QB Failure Before Drive Crash

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QBWinInstance Handle..QBWINDLL.

c (308) : MESSAGE: Thu Dec 03 10:33:21 LVL_ERROR--

Returning NULL QBWinInstance Handle..QBWINDLL.c (308) : MESSAGE: Thu Dec 03
10:33:21 LVL_ERROR--Returning NULL QBWinInstance Handle..QBWINDLL.c (308) :
MESSAGE: Thu Dec 03 10:33:21 LVL_ERROR--Returning NULL QBWinInstance
Handle..QBWINDLL.c (116) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:33:21
CQBWinApp::InitInstance -- Initializing QBWinInstance Handle..QBWINDLL.c (147) :
CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:33:21 CQBWinApp::InitInstance completed..QBW.c (235) :
CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:33:21 CQuickBooksApp::InitInstance Initializing
Quickbooks (AfxOLE)..QBW.c (239) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:33:21 Operations
Started..QBW.c (445) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:33:21 Calling MauiMain for
further initialization..LicenseUtility.cpp (1013) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03
10:33:21 Initializing QBLicense Adapter for version 19 and flavor pro, which will
initialize .NET EC if in Handsha.ke Mode..QBW.c (452) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03
10:33:25 MauiMain finished successfully..QBW.c (636) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03
10:33:25 Initializing Add-Ins..QBW.c (473) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:33:25
Initializing COM-dependent components..QBW.c (500) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03
10:33:25 CQuickBooksApp::InitInstance exiting..QBW.c (570) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec
03 10:33:25 QuickBooksApp::Run..formwin.c (2506) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03
10:33:25 Creating form: formID=6884, itID=0..cwelcomedialog.cpp (206) :
CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:33:25 WelcomeDialog: Create: Pro
2009..cwelcomedialog.cpp (491) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:48:26 WelcomeDialog:
CreateNew..formwin.c (2506) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:48:26 Creating form:
formID=104, itID=1..formmgr.c (603) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:48:26 Creating a
MODAL form: formID=104, itID=0..formwin.c (2506) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03
10:48:27 Creating form: formID=6884, itID=2..cwelcomedialog.cpp (206) :
CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:48:27 WelcomeDialog: Create: Pro 2009...formwin.c (2506)
: CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:48:36 Creating form: formID=101, itID=3..formmgr.c
(603) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:48:36 Creating a MODAL form: formID=101,
itID=1..formwin.c (2506) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:48:42 Creating form:
formID=101, itID=4..formmgr.c (603) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:48:42 Creating a
MODAL form: formID=101, itID=2..load.c (1830) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:48:46
OpenSystemWithName on C:\Users\Public\Documents\Intuit\QuickBooks\Company
Files\..load.c (2243) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:50:06 InitSystem..DBManager.cpp
(4140) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:50:06 Database Server cache size =
64M..DBManager.cpp (4142) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:50:06 Database Server
initial cache size = 32M..DBManager.cpp (3951) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:50:06
Database Server starting. Startup String = C:\PROGRA~1\Intuit\QUICKB~1\QBDBMgr.exe
-n QB_data_engine_19 -qs -gd ALL -gk all -gp 4096 -gu all -ch 64M -ti 0 -c 32M -x
none -qi -qw -tl 120 -oe C:\PROGRA~2\Intuit\QUICKB~2\DBSTAR.~1.LOG..load.c
(10165) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:50:07 In not hosting mode, opening in single
user mode - no hosting change needed...load.c (2382) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03
10:50:07 InitSystem Check file location and move..load.c (2455) : CHECKPOINT: Thu
Dec 03 10:50:07 InitSystem Open DB Session[4]..DBManager.cpp (4140) : CHECKPOINT:
Thu Dec 03 10:50:07 Database Server cache size = 64M..DBManager.cpp (4142) :
CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:50:07 Database Server initial cache size =
32M..DBManager.cpp (3951) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:50:07 Database Server
starting. Startup String = C:\PROGRA~1\Intuit\QUICKB~1\QBDBMgr.exe -n
QB_ReadOnly_engine_19 -qs -gd ALL -gk all -gp 4096 -gu all -ch 16M -ti 0 -c 4M -x
none -qi -qw -tl 120 -oe C:\PROGRA~2\Intuit\QUICKB~2\DBSTAR~1.LOG -r
..DBSQLIDBFileMgr.cpp (403) : MESSAGE: Thu Dec 03 10:50:07 LVL_ERROR--DB-82
Error: -1006 ErrorMessage:'Unable to start specified database:
'C:\Users\Rich\Documents\Yahoo! Briefcase.url' is not a valid database
file'..IDBFileMgr.cpp (6.48) : MESSAGE: Thu Dec 03 10:50:07 LVL_ERROR---82
recovery on file C:\Users\Rich\Documents\Yahoo! Briefcase.url Failed!..load.c
(2458) : MESSAGE: Thu Dec 03 10:50:07 LVL_ERROR--InitSystem OpenDBSession[4]
failed. Error code code -6150, msg The database is either corrupted or is not a
valid database file...load.c (9182) : MESSAGE: Thu Dec 03 10:50:07 LVL_ERROR--
DMError Information:-6150 DB Specific Code:-1006Additional Info:The database is
either corrupted or is not a valid database file...Unable to start specified
database: 'C:\Users\Rich\Documents\Yahoo! Briefcase.url' is not a valid database
file..formmgr.c (603) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:50:07 Creating a MODAL form:
formID=0, itID=3..load.c (4246) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:50:11 InitSystem:
exiting after error(s) found..load.c (1965) : MESSAGE: Thu Dec 03 10:50:11
LVL_ERROR--InitSystem returned non success HRESULT 0x8004050e..load.c (1985) :
CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:50:11 OpenSystemWithName completed. File Opened?
YES..formwin.c (2506) : CHEC.KPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:50:11 Creating form:
formID=6884, itID=5..cwelcomedialog.cpp (206) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:50:11
WelcomeDialog: Create: Pro 2009..cwelcomedialog.cpp (485) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec
03 10:50:13 WelcomeDialog: OpenExisting..formwin.c (2506) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec
03 10:50:13 Creating form: formID=101, itID=6..formmgr.c (603) : CHECKPOINT: Thu
Dec 03 10:50:13 Creating a MODAL form: formID=101, itID=4..load.c (1830) :
CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:50:15 OpenSystemWithName on
C:\Users\Public\Documents\Intuit\QuickBooks\Company Files\..DBManager.cpp (4140) :
CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:50:59 Database Server cache size = 64M..DBManager.cpp
(4142) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:50:59 Database Server initial cache size =
32M..DBManager.cpp (3951) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:50:59 Database Server
starting. Startup String = C:\PROGRA~1\Intuit\QUICKB~1\QBDBMgr.exe -n
QB_ReadOnly_engine_19 -qs -gd ALL -gk all -gp 4096 -gu all -ch 16M -ti 0 -c 4M -x
none -qi -qw -tl 120 -oe C:\PROGRA~2\Intuit\QUICKB~2.\DBSTAR~1.LOG -r
..DBManager.cpp (4140) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:08 Database Server cache
size = 64M..DBManager.cpp (4142) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:08 Database
Server initial cache size = 32M..DBManager.cpp (3951) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03
10:51:08 Database Server starting. Startup String =
C:\PROGRA~1\Intuit\QUICKB~1\QBDBMgr.exe -n QB_ReadOnly_engine_19 -qs -gd ALL -gk
all -gp 4096 -gu all -ch 16M -ti 0 -c 4M -x none -qi -qw -tl 120 -oe
C:\PROGRA~2\Intuit\QUICKB~2\DBSTAR~1.LOG -r ..DBManager.cpp (4140) : CHECKPOINT:
Thu Dec 03 10:51:11 Database Server cache size = 64M..DBManager.cpp (4142) :
CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:11 Database Server initial cache size =
32M..DBManager.cpp (3951) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:11 Database Server
starting. Startup String = C:\PROGRA~1\Intuit\QUICKB~1\QBDBMgr.exe -n
QB_ReadOnly_engine_19 -qs -gd ALL -gk all -gp 4096 -gu all -ch 16M -ti 0 -c 4M -x
none -qi -qw -tl 120 -oe C:\PROGRA~2\Intuit\QUICKB~2\DBSTAR~1.LOG -r ..load.c
(2243) : CHECKPOINT: Thu De.c 03 10:51:12 InitSystem..load.c (10165) :
CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:12 In not hosting mode, opening in single user mode -
no hosting change needed...load.c (2382) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:12
InitSystem Check file location and move..load.c (2455) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03
10:51:12 InitSystem Open DB Session[4]..DBManager.cpp (4140) : CHECKPOINT: Thu
Dec 03 10:51:12 Database Server cache size = 64M..DBManager.cpp (4142) :
CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:12 Database Server initial cache size =
32M..DBManager.cpp (3951) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:12 Database Server
starting. Startup String = C:\PROGRA~1\Intuit\QUICKB~1\QBDBMgr.exe -n
QB_ReadOnly_engine_19 -qs -gd ALL -gk all -gp 4096 -gu all -ch 16M -ti 0 -c 4M -x
none -qi -qw -tl 120 -oe C:\PROGRA~2\Intuit\QUICKB~2\DBSTAR~1.LOG -r
..ConnPool.cpp (901) : MESSAGE: Thu Dec 03 10:51:18 LVL_ERROR--Connection
Error:Invalid user ID or password..ConnPool.cpp (1417) : MESSAGE: Thu Dec 03
10:51:18 LVL_ERROR--Connection String:CON=QBConnectionPool-Probe.-
QB_data_engine_19; ;DBF=C:\Users\Rich\Desktop\Old Desktop\Autobackup\QB Back Up
cpp (1386) : MESSAGE: Thu Dec 03 10:51:18 LVL_ERROR--
DBConnPool::HandleConnectionError errorCode:-6069, dbCode:-103 from
file:'.\.\src\ConnPool.cpp' at line 906 from
function:'DBMgr::DBConnPool::init'..SADMTransaction.cpp (70) : CHECKPOINT: Thu
Dec 03 10:51:18 Failed at m_pFileMgr->GetConnection in
SADMTransaction::SADMTransaction..formwin.c (2506) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03
10:51:18 Creating form: formID=15940, itID=7..formmgr.c (603) : CHECKPOINT: Thu
Dec 03 10:51:18 Creating a MODAL form: formID=15940, itID=5..load.c (8657) :
CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:26 Max users is the default for Basic/Pro and the
value is = 5..DBManager.cpp (4698) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:27
DBServerVersionNeeded:, MinEBFServerBuildNeeded:3712,
CurrentDBServerVersion: (418) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03
10:51:27 Company fil.e C:\Users\Rich\Desktop\Old Desktop\Autobackup\QB Back Up
Files\QB Michelle.QBW is open using database server:QB_data_engine_19...load.c
(2463) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:27 InitSystem Open DB Session[4]
Succeeded..QBPRINT.c (2566) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:27 Detecting if
Terminal Service is running...PermissionManager.cpp (4207) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec
03 10:51:28 A new permission context is added for QuickBooks..load.c (3812) :
CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:28 InitSystem: Open System..load.c (3820) :
CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:28 InitSystem: Open System succeeded..load.c (4158) :
CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:28 InitSystem: successful completion..load.c (1957) :
CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:28 InitSystem succeeded..formwin.c
(2506) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:28 Creating form: formID=10139,
itID=8..formmgr.c (603) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:28 Creating a MODAL form:
formID=10139, itID=6..load.c (1985) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:31
OpenSystemWithName completed. File Opened? NO..f.ormwin.c (2506) : CHECKPOINT:
Thu Dec 03 10:51:31 Creating form: formID=900, itID=9..memorymanagerwin32.cpp
(658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:31 Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04d818f8),
oldSize(30000), newSize(6005)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec
03 10:51:31 Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04cf0a10), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:31
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04cf0dd0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:31
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04cf0df8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:31
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04cf0e20), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:31
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04cf0e48), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:31
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04cf0e70), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECK.POINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:31
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04cf0e98), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:31
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04cf0ec0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:31
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04cf0ee8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:31
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04cf0f10), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:31
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04cf0f38), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:31
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04cf0f60), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:31
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04cf0f88), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:31
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04cf0fb0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECK.POINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:31
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04cf0fd8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:31
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04cf1000), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:31
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04cf1028), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:31
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04cf1050), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:31
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04cf1078), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:31
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04cf10a0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:31
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04cf10c8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:31
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04cf10f0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECK.POINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:31
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04cf1118), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0790), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd07b8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd07e0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0808), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0830), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0858), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0880), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECK.POINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd08a8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd08d0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd08f8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0920), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0948), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0970), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0998), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd09c0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECK.POINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd09e8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0a10), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0a38), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0a60), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0a88), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0ab0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0ad8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0b00), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECK.POINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0768), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0740), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0718), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd06f0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd06c8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd06a0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0678), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0650), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECK.POINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0628), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0600), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd05d8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd05b0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0588), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0560), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0538), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0510), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECK.POINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd04e8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd04c0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0498), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0470), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0448), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0420), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd03f8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0b28), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECK.POINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0790), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd07b8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd07e0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03
10:51:33 Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0808), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0830), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0858), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0880), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd08a8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECK.POINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd08d0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd08f8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0920), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0948), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0970), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0998), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd09c0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd09e8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECK.POINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0a10), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0a38), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0a60), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0a88), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0ab0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0ad8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e5e9c0), oldSize(30000),
newSize(6005)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0448), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : .CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0b50), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0b78), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0ba0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0bc8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0bf0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0c18), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0c40), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0c68), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : .CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0c90), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0cb8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0ce0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0d08), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0d30), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0d58), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0d80), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0da8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : .CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0dd0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0df8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0e20), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0e48), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0e70), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04dd0e98), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e95f60), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e95f88), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : .CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e95fb0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e95fd8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e96000), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e96028), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e96050), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e96078), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e960a0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e960c8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : .CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e960f0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e96118), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e96140), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e96168), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e96190), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e961b8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e961e0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e96208), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : .CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e96230), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e96258), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e96280), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e962a8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e962d0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e95f38), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e95f10), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e95ee8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : .CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e95ec0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e95e98), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e95e70), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e95e48), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e95e20), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e95df8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e95dd0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e95da8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : .CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc
ptr(0x04e95d80), oldSize(31), newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) :
CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33 Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e95d58), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e95d30), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e95d08), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e962d0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e96320), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e96348), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e96370), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : .CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e96398), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e963c0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e963e8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e96410), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e962f8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e95f60), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e95f88), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e95fb0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : .CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e95fd8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e96000), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e96028), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e96050), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e96078), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e960a0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e960c8), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : CHECKPOINT: Thu Dec 03 10:51:33
Shrinking by realloc ptr(0x04e960f0), oldSize(31),
newSize(28)..memorymanagerwin32.cpp (658) : .

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