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Personal Statement

To the Siriraj committee

My name is Ekkasith Thanasinthunyawth. Now I am in secondary 6 of
Assumption Samutprakarn School. I determine to study in Medical Science of
Siriraj Uniersity.
I take pride in the demonstratin! leadership in eerythin! I do. I hae
chosen to study com"ined de!rees in Medical Science and #atholo!y "ecause I
intend to further my studies towards deelopin! a career in physician. Medical
Science remains central elements of the health and "odies of human$ that define
the way of human "odies$ health and diseases. %rom the cold to the cancer of
human diseases$ there is a need to understand the underlyin! diseases that control
decision to make for patients.
My inolement in student actiities has astly improed my decisie and
lo!ic skills as well as my confidence. I hae "een student representatie for my
tutor !roup durin! and durin! this current year. I hae represented my school
Assumption Samutprakarn School is an inter&school and science competitions.
'urin! same period$ I hae participated in many hi!her education.
I stron!ly "eliee that I am ready for hi!her education "ecause I hae
definitely !rown into my own person. In (achelor of Medical Science is the way
to succeed my dream. I want to "e physician so I hope the committee will
consider to accept me.
Thank You
)Ekkasith Thanansinthunyawath*

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