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My family is originated from the state of Kerala in India.

Keralites have two main festivals:

Onam and Vishu, both of which have to do with agriculture. While the festival of Onam
represents harvest, Vishu represents preparing the land for crops.
Cultural Festival: Onam
When it is celebrated?
Onam is celebrated in the month of Chingam in the Malayalam Calendar called (Kollavarsham).
This is August-September. The Carnival of Onam lasts for ten days.
Significance of Onam Day in Mythology
The Story goes, that during the reign of a mighty asura (demon) king,
Mahabali, Kerala witnessed its golden era. Everybody in the state was happy
and prosperous and king was highly regarded by everyone. Apart from all this
though, he had one shortcoming. He was egoistic. This weakness in
Mahabali's personality was used by Gods to bring an end to his reign as they
felt challenged by Mahabali's growing popularity. However, for all the good
deeds he has done, God granted him a wish that he could annually visit his
Celebrations at home

People believe that it is on Onam day the spirit of King Maveli visits Kerala; hence the day is
marked by feasts and festivities. To welcome him, people lay flower mats (Pookalam) in the front
courtyard, prepare a grand meal (Onasadya), wear new clothes, dance, and play and have the
time of their lives! All of this is done to impress upon King Mahabali that his people are happy.

Flower Mats (Pookalam)
Pookalam is an intricate and colourful arrangement
of flowers placed on the floor. Pookalam are
usually circular and are colourful arrangements of
flowers, petals and leaves. They are normally laid
on the front yard of the house. Statues of King
Mahabali and Vishnu are placed in the centre of the
Pookalam and worshiped.
The Process of making the flower mats continue for
all ten days of Onam. Designing starts from the day
of Atham and is made ready by Thiruvonam day. Basic designs are created on the first day. The
Size of a Pookalam is increased by adding more to it on every passing day; which is how a massive
Pookalam gets ready for the main day of the
Grand Meal (Onasadya)
Onasadya is the most delicious part of the
grand festival called Onam. It is considered to
be the most elaborate and grand meal
prepared. Rice is the essential ingredient of this
Nine Course Strictly Vegetarian Meal. Altogether, there are 13 essential dishes which have to be
prepared for Onasadya.

A Traditional Onam Sadya meal comprises of a different varieties of curries, fried items, pickles
chutney, puddings of various descriptions. Fruits and digestives are also part of the meal.

New Cloths (Onakkodi/Ondappudava)
Onam is never complete without new clothes (Onakkodi). It is usually the eldest member of the
family who distributes the new clothes but often loved ones and close relatives also gift each

Cultural Festival: Vishu
Vishu is the New Year festival of Keralites. It reflects belief that the god Vishu must be celebrated
well as the good things of the first day of the New Year will continue for the rest of the year too.
When it is celebrated?
Vishu is celebrated in the month of Medam of the Malayalam Calendar called (Kollavarsham). This
is the month of April-May as you know it.
Rituals and Traditions
The two main rituals performed during Vishu are Vishukani and Vishukaineetam.

Vishukani means 'The first thing that should be seen
after waking up in the morning. There is a belief that
seeing a bright, optimistic kani first thing in the
morning brings a lot of luck for the entire year.
The kani is made up of items such as a golden
cucumber, betel leaves, raw rice, lemon, a metal mirror
with a long and thin handle, halved coconuts filled with
oil and kept upright, a kasavu pudava (a Kerala style
Sarang which is white in colour with a golden border),
golden mango, a holy book (Ramayana) and coins in a
metal circular vessel called uruli.
The kani is arranged by the eldest lady of the house on the previous night after the other
members of the house are asleep so that it is the first thing they see at the crack of dawn.
She sleeps next to the kani before waking up early so that the lamp can be lit with her
eyes closed and she also is able to see the kani as first sight.
At the stroke of dawn, the lady who prepared the kani wakes up each member of the
house one by one with their eyes closed and guides them to the puja room so that when
they open their eyes, the first sight will be the kani. After seeing the kani, each person
reads few slogans from the holy book Ramayana
Us kids are very enthusiastic are eager for this festival because the elders of the family
give money to each child in the name of Vishukaineetam as a sign of love and affection.
Earlier back, only coins used to be given out but today, kids sometimes, get notes so that
they can buy anything that they wish. The Vishukaineetam also consists of few 'konna'
flowers, gold and raw rice taken from the uruli which are returned to the uruli after the

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