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Grade Grammar Syllabus
Teacher: Dale Roane
Room Number: 128
Phone: 787-3011 ext.1191
Text: English Houghton Milin 200!
Website: """#lease ind my $lass %e&site' (li$) on *ui$)lin)s and na+igate
to (lass ,e&sites. -ind Middle .$hool heading/ then 0rammar su&-heading/ and $li$) on my %e&site
highlighted in red' roane8thgradegrammar@%ee&ly.$om.
Course escri!tion:
1his $ourse %ill o$us on $orre$t grammar usage as %ell as higher-le+el +o$a&ulary %ords and s)ills. 23on
$om3letion/ students %ill &e a&le to identiy the eight 3arts o s3ee$h/ and they %ill also &e a&le to identiy and
diagram the dierent )inds o senten$es. ,riting and 3a3er assignments %ill &e gi+en in order to determine that
students are transerring grammati$al )no%ledge to real-%orld %riting. .tudents may at times &e gi+en a
grammati$al grade in this $lass or %riting 3erormed in other $lasses.
Course "b#ecti$es and Goals:
%.tudents %ill &e a&le to in$or3orate $orre$t grammar usage in their ormal and inormal %riting/
".tudents %ill &e %riting in dierent genres or real-%orld a33li$ation.
" .tudents %ill learn ho% to analy4e senten$es &y diagramming and identiying the dierent 3arts o a senten$e.
" .tudents %ill learn higher-le+el +o$a&ulary %ords5s)ills to a$ilitate their %riting/ reading $om3rehension/ and
e+ery day $ommuni$ation s)ills.
Course Ex!ectations:
%.tudents %ill &e re6uired to $om3lete all home%or). Home%or) is due %hen $lass &egins.
"7 home%or) stri)e' )a grade o* +ero, may &e gi+en i -.. home%or) is not $om3leted as instru$ted.
%8e )ind/ $ourteous/ and sho% good manners
"8e 3re3ared &y $oming to $lass %ith all re6uired materials and $om3leted assignments
"8e on time
"-ollo% dire$tions
"Re$ord daily assignments
!09- Daily %or):in-$lass assignments/ home%or)/ 6ui44es/ ;ournals/ note&oo) $he$)s
309- #a3ers:inal drats/ rough drats/ resear$h
309- 1ests:grammar and +o$a&ulary tests/ $lass 3arti$i3ation
#lease reer to the Middle .$hool Hand&oo) or late %or)/ ma)e-u3 %or)/ and missed $lass.
Extra &el!:
<xtra hel3 %ill &e a+aila&le %hene+er the student needs it.
= really loo) or%ard to %or)ing %ith you this year>
Mrs. Roane

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