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English 11CP: American Literature

Mrs. Collins
Phone: (!2" #$%&21#1 e't. 12!%
(ebsite: ))).ridersenglish.)
Welcome to English 11CP: American Literature! This handout contains all the important
information you need to be successful in this class. Please share this information ith your
parents!guardians and then place it as the front page in your class binder for easy reference.
Required Supplies
Te"tboo# co$er
%ournal&1 sub'ect noteboo# or composition boo#
Three ring binder ith fi$e di$iders labeled (ocabulary) *P 1) *P +) *P ,) and *P -
loose leaf paper
1.. inde" cards for the research paper /+
mar#ing period0
pens and pencils /final or# that is not typed must be in 123!0
electronic storage /flash dri$e or dis#0
1 bo" 3leene" 45 6this is not supplied by the school and is truly a necessity during cold and flu
777777771f ac8uisition of any supplies presents a hardship for your family) please see me.77777777
The policy of the C59: English ;epartment mandates the final mar#ing period grade be eighted as
5eading Comprehension ,.<
Writing ,.<
:pea#ing!Listening 1.<
Language /(ocabulary and =rammar0 +.<
Classor#! 9omeor# 1.<
Attendance/Make-up Work
>ou need to be here e$ery day. To be successful in this class) you need to be here for the in?class
instruction) discussion) and group or#.
;o not come to class late. Class begins hen the bell rings.
1f you are absent) it is your responsibility to come for ma#e?up or# before or after class) not during
class. 1 am a$ailable for ma#e ups and e"tra help before and after school most days of the ee#.
All ma#e?up or# is due in the same amount of days as you ere absent.
1f you ha$e a PLA22E; absence) you must get the or# ahead of time and turn it in on time. This
includes absences for school related e"tracurricular acti$ities.
Late Work
Late riting or pro'ect assignments /24T daily homeor#0 ill be accepted) but your grade ill be
reduced by @< for e$ery day it is late. 1 do 24T accept late homeor#.
Tests and Quizzes
There ill be bi?ee#ly $ocabulary 8uiAAes. There ill be scheduled and occasionally surprise reading
comprehension 8uiAAes. There ill be a test at the end of e$ery unit. All graded assessments ill be #ept
in your portfolio.
Writing Assignments/Journals
Writing is a ma'or focus of this class. >ou ill 'ournal fre8uently as a part of the daily arm up
acti$ity. E"pect to rite at least one ma'or essay each mar#ing period) as ell as a $ariety of
other riting assignments) including timed riting assignments.
Writing assignments should be typed ith *LA formatting unless otherise directed.
Researc !aper
All students are re8uired to complete a ma'or research pro'ect each year. The paper ill be a literary
analysis of a no$el chosen from a list of American authors. The research paper process and final paper
are ma'or grades in both the second and third mar#ing periods&it ill be $ery difficult to pass the
mar#ing period if you do not complete this pro'ect.
Any time you copy someone elseBs or#&hether itBs a friendBs homeor# assignment or an article on
the 1nternet&you are committing plagiarism) and this is cheating! 1f you plagiariAe) you ill recei$e no
credit for the assignment. Plagiarism is a serious offense and merits a disciplinary referral to the assistant
"lass !articipation
:tudying literature is an engaging and dynamic process best accomplished in an en$ironment here ideas
and opinions are freely e"changed. >ou are e"pected to come to class prepared to discuss the assigned
literature and to participate in class discussions) pro'ects) and both indi$idual and group assignments.
As a part of the classroom community) you are e"pected to treat your peers ith respect. E$ery student
should feel comfortable sharing 8uestions) ideas) opinions) and theories ithout fear of embarrassment or
ridicule. :tudents ho cannot treat others respectfully ill be reprimanded.
#all !asses
Please try to use the restroom and go to your loc#er during the passing time beteen classes.
2o hall passes ill be gi$en during a test or 8uiA until your test paper has been turned in.
1t is your responsibility to co$er the te"tboo#s assigned to you and return them in good condition.
1f you do not return any te"tboo#) you ill be charged for it. *ou are re+uired to bring your
te'tbook to class e,ery day.
Any necessary discipline ill be handled in accordance ith Caesar 5odney ;istrict Policy. Please refer
to your student handboo# for this information. 1n class disciplinary measures may include: $erbal
arning) seat change) remo$al from classroom) phone call!email home) morning detention) or referral to
the assistant principal.
Please sign belo)- detach- and return by .riday- August 2$- 2!1/. 0his syllabus should be 1laced in
the 2ront o2 your notebook.
I have read and agree to abide by the guidelines and rules set forth for Mrs. Collins English class.
Printed :tudent 2ame Class Period
:tudent :ignature ;ate
Parent!=uardian :ignature ;ate

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