Building A Train With Friends

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Building a Train with Friends

Children: Macey, Olivia and Isabella

Date: 10/09/12
Context: This is a project that has been going on for a few weeks. The girls are building a train with lots of carriages. This is
them working together to create a passenger carriage with windows and wheels.
Olivia collected a box from the store room a sat it on the bench.
Olivia said, It needs window.
Isabella said, Lets cut squares of paper and stick them on up here.
Macey began cutting the squares and Isabella stuck them on. Macey then picked up the black paint and began painting
the box.
Isabella asked, Why are you doing that Macey?
Macey replied, To make it look nicer. And Macey continued painting the box.
Olivia then said, We just need wheels.
Macey took a step back and Isabella began to stick the egg carton wheels on the box.
Personal Plane (information about the individual children): Macey is able to initiate the next step of the train and takes it
upon herself to start this without guidance.
Interpersonal Plane (information about relationships): These girls regularly interact together and know each other well.
Macey is aware of what the girls are doing and is able to follow and move onto the next step of the train. She is willing to
also stand aside and let others have their turn as all the girls work together cooperatively.
Contextual Plane (information about the cultural and institutional processes): This train has been a project the girls have
been working on over a period of time. They are still able to work together and communicate with each other effectively.
The centre encourages children to have work in progress over a time period. The children are able to create anything they
choose in the art and craft area and this is an area only provided with support from staff as it is needed but generally the
children are left to be.
Links to EYLF:
Outcome 4D. Children resource their own learning through connecting with people, place, technologies and natural and
processed materials.
Outcome 5A. Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes.

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