English III Syllabus

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COURSE SYLLABUS Policies & Procedures

English III
Huntsville High School

Instructor: Seth Bracken
Room Number: 1707
E-Mail: sbracken@huntsville-isd.org
Website: http://huntsvillehs.sharpschool.net/faculty/english/bracken__seth
School Phone Number: (936) 435-6100
School Address: 441 FM 2821 East Huntsville, TX 77320
Conference Period: 6th (1:37 - 2:32 pm)
Tutorial Times: Megalunch, by appointment every morning, & until 4:30 M-F, unless an
appointment is made otherwise, in the afternoon. If no student is present by 4:15
PM or arrangements made for a later time then I may be gone.

Supplies: 1 folder with brads
1 spiral notebook (college ruled)
Notebook paper (college ruled)
Black or Blue Pens (NO other colors accepted!)

Scope and Sequence:

Unit 01: Touring American Literature
Unit 02A: Conventions in American Poetry
Unit 02B: Themes in American Drama
Unit 03: Evaluating Informational Text
Unit 04: Powerful Persuasion
Unit 05A: Analyzing Genre Connections
Unit 05B: Reading and Writing for College and Career Career
Unit 06: Reliability, Validity, and Accuracy

***Note: Grammar, spelling and vocabulary will be taught/reviewed within the context of the literature
and reviewed with practice sheets.

Grade Scale: Major Assignments 60%
(essays, timed writings, research projects, tests, six nine week journals, projects)

Daily Assignments 40%
(in-class assignments, homework, vocabulary exercises, etc.)

In compliance with Huntsville ISDs grading policy, grades will be tabulated
every six weeks for report cards and three weeks for progress reports.

The approved grade scale is as follows:

A= 90-100
B= 80-89
C= 75-79
D= 70-74
F= 0-69

***Note: Grades can be checked at any time by contacting the instructor or using Parent Internet Viewer
(PIV). Please note that the letter I means incomplete, or not turned in, and may still be submitted for
grading. The letter X means that a student has been exempted from that assignment and is NOT
REQUIRED to make up the work.***

Absences: If absent, it is the students responsibility to find out what was missed. Upon returning
to class, check with a classmate or the teacher. Check for any missed readings/handouts.
If, after checking, the student still has questions, they may ask the instructor. If the
student is absent for a day, they must be prepared to make up work and turn in
assignments the day of their return; student has up to 5 days to complete tests, quizzes,
and turn in makeup work after an absence. Otherwise, the student will receive zeros for
incomplete work. It is the students responsibility to schedule a time to take missed
quizzes and tests. Any quiz, test, or project that was assigned before the absence and due
during or after same absence must be turned in at the due date or the first day the student
returns to school, whichever is sooner.

Late Work: Daily grade work will be accepted late with 10 points deducted per class day for 3 days.
Late work turned in past 3 days late will be given a zero. Major grades will be accepted
late up to five days with ten points deducted per day. Major grades past 5 days late will
be given a zero. Approval is still subject to school policies and the instructor.

Plagiarism: Any instances of plagiarism/cheating will result in failure of the assignment (without
make up) and the adherence to discipline measures in accordance with school

Discipline: Any/All instances of improper behavior will NOT be tolerated. Discipline measures will
be taken on the first offense and every one thereafter in accordance with school

BYOT: Per district policy technology will be allowed in the classroom for educational reasons
only! Any misuse of technology can result in disciplinary action at the discretion of the
teacher and district policy.

Bathroom Policy: Each student will have a restroom pass that they may use five times per semester. Per
district guidelines no students shall be allowed to go the ten minutes before class or the
ten minutes at the end of class.


Class Rules:

1. Respect your teacher, peers, and self.

2. Unused time is lost forever, use your time productively--remain on task!

3. Listen when your teacher or another student is speaking.

4. Expect to be working in class when the bell rings, and continue to work until dismissed by
the teacher.

5. Students must come to class with all required materials.


Acknowledgement of English III Policies and Procedures for Mr. Brackens class

I have read the English II Syllabus and Policies/Procedures information and understand the
expectations of this class and the instructor.

I understand that student grades may be checked at any time online with the parent viewer
program or by contacting the instructor.

**Student Signature__________________________________________

**Guardian Signature___________________________________________

Please return this form no later than September 13, 2014. Thank you!

Parent Contact Information:

Best Phone Number: (Daytime) ____________________________________________

Best Phone Number: (Evening) ___________________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name(s): _____________________________________________

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