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Hope was getting up uninterrupted, until her little sister pushed her out of bed. SCARLETT! Hope
shouted, Ha-ha! Scarlett snickered as she scrunched her pointer finger up and down at Hope. Hope
rolled her eyes and walked in the kitchen to eat her breakfast, there already at the table was her twin
sister Skylar, Scarlett, Carter (her brother), and her dad. Am I the only one who knows how to get
dressed? Skylar said playfully, Ha-ha very funny Skylar, its like 7:30. We still have an hour to get
dressed. Hope replied. Hope looked around the kitchen searching for her mom. Dad, wheres mom?
Hope asked, She left an hour ago, she should be back soon. replied her dad. Hope wandered around
the house, because her dad jokes around a lot. She started to actually think that her dad was being
serious. Then, she saw her mom in the laundry room getting Carters clothes out for school tomorrow.
Mom!? Hope eagerly shouted, Hope? her mom replied. Hope looked at her mom with delight, then
frowned. Honey, whats wrong? her mom asked with a sympathetic look on her face. Mom, Skylar
always makes friends, and its always hard for me to. Just like last year when I was alone and you pulled
me out and homeschooled me. Hope replied still frowning. Sweeti--her mom was rudely interrupted
by Skylar. MOM!!! CARTER SPILLED HOT CHOCOLATE ON MY SHOES!!!!!!!! screeched Skylar, Child,
just change your shoes. Its not that big of a deal. replied her mom. MOM, NO. JUST. NO. IT IS A BIG
DEAL. THESE ARE MY FAVORITE! whined Skylar. Sky, every pair of shoes is your favorite. Hope
mumbled under her breath, HopeI can hear you. AND these are my purple galaxy Vans. Skylar said
still with a whine in her voice. Whatever. Hope replied.

Skylars perfect curly hair was blowing so beautifully in the wind, as we were walking to school. She was
so much prettier than me. Im really jealous of, herwell, everything. Her smile was so welcoming, and
she had such an amazing outlook on life. She is so inspiring; I just wish I could be like her. She can be a
bitch, trust me but we all can. I love her so much, she is my twin. Hello?! Hope, Are you alive?! Skylar
shouted as she waved her hand in my face. Oh, Sorry Sky. I was thinkingum, how long have you been
yelling at me? I asked with a slight smirk. Hayoure not funny.

Theressomanypeople. We just walked up the stairs in our building. I turn to Skylar; shes already
flirting with a guy. Well, looks like I need at least a friend. I thought to myself. All of a sudden, this guy.
Ooh, he has his earphones in. He has jet black hair with red tips. I turn to Skylar again; shes already
smiling and laughing with someone else. But, shes a girl. She has black hair with deep blue eyes. I
turned back around to the guy he was right in front of me, about to tap my shoulder. Hi, Im Aiden. You
are? he politely asked with a huge smile. Hi, I-Im Hope... Hope Lynn. I responded. Hes so tall. I
thought to myself. Well, can I see your schedule? he asked, still smiling. Oh, of course...just let me get
it. I said, reaching into my backpack. I handed the schedule to him; he scanned it with his heavenly
aqua eyes. We have a lot of classes together. he said with a sparkle in his eye. YES! I thought to
myself. Thats wonderful. I said with a huge smile. We dont have first class together, but we have
second. So, Ill take you to your class on my way to mine. Then, Ill meet you at your locker to second.
Okay? he asked looking happy as can be. Thats a wonderful ideawait, you dont know where my
locker is. I said. Will, you show me? he asked with a look of excitement. I didnt know what to say; I
dont want to turn him down. So, looks like Ill show him. Follow me. I replied.

Well, finally Mr. Stews class is over. It just ended and Aiden is already here. Hi. I said awkwardly.
Hey, ready for math? he asked with a goofy smirk. No. I said laughing.

Aiden sat right beside me in math. Hes so perfect, ooh. He picked up his pencil, and a flash of his wrist
shown (he kept at least six bracelets on his left wrist). Aiden? I asked quietly. Yeah? he replied
whispering, but not making eye contact. Can I see something? I asked blushing, because it came out
weird, but still being quiet. Depends he replied quietly; suddenly, a kid puked. So, the teacher went
running out with the student to the nurse. I grabbed Aidens wrist and took off his bracelets. He reacted
fast and covered it up with his hoodie. Explain, right now. I said sternly. Listen, its not what you
think. I just. Erm I have an evil cat, yeah an evil cat. he said nervously. Well talk about this later. I
said, and as soon as I said it; Mrs. Fyfe came in. Well, where were we? she said loudly.


We just got out of school.

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