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Hoyt, L. (2009) Revisit, reflect, retell [Updated edition].

Heinemann: Portsmouth, NH.

An introduction to quality literacy teaching, Literacy Unit, Ryde State Office, 2010.

Super 6 Discussions: Teacher questions
Make connections

What do you know about this
How does this connect to you?
Has this happened to you or
someone you know?
Have you heard about this in the
Whats your opinion about this?


Why do you think this has
What do you think will happen next?
What will this be about [headings,

What questions are you
asking yourself as you
Is this biased? Expert? Persuasive?
Which ideas are most important?
Which ideas are IMPLIED? Clues?
What key words strike you from each
paragraph? Highlight them OR write
them in the margin
How do you rate/evaluate these
ideas? Logical? Appealing? Criteria?

Monitor unknown words
For this word, which strategy will you
Sound it out
Visually chunk it
Guess it
Read onwards a bit
Read backwards a bit
Ignore the word and
keep reading
Pick up the general vibe
from the rest of the text
Use a dictionary, ask a friend
Relax - its okay build these skills

What has this been
about? Use the title,
subheadings, first paragraph, topic
sentences and last paragraph to find
the main ideas.
Say what was this was about in one
or two sentences.
Give the main ideas and a couple of


What pictures do you build in your
mind, as you are reading this?
Draw what this has been about.
Draw a set of icons and labels to
summarise what this has been
If you create a personal summary,
you will remember this later on.

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