Coach Sterling Syllabus

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World History

Quentin Sterling
Prep/Conference times: 4

I. Course description:

In World History, students investigate continuity and change in the human experience, exploring great
traditions that have developed around the world. This class includes content of the standard World
History course but is adapted so that content is presented in greater depth allowing students to use tools
and methods of historians to analyze issues in world history. Students are required to participate in
extended reading, writing, and research activities that integrate topics from the social sciences, art, music,
literature, and science.

II. Materials:

1. Composition Notebook
2. A blue or black pen and a pencil.
3. Stickies Notes

III. Assignments/Grading Procedures:
In-class assignments are due at the end of class.
Projects and homework are due at the beginning of class on the date specified when the assignment
is given.
Writing assignments or essays should be completed in black or blue ink and written legibly.

The grade for grading period is determined in the following manner:
** 40% formative grades will be composed of: daily work, quizzes, some presentations and small projects
** 60% summative grades will be composed of: major exams and major projects
Grades will be given on a variety of assignments including writing, discussion responses, group work,
presentations, quizzes and tests.
Rubrics will be included with instructions for projects.
Grading standards will be used:
Grade scale: 100-90 A 89-80 B 79-70 C Below 70

School Policy:
A student shall be permitted one opportunity to redo any assignment or retake any test for which the
student received a failing grade. The student or parent must request the additional opportunity within 10
days of the grade being posted in the grade book and within the grading period. Campuses may determine
additional and more specific criteria.
All students absent from school shall have the opportunity to make up all schoolwork assigned during
their absence. Students have five school days after returning to school to complete make-up work. In
unusual circumstances, the principal or his/her designee may extend this time period. Work assigned
prior to the absence shall be turned in or completed on the day the student returns to school. If a
test or major assignment had been previously communicated to students it will be completed or due the
day they return.

Full credit will be awarded for make-up work. A student who does not make up assigned work within the
time allotted by the teacher may, at the discretion of the teacher, receive a grade of zero for the

In the case of truancies, makeup work can earn only 50% of the credit that would have been earned if the
student had been present.

IV. Late-Work Policy:

Late-Work: Student loses 10 points every day the assignment is not turned in.

VI. Tutorials:

Monday-Friday: 7:45am to 8:30am
Monday-Thursday: 4:10 pm to 4:30pm (except last 9 weeks)

VI. Student Responsibilities/Classroom Expectations:

1. Show respect.
2. Come prepared.
3. Be actively engaged/participate in every activity.

Consequences for Student Responsibilities:
(Consequences may be given out in any order or combined, depending on the situation)
1. Verbal Warning
2. Conference with Student
3. Conference with Parents
4. Teacher/Campus Detention (minimum 15 before school, during lunch, or after school)
5. Referral to Assistant Principal
VII. Blended Classroom
I would love to avoid lecturing in my classroom and although I try to avoid a straight
lecture at all costs, sometimes it does happen. A blended classroom allows the
students to watch lecture and videos at home, during lunch, or free time therefore, we
can utilize class time for the following:
- Read primary source documents, understand the context in which they were written
and have outstanding discussions.
- Debates
- Socratic Seminar
- Quick writing (2 minute challenge writing to see how well the previous night's
content was understood)
- Students reteach - have the students prepare mini review type lessons to teach the
content back to the class. With this technique, groups of students could watch
different lectures, a sort of "at home jigsaw" technique.
- Projects - imagine the amount of time that could be freed up in class for students to
create projects & write

Students should register at
Class Code will be provided on day 3.

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