Sunday School Registration 2014-15

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Christian Education Registration Form

Parents Names: ____________________________________________________________________________
Full Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
Telephone: Home______________________ Cell __________________ Email: _______________________

Students Full Name: ________________________________________________________________________

Students Preferred Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Grade: ____________Birth Date: _____________

Baptized? Yes  No 

Confirmed? Yes  No 

Allergies to Medicines/Food: ________________________Special Needs:______________________________

Students Full Name: ________________________________________________________________________

Students Preferred Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Grade: ____________Birth Date: _____________

Baptized? Yes  No 

Confirmed? Yes  No 

Allergies to Medicines/Food: ________________________Special Needs:______________________________

Students Full Name: ________________________________________________________________________

Students Preferred Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Grade: ____________Birth Date: _____________

Baptized? Yes  No 

Confirmed? Yes  No 

Allergies to Medicines/Food: ________________________Special Needs:______________________________

Christian education is central to the faith development of our children, youth and adults.
A loving place where students feel supported, valued and nurtured is our goal for all of our educational
offerings. We need your assistance to make this a reality. Please prayerfully consider how you might give
your time and talents to the education program of Vale Church, then, mark below how you choose to help!
* Name: ___________________________________________________________________
 Substitute Teacher

 Nursery Volunteer

 Classroom helper

 Help with Youth Group

* Child Protection Policies and Guidelines are in effect at Vale. Anyone who wishes to work with children or youth needs to
review the policy and sign it. See Ruth Anne Luckenbaugh, Director of Christian Education, if you have any questions.

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