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Telfono: (603) 395-2590
Correo electrnico: byorgey@sau6!org
"ula: #203
Spanish CP 4 is a profciency-based college preparatory course
that builds upon the skills and materials learned in your previous
years of studying Spanish. Although there are a few more
grammar points to be introduced specifcally the sub!unctive
mood" this is the year that you will become masterful at using
what you have learned.
#e will spend much of $
%uarter reviewing and adding to verb
con!ugations" sentence and paragraph formation" vocabulary and
idiomatic e&pressions while reading a short book and beginning
to address our theme for the year '#hat factors have created the
Spanish language and culture(). *y the end of this year you will
be able to discuss %uite clearly and intelligently in Spanish the
development of the Spanish language and the culture of Spain.
The attitudes and values that you will demonstrate are
1. A willingness to express yourself in Spanish both spoken and written.
2. A willingness to make mistakes and figure out how to correct them.
3. A willingness to work collaboratively with others, including helping others
with their mistakes. Social !3, ", #ivic !3$
%. An appreciation of the efforts of others. Social !3, ", #ivic !2, 3$
". A desire to put forth your best effort.
First and foremost, it is expected that you will SPEAK
ONLY SPANS! durin" class time unless "i#en permission
to use En"lish and that you will AL$AYS SPEAK SPANS!
when con#ersin" with me or another Spanish teacher%
*y the end of this course you will be able to
1. Comprehend formal and nformal !po"en Span!h.
#A$adem$ %&'
&. (!e )o$a*+lar, and !-r+$-+re -o read. $omprehend and
!+mmar/e *ref $+rren- e)en-! and $+l-+ral ar-$le!. a! 0ell
a! e1$erp-! of modern l-era-+re n Span!h. #A$adem$ %1.
2. Compo!e !+mmare! and $ompo!-on! ran3n3 from 144 -o
544 0ord!. #A$adem$ %&'
4. E1pre!! dea! orall, and 0r--en 0-h a$$+ra$, and 6+en$,.
#A$adem$ %1. &'
5. (!e -e$hnolo3, -o re!ear$h nforma-on a*o+- 7!pan$
$+l-+re! aro+nd -he 0orld. S-+den-! 0ll n-era$- 0-h
a+-hen-$ meda and 0ll *e a*le -o $ompare and $on-ra!-
!mlar-e! and d8eren$e! *e-0een -he (.S. and -he -ar3e-
$+l-+re. #A$adem$ %1. 2. So$al %5'
9. :or" a! a -eam -o plan. $rea-e and pre!en- a !ere! of !"-!.
!-or,*oard! and role;pla,! -ha- repre!en- 7!pan$ $+l-+re
and<or -hema-$ )o$a*+lar, +!ed n a real lfe !-+a-on.
#A$adem$ %1. & and C)$ %2'
It is expected you bring the following materials to
class with you on a daily basis. Failing to do so will
afect your grade.
; la carpeta de argollas
An, and all ma-eral! -ha- are pho-o$oped m+!- *e "ep- n
e-her a !epara-e -hree rn3 *n3er !pe$=$all, for Span!h or n
a Span!h !e$-on of ,o+r *3 !$hool *nder. -he $ho$e !
,o+r!> 7ere ,o+ 0ll "eep )o$a*+lar, l!-!. 0or"*oo" a$-)-,
hando+-!. e-$.
; el lpiz o el bolgrafo
?rn3 a pen or pen$l -o $la!! ! -he mo!- *a!$ of e1pe$-a-on!.
Do no- $ome -o $la!! 0-ho+- a 0r-n3 +-en!l.
; el cuaderno blanco y negro
Yo+ 0ll need -o p+r$ha!e a $ompo!-on no-e*oo" -ha- ,o+ 0ll
la*el and lea)e n Profa. Yor3e,@! $la!!. Th! no-e*oo" 0ll *e
+!ed for 0ee"l, 0r-n3!. $+l-+ral Ao+rnal en-re!. +amos
a$-)-e! #0arm+p!' and no-e! -a"en n $la!!. There 0ll *e
-me! 0hen -he!e no-e*oo"! $an *e *ro+3h- home.
; Un marcador de borrado en seco
Yo+ 0ll need ,o+r o0n dr,;era!e mar"er for re)e0 a$-)-e!
-ha- 0e 0ll do n $la!!. An, $olor ! =ne. a! lon3 a! -@! )!*le>
It is not expected that you bring a textbook to class as the
book is aailable online. t is not re&uired for students to
ha#e a physical copy of this text! howeer one can be issued
if needed. "e prepared to access the online text and
understand how to do so as there will be times where
referring to this resource is expected.
#$% &kill "uilding
Th! n$l+de! *+- ! no- lm-ed -oB home0or". +amos a$-)-e!
#0arm;+p!'. n;$la!! par-ner a$-)-e!. mpromp-+ dalo3+e!.
C+e!-on<an!0er $on)er!a-on!. !hor- $ompo!-on 0or". readn3
$omprehen!on a$-)-e!. par-$pa-on. and *nder $he$"!.
7ome0or" ! $he$"ed and re)e0ed n $la!!. 7ome0or" m+!- *e
$omple-ed prior -o ,o+r arr)al -o $la!!. 7ome0or" done n $la!!
0ll re$e)e a /ero. ,ate homework is not acceptable unless
medically e&cused. 7ome0or" ! po!-ed on -he *oard n $la!!.
men-oned orall, and a)ala*le on o+r $la!! 0e*!-e. Plea!e *e
a0are -ha- -here ma, *e -me! 0here $han3e! n home0or" are
made. !-+den-! !ho+ld al0a,! follo0 a!!3nmen- on -he *oard>
'$% Formatie (ssessments
Th! n$l+de! *+- ! no- lm-ed -oB !pelln3. 3rammar. )o$a*+lar,
C+//e!. pop C+//e!. !mall proAe$-!. 0r-n3<readn3 a$-)-e!.
oral!. l!-enn3 $omprehen!on a$-)-e!. e-$. Some C+//e! ma,
*e 3)en 0-h o+- ad)an$e no-$e. Oral par-$pa-on 0ll *e
e)al+a-ed ea$h C+ar-er 0-h -he +!e of a r+*r$. Th! 3rade 0ll *e
n -h! $a-e3or,.
)$% &ummatie (ssessments
The!e a!!e!!men-! are pro=$en$,<performan$e;*a!ed
e1amna-on! n -he area! of l!-enn3. !pea"n3. readn3. 0r-n3
and $+l-+re. Th! n$l+de! *+- ! no- lm-ed -oB -e!-!. -ran!la-on!.
d$-a-on!. 0r--en $ompo!-on!. $on)er!a-on!. !"-!. role pla,.
narra-on!. l!-enn3<readn3 $omprehen!on e1er$!e!.
d!$+!!on!. de*a-e!. n-er)e0!. po!-er!. !-or, *oard!.
*ro$h+re!. m+l-;meda pre!en-a-on! n -he -ar3e- lan3+a3e.
(ttendance and *ardiness+
A--endan$e ! -a"en e)er,da,. Cla!! *e3n! promp-l, a- -he *ell>
Th! mean! -ha- *efore -he *ell rn3!. !-+den-! !ho+ld *e !ea-ed
0-h -her home0or" o+- for -he -ea$her -o $he$" and *e
*e3nnn3 -he 0arm;+p a! nd$a-ed on -he *oard.
A--endan$e 0ll *e -a"en ea$h perod and ! +pda-ed dal, a! of
&B45 PD.
-f you are absent" you are allowed the same amount of time to
make up work that is currently specifed in the student
handbook. t is your responsi'ility to chec( with me to
ma(e arran"ements for completin" and su'mittin"
missed wor(% -f you are absent on the day of an assessment
.%ui/" test" pro!ect due date0presentation1" you are e&pected to
take it immediately upon your return. -t is also your responsibility
to hand in any work that was due on the date of your absence2
For -h! rea!on. - ! )er, mpor-an- -o $he$" onlne -o !ee 0ha-
home0or" ha! *een a!!3ned and<or a!" a peer from ,o+r $la!!>
If ,o+ !ho+ld happen -o arr)e -ard, -o $la!!. - ! onl, e1$+!ed
0-h a 0r--en pa!! from -he n!-r+$-or 0-h 0hom ,o+ 0ere
mee-n3. (ne1$+!ed -ardne!! and<or a*!en$e ! +na$$ep-a*le
and 0ll follo0 !$hool pol$,.
Food and ,rink+
Food and drn"! are no- perm--ed n $la!!E -he onl, e1$ep-on !
*o--led 0a-er.
(ppropriate "ehaior+
D!re!pe$- !ho0n -o0ard -ea$her. peer!. or !$hool proper-, 0ll
no- *e -olera-ed. Fal+re -o a*de *, -he!e r+le! 0ll re!+l- n one
or more of -he follo0n3B
1' The -ea$her 0ll remo)e -he !-+den- and mo)e -he !-+den-@!
&' De-en-on
2' Remo)e -he !-+den- from $la!!E !end -he !-+den- -o an
4' Call -he !-+den-!@ paren-!
5' Refer -he !-+den- -o an admn!-ra-or
-ell .hones and /lectronic ,eices+
The +!e of $ell phone! and o-her ele$-ron$ de)$e! of an, "nd
are !-r$-l, proh*-ed n -h! room. e)en f n!-r+$-on ! done and
-here are a fe0 mn+-e! lef- n $la!! -o !-ar- home0or". -f any
device is seen or heard during class" it will be confscated and
turned into the student)s assistant principal and a discipline
report for disruption of class will be completed. The !-+den- ma,
re-re)e -he $on=!$a-ed de)$e -hro+3h -her a!!!-an- prn$pal
af-er !$hool.
The E1e-er 73h S$hool hand*oo" $learl, !-a-e!. FPla3ar!m 0ll
no- *e -olera-ed. I- ! n-elle$-+al -he)er,E !-+den-! 0ho
pla3ar/e Aeopard/e -her a$adem$ !-andn3 and per!onal
rep+-a-on. and ma, a8e$- -her oppor-+n-e! for !$holar!hp and
n)-a-on! -o honor !o$e-e!. Af-er )erf,n3 -ha- a !-+den- ha!
pla3ar/ed. -he -ea$her 0ll no-f, -he paren-! and -he learnn3
area leader<admn!-ra-or! of -he n$den-.G
Pla3ar/ed 0or" 0ll re$e)e a /ero and dependn3 +pon -he
$r$+m!-an$e!. ma, $a+!e a !-+den- -o fal e-her -he C+ar-er or
-he $o+r!e. In order -o d!$o+ra3e f+r-her n$den-!. all
pla3ar/ed 0or" 0ll *e "ep- on =le.
FS-+den-! 0ho a--emp- -o a--an pa!!n3 3rade! -hro+3h
d!hone!- mean!. r+n -he r!" of !$hola!-$ fal+re and d!$plnar,
a$-on *, -he -ea$her and<or -he admn!-ra-on. All !-+den-! are
e1pe$-ed -o 0or" 0-hn -he 3+delne! of !$hool pol$e!. Af-er
)erf,n3 -ha- -he !-+den- $hea-ed. -he -ea$her 0ll *e re!pon!*le
for no-f,n3 -he paren-! of -he n$den-. The !-+den- ma, re$e)e
f+r-her d!$plne.G
*0/ U&/ 1F &.(2I&0 *3(2&4(*I25 6/"&I*/& *1
*3(2&4(*/ &/2*/2-/&7 .(3(53(.0& 13 1*0/3
.(&&(5/& I& 21* (--/.*("4/.
(28 6139 -1:.4/*/, 6I*0 *0I& *8./ 1F
(&&I&*(2-/ 6I44 3/-/I;/ ( 53(,/ 1F </31.
/=*3( 3/&1U3-/&
A drop;n -+-orn3 area n -he l*rar, 0ll *e a)ala*le -o a!!!-
0-h home0or" C+e!-on!. !hor-;-erm dH$+l-e!. e1am prep. e-$.
If ,o+ feel -ha- ,o+ 0o+ld l"e -o mee- 0-h an nd)d+al peer
-+-or #a !-+den- of an +pper le)el Span!h $la!!' on$e or -0$e per
0ee". 0e 0ll a--emp- -o arran3e -h!. Plea!e +nder!-and -ha-
-h! ! a $omm-men- on -he par- of -he -+-or and -+-ee.
/xtra 0elp con .rofa. 8orgey
I am n m, $la!!room earl, *efore !$hool and a)ala*le af-er
!$hool. If ,o+ need e1-ra help plea!e ma"e -o ma"e an
appon-men- 0-h me.
124I2/ 3/&1U3-/&
Plea!e $he$" o+- o+r CLASS :E?SITE for !e)eral onlne
re!o+r$e!. home0or" po!-n3. e-$.

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