Disclosure Document 2014-2015

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Fi rst Grade Math Standards

Operati ons and Al gebrai c Thi nki ng

1. Add wi thi n 20 to sol ve word probl ems
2. Subtract wi thi n 20 to sol ve word
probl ems
3. Sol ve word probl ems that cal l for
addi ti on of three whol e numbers whose
sum i s 20 or l ess
4. Appl y commutati ve and associ ati ve
properti es to add and subtract
5. Add to sol ve subtracti on probl ems
6. Fl uentl y add wi thi n 10
7. Fl uentl y subtract wi thi n 10
8. Understand the meani ng of the equal si gn
9. Sol ve addi ti on and subtracti on
equati ons usi ng fact fami l i es

Number and Operati ons Base Ten
10. Count, read, wri te and represent a
number of obj ects wi th a wri tten numeral
to 120
11. Understand that the two di gi ts of a
two di gi t number represent amounts of
tens and ones
12. Compare two two-di gi t numbers wi th
the symbol s >, = and <
13. Add wi thi n 100, addi ng a two-di gi t
number and a one-di gi t number or a two-
di gi t number and a mul ti pl e of ten
14. Add and subtract 10 mental l y to a
gi ven number
15. Subtract mul ti pl es of 10 i n the range

Measurement and Data
16. Order and compare three obj ects by
l ength
17. Measure an obj ect and express i ts
l ength i n a gi ven uni t
18. Tel l and wri te ti me i n hours and hal f-
19. Organi ze, represent and i nterpret data

20. Di sti ngui sh between defi ni ng
attri butes versus non-defi ni ng attri butes
21. Compose and decompose two and
three-di mensi onal shapes to create a new
22. Parti ti on ci rcl es and rectangl es i nto
hal ves and fourths

I am thri l l ed to be worki ng wi th you
and your chi l d thi s year. If you ever
have any questi ons or concerns,
pl ease dont hesi tate to cal l , emai l , or
come vi si t wi th me after school .

Contact Informati on:
Emai l :
School Phone Number:
801-610-8104 ext. 129-106
Cel l Phone Number:
Cl ass Websi te:

Schol asti c Readi ng Cl ub Code: MCVQ9
RazKi ds Code: ce140

Speci al ty Schedul e
Monday Musi c
Tuesday Art
Wednesday Li brary
Thursday Computers
Fri day P. E. Please dress appropriately

Bi rthdays
We wi l l cel ebrate each chi l ds
bi rthday wi th a song and a smal l
bi rthday gi ft. Parents may bri ng
si mpl e store bought treats for thei r
chi l ds bi rthday. Treats wi l l be served
duri ng the l ast 15 mi nutes of cl ass.
To prevent hurt feel i ngs, I do not
al l ow bi rthday party i nvi tati ons to be
passed out i n cl ass. Il l send home a
note tel l i ng you when wel l be
cel ebrati ng your chi l ds bi rthday.

Mrs. Collette Arens

Central Elementary

Disclosure Document

Wel come to 1

Cl ass Rul es * Be Ki nd * Keep
hands and feet to yoursel f * Fol l ow
di recti ons * Li sten when others are
speaki ng * Work qui etl y * Do your
Management Tool s
* Bri l l i ant Bi rd Board Students acti ng
as good exampl es si gn the board. Each
Fri day names on the board wi l l be chosen
at random to pi ck a pri ze.
* Cl i p Chart Students wi l l move thei r
name up or down based on thei r choi ces.
At the end of each day they wi l l recei ve
a number of ti ckets (3, 2, 1, or 0) based
on thei r l ocati on on the cl i p chart.
Ti ckets wi l l be used to purchase pri zes
or pri vi l eges.
* Rock Jar The cl ass wi l l work
together to earn rocks. When the j ar i s
ful l , they wi l l vote on how to spend the
ful l j ar (extra recess, popcorn & a
movi e, etc. )
* Group Poi nts Each group wi l l work to
earn poi nts. Duri ng l i teracy centers on
Fri days, the groups wi th the most poi nts
wi l l pl ay an educati onal ki ndl e game.
Verbal Warni ng
Practi ce desi red behavi or at
recess or after school
Phone cal l to parent
* Dangerous or severe behavi ors wi l l
be automati cal l y sent to Dr. Carter
* Tardy/l ate students must go to the
offi ce to get a note before comi ng to
cl ass.
* Check your student i n or out at the
offi ce.
* Excuse al l absences wi th the offi ce.
* Expect a phone cal l from me i f a
chi l d mi sses three days i n a row.
*Absences and tardi es shoul d be few
and far between. It i s i mpossi bl e to
make up al l the mi ssed i nstructi on
ti me. That sai d, pl ease do not send
si ck chi l dren to school .
Communi cati on
* I wi l l send home a weekl y
communi cati on fol der every
Wednesday. Return the fol der before
the fol l owi ng Wednesday.
* In the fol der wi l l be a Weekl y
Report of your students cl ass work,
readi ng l evel , homework, & behavi or.
If you wi sh to conti nue recei vi ng the
report, si gn and return i t i n the
fol der.
* Standards based report cards wi l l
be sent home at the end of each
tri mester.
* Pl ease noti fy me i f any of your
contact i nformati on changes!
Vol unteers
Remember to al ways si gn i n and out
at the front offi ce. Pl ease noti fy me
i f your avai l abi l i ty changes.
Fi el d Tri ps
We wi l l go on two fi el d tri ps thi s year.
In the fal l we wi l l go on a wal ki ng
communi ty hel pers fi el d tri p. In the
spri ng we wi l l go to Di scovery
Gateway i n Sal t Lake Ci ty. You wi l l
have suffi ci ent noti fi cati on for both.
* Homework wi l l be sent home every
Monday. It must be returned every
* Use the cl ass websi te for math
homework tutori al s.
* Read 20 mi nutes for 5+ days a
* We are parti ci pati ng i n Pi zza Huts
Book It! program. Students who meet
i ndi vi dual readi ng goal s (5+ days a
week and a speci fi c readi ng l evel )
wi l l recei ve a free personal pan
pi zza.
* Spel l i ng Li sts wi l l be wi th each
weeks homework. Pl ease hel p your
chi l d practi ce thei r l i st so they can be
prepared for the test each Fri day.
* Monday Movi e Students wi th al l
homework compl eted wi l l watch an
educati onal movi e.
* Homework Cl ub Students wi th
i ncompl ete homework wi l l fi ni sh thei r
homework i nstead of goi ng to Monday
Movi e.
* RazKi ds i s a great free resource
for readi ng books on your students
l evel . Downl oad the app or use the
websi te.
Our cl ass code i s ce140
Monthl y Readi ng Goal s
Students must be on these l evel s
each month to be consi dered on
grade l evel :
August D September E
October F November G
December H January I
February J March K
Apri l L May M
Curri cul um
Each day we wi l l have ti me dedi cated
to l anguage arts, math, handwri ti ng,
wri ti ng, sci ence or soci al students,
and a speci al ty.

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