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Pushed to the Brink?

Bring God Along

God So Loved
Lyrics: http://www.metro!"od#so#!oved#!yrics#$aci#ve!as%ue&.htm!
What Wonderous Love'sV(v)*+V,-
6e!!o everyo(e a(d we!come bac4 to 7acred 7pace 7a(ctuary8 My (ame is 9astor
Li(d&ee. : am here to he!p you co((ect with ;hrist< wa!4 you throu"h worship
today< a(d !ead you i( deve!opi(" a perso(a! re!atio(ship with our rise( Lord. Let
me 4(ow i5 : ca( be o5 assista(ce8
:t seems !i4e it has bee( a whi!e< so how are you doi(" my 5rie(d? : pray that
you are a!ive a(d we!!< a(d i5 (ot< that you are !ea(i(" o( the +ver!asti(" =rms to
embrace you a(d e(coura"e you throu"h this di55icu!t time i( your !i5e. : am
remi(ded o5 >ames 1:2#4:
2 My brothers a(d sisters< whe(ever you 5ace tria!s o5 a(y 4i(d< co(sider it
(othi(" but $oy< *because you 4(ow that the testi(" o5 your 5aith produces
e(dura(ce? 4a(d !et e(dura(ce have its 5u!! e55ect< so that you may be mature
a(d comp!ete< !ac4i(" i( (othi(".
@e!! my 5rie(ds< : usua!!y do (ot do a ma(uscript< but the past two wee4s a(d
severa! wee4s ahead are "oi(" to be my ow( perso(a! tria!. ;urre(t!y< : am
wor4i(" A0 hours a wee4 i5 you i(c!ude wor4 a(d two trai(i("s 5or tech support
a(d a(other customer service/5i(a(cia! positio(. )ow up u(ti! Bctober< : am
bei(" pushed as 5ar as : ca( "o or Cma,ed out.D @he( co(temp!ati(" my p!i"ht<
the 6o!y 7pirit whispered so5t!y i( my ear: You may not know how you are going
to accomplish this, but I do via the Lords strength and power, not your own!
In essence, let God be at the helm o" the wheel! Ehis advice 5rom my spiritua!
cou(se!or has "ot me throu"h these !ast two wee4s< a(d wi!! "et me throu"h
duri(" the wee4s ahead as we!!. @he( your pushed to the bri(4< bri(" God a!o("
with you.
Ehis wee4< : was touched by the heroism o5 >ames Fo!ey i( the tra"ic eve(t o5 his
beheadi(" by the :s!amic 7tate. :( my eyes< he is a moder(#day hero a(d wi!!
a!ways be remembered as such. :( our day a(d a"e< trave!i(" overseas as a
$our(a!ist to capture war a(d di55icu!t situatio(s throu"h a camera !e(s or writi("
tab!et is $ust as ris4y< or eve( more i( some cases< as bei(" a member o5 the
armed services. =s reported by the GG;< C6e was abducted i( 7yria i( )ovember
2012< whi!e reporti(" o( the civi! war 5or ="e(ce Fra(ce#9ress H=F9I a(d J7
media compa(y G!oba!9ost.D 9rior to his capture i( 7yria< he was abducted i(
Lybia? however< this did (ot stop him or his determi(atio( 5rom "oi(" bac4 i( the
5ie!d i( a da("erous p!ace to pursue his passio( o5 $our(a!ism.
: who!ehearted!y admire Mr. Fo!eyKs coura"e a(d bravery. 'espite the odds i( a
vio!e(t a(d turbu!e(t situatio(< Mr. Fo!ey 4ept pressi(" 5orward a(d doi(" what he
!oved. 6e was ab!e to put his capture as we!! as his 5rie(dKs death behi(d him to
4eep pushi(" o(< a mar4ed disp!ay o5 resi!ie(ce a(d re5rami(". :(deed< $ust the
5act that he we(t bac4 to a(other war &o(e says !oads about his character a(d
commitme(t to his wor4. :5 Mr. Fo!ey was a(ythi(" !i4e his pare(ts< : am sure his
5aith 4ept him com5orted throu"h the di55icu!t times< a(d co(se%ue(t!y< that he is
i( a much better p!ace ri"ht (ow.
=!thou"h : am 5irm!y "rou(ded i( God< eve(ts !i4e this seem to a!ways ma4e me
stop a(d po(der about evi!: 6ow ca( peop!e do such thi("s? @hat caused a
perso( to $oi( a "roup that has (o re"ard 5or huma( !i5e? =s a ;hristia(< what
shou!d my respo(se be? @hat ca( : do? Ehe 7pirit prompted me< a(d co(victed
me : sheepish!y admit< to pray 5or (ot o(!y 5ami!y a(d 5rie(ds< but a!so the
perpetrators? to co(%uer evi! with "ood.
>esus ;hrist did (ot have a( easy road to trave! o( his path to >erusa!em. :( a !ot
o5 ways< his torture be"a( !o(" be5ore the !ast !ap to the cross. Li4e a recurri("
theme i( a( orchestra! theme a(d variatio(s< he was moc4ed< $eered at< a!most
sto(ed< a(d betrayed by those i( 6is i((er circ!e. :(stead o5 %uitti(" a(d "ivi("
up< he pressed o( towards 6is hi"her ca!!i(" a(d the "oa! set be5ore 6im: to be
s!ai( as the sacri5icia! !amb o(ce a(d 5or a!! so that you a(d : a(d a!! who be!ieve
cou!d have 5or"ive(ess o5 si(s a(d eter(a! !i5e. Ehe( as a resu!t o5 this "i5t< we
too cou!d o55er the prese(t o5 !i5e a(d !ove to others< part(eri(" with ;hrist i( this
mi(istry a(d parta4i(" o5 the 5ruit as we!!.
9erhaps you are bei(" pushed to the bri(4 i( your !i5e today. -ou say to God:
CLord< : $ust do(Kt 4(ow how : ca( cope or "o o(.D :5 this is you< cry out to God
a(d bri(" God a!o("< i(viti(" God i(to your situatio(. 7/he is waiti(" with arms
wide ope( to "ive you a "ia(t hu" a(d to he!p you throu"h this troub!ed time
today a(d a!ways.
="ai(< whe( you are pushed to the bri(4< remember to bri(" God a!o(". ;a( :
"et a wit(ess? =me(.
May the peace o5 God who "racious!y ta4es the bro4e( pieces o5 our !ives a(d
ma4es them i(to somethi(" beauti5u! a(d who!e "uide you< protect you< a(d
"uard your hearts (ow u(ti! eter(ity. =me(.
Fear )ot
H9!ease "o to Ewitter 5or the Media 9!ayer !i(4. : have a treat 5or you L a duet
with me si("i(" bac4up voca!ist.I
Lyrics: http://www.a&!!yrics/ava!o(/testi5yto!ove.htm!

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