exercise helps with the elimination of toxins through increasing circulation, producing
sweat, and the effect of movement pushing waste through our bowels. Saunas are another way to get
your body sweating. Eating organic food and carefully watching the use of, and exposure to,
chemicals in the environment and around the home will help as well. The vitamins and minerals
contained in a nutrient-dense diet are vital for healthy detoxification.
A way to get into toxic trouble is to eat a poor diet and get exposed to a large toxin load.
Unfortunately, this is easy to accomplish--just follow where big business marketing firms guide you
to junk food and toxic products. Another factor is that everyone is different in how they handle
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toxins. There are genetic polymorphisms that result in impaired detoxification which can be identified
with genetic tests.
Toxins are usually in the form of fat-soluble molecules that need to be converted to water-soluble
molecules so that they may be excreted in the urine or sweat. The detoxification processes has two to
three phases. Phase I changes the toxic molecule to what is termed a reactive intermediary molecule.
Phase II then adds another molecule to the toxin to make it water-soluble. Phase III is an additional
step that required for certain toxins. It is important for these phases to be in sync. If phase I is
overactive relative to phase II, then the reactive intermediary may be even more toxic than the
original toxin.
Phase II detox requires a steady source of co-factors and energy. This is why fasting is not necessarily
a good way to detox. The co-factors necessary for detoxification include taurine, glycine, glutamine,
sulfate reserves, glutathione, methylation co-factors, and healthy glucose (blood sugar) levels.
The key factors to improve detoxification include:
1) Decreasing the toxic load.
2) Plentiful modulators to balance phase I, II and III.
3) Antioxidant protection.
4) Support for phase II detoxification.
5) Support for healthy digestion and excretion.
An example of a food compound that increases phase I detoxification is indole 3 carbinol, which is
found in cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts). Ellagic acid
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found in pomegranates and berries supports phase II. Catechins in green tea and watercress also
support phase II. Milk thistle provides antioxidant protection as do the antioxidant vitamins A, C, E,
and the mineral selenium. Additional supplements that can be used for supporting detox include
enzymes, chlorella, garlic, N-acetyl-cysteine, alpha-lipoic acid, choline, methionine, folate and vitamin
B 12.
Once our detoxification system gets overwhelmed, we may start to have health challenges, which can
present as a variety of chronic symptoms. Detoxification can be done with plants in a juice fast.
Another alternative is to use formulas from companies that make combinations of these ingredients
to aid in detoxification in a prepackaged product. A product I have used successfully in my practice is
Ultraclear made by Metagenics. Coffee enemas stimulate liver detoxification and are another
alternative that I prescribe regularly to fire up a sluggish detoxification system. Be sure to use
organic coffee so that you are not inadvertently adding pesticides that are commonly used on coffee


After reading this information about all of the obstacles we have to optimal health, you may feel a
little discouraged. It is amazing how many harmful exposures we have that are just assumed to be
okay. But now you have had a taste of the truth and I hope you can see that by knowing the truth
you can be set free. I know you can break away from many of the lies. I know because I did, as did
my family, friends and many of my patients. You can accomplish much more for yourself and your
loved ones with the increased energy and health you will have following a natural approach to
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wellness. If you take just one of these suggestions each week or month and make it happen, you will
start to move in the right direction, which will create momentum to carry you further than you ever
thought possible. If you need more information and coaching advice filtered through TRUTH, visit our
website www.naturalfoodsdiet.org and subscribe to my blog. Check out our videos on our YouTube
channel. Get to work and let me know how you are doing.

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