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Master Chef

Important Note
Aprons and hairnets must be worn PRIOR to entering the Food Technology Lab.
Wash your hands BEFORE handling any food or equipment.
Serves 2
2t Olive Oil
2 hallots
2 !ushrooms
" Onion
2 #ashers $acon
%t &arlic or % 'love
" p(t Fettuccini )asta
2 *ggs
2++ml 'ream
"' )armesan 'heese
Action Plan
%. )repare equipment and gather ingredients.
2. )lace a pot of water onto stove to boil. ,-./full 0Warm water1
-. )eel wash and cut shallots.
/. Wash and slice mushrooms
2. )eel and dice onion.
3. #emove fat from bacon and cut into strips.
4. 'rush garlic.
5. When water is boiling carefully add fettuccini and coo( until it is al dente. 'arefully drain
pasta and return to the pot.
6. Fry shallots until softened. Add onions7 mushrooms and bacon and coo( until bacon is
evenly browned.
%+. $rea( the eggs and separate the yol(s from the white.
%%. 8n a bowl7 whis( egg yol(s7 cream and cheese.
%2. Add the bacon mi9ture to the pasta and then pour the creamy mi9ture over the top. tir
%-. erve and garnish appropriately.
Amount Ingredients Amount Ingredients
2 t Olive oil 1t Garlic
2 Shallots p!t Fettuccini pasta
2 "ushrooms 2 Eggs
Onion 2##ml $ream
2 Rashers o% Bacon $up Parmesan cheese
&Resources' E(uipment )ist *Gathering Ingredients+
Item ,se
)lastic plates For putting ingredients on
Tray To put all the ingredients on
!easuring cups To measure the parmesan cheese
Table spoon To measure the oil
Liquid measuring :ug To measure out the cream
&Resources' E(uipment )ist *Preparation+
Item ,se
crap bin To place scraps from the ingredients into7 which will later be
disposed into a bin.
'hopping board To chop ingredients without ruining the bench
&arlic crusher To crush the garlic
Thongs To pic( ingredients up
;nife To cut ingredients such as the mushrooms7 onion7 bacon etc.
Whis(er To whis( the cream7 eggs and cheese together
'olander To drain the water from the fettuccini
Wooden spoon To mi9 ingredients
aucepan and lid To boil pasta and the lid is used to ma(e the pasta boil quic(er
)an To fry the shallots7 onion7 mushrooms and bacon.
)lastic plate To place chopped ingredients onto
$read and butter (nife To help crac( the eggs
-ime Plan
-ime Action
+,2 *nter room and gather required equipment
2,%+ et up equipment and gather ingredients
%+,2+ )repare ingredients and boil the fettuccini
2+,22 Fry onion7 bacon7 mushroom7 shallots
22,-+ !i9 ingredients together and pac( in container
-+,/+ Wash up equipment
/+,/2 Teacher chec(s bay and equipment
/2,2+ #eturn equipment and saniti<e wor( area

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