Love Poetry (Literature)

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love poetry (literature)

Poetry written by: JJefArt Jeffrey Koelewijn Jeffrey de vries

Love poetry with the 5-7-5 sylables rule:
y ar!s around you
red roses as a present
"ou #ave !e a $iss
%irl with blosso! lips
Passionately awaitin#
her very first $iss
&al$ed you down the street
All the way up to your house
'or a sleepin# $iss
(andles in the dar$
)ur ro!anti* intentions
Love is in the air
Letters for you
-u##in#. $issin#. stro$in#
/t0s always fun bein# with you
Love you
1or!al poetry:
,ed ruby red rose. #lowin# in his hands
2lowin# down her #entle heart
(o!fortin# her whole
3eli#htly waitin#444 for his words of love
5hin$in# of you
!y love is overflowin#
drippin# down on the *anvas
for!in# a poe! of love
5he *lo*$ is ti*$in#
)ur feelin#s are fadin#
so !u*h to do444
6uestions are risin#
love is fadin#
&ill we !eet
before our feelin#s
fade away
Lost in ti!e
so hard to find
)r are we *uffed to ea*h other
entan#led in love
)ur feelin#s and e!otions ali$e
"ou0re the $itty
/0! the ti#er
/0ll hunt you down
and !a$e you !ine
"our ne*tar li$e saliva
"our lips red as blood
"our body soft and tender
"our spar$lin# eyes444
%ive !e a rush
&hen you0re tired
Put your head on !y *hest
slowly *lose your eyes
!y hand on your shoulder
i!a#ine our love
And swiftly fall asleep
/0ll lift you off the floor
and put you down
on a bed full of roses
with *andles all around
7eautiful as you are
&hen the sun #oes down
"our beauty doesn0t fade
1o !atter day or ni#ht
"our beauty is shinin# bri#ht

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