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A Pack of Life (APoL)

Chapter 12
The Roundabout Roundup
A sphere of light shines upon the city of Tokyo. Many leave their houses as they proceed for school or work. A
train stops at a platform. Potential passengers wait by the side of the doors of the vehicle as many blue collar workers
and students rush out of the train. Amongst them is Andou Sacchi, looking at her surroundings in worry and holding her
skirt down, with a schoolbag on her right shoulder. She walks as fast as the rest of the crowd. She sees many of them
rush to queue to take the escalator. She removes herself out of the queue, looks down the floor below and walks down
the stairs to the exit.
In the middle of the city, Shinji is seen on a crowded bus, sitting on an aisle seat close to the rear door. A man in
a blue shirt and black suit pants standing beside him looks at the newspaper Shinji is reading. As soon as Shinji folds his
paper and puts it on his lap, he feels a tap on his shoulder and looks up.
Can I borrow that?
Shinji lifts up the paper he has been reading.
No, not that. The one below.
He sees the Entertainment section of the paper on his lap. He sees no disadvantage at lending this paper to this
gentleman. Besides, there are a couple more stops before he alights, and this handsomely-dressed middle-aged man with
a suitcase looks like he is also heading for downtown on this bus line too. Shinji passes the paper to the gentleman.
Thank you very much.
The gentleman wipes his hands on his pants to humbly accept his loan. The bus continues to move from stop to
stop, filling up with passengers to a point of full capacity. The bus enters the city area and reaches a bus stop in city
centre. Collared workers exit the bus in an orderly yet rushed fashion. The gentleman has his eyes fixated on the paper
throughout the whole journey. Just as he decides to take a glance outside of the vehicle, his eyes open wide in surprise.
Just before the rear door could close, he dumps the paper on Shinji's lap, hits the button on the bus and alights the
I knew it. So much for borrowing someone elses newspaper.
Shinji frustratingly folds the paper in front of him as he sees the man walk across the street.
A few stops later, he alights at his destination stop. For him, he has to take a shortcut through the residential
area which has no direct transport to school and taking the long way round is not an option. Along the route he also
passes by Myousukes house, and unsurprisingly he sees his buddy right in front of him heading in the same direction. He
rushes up to his friend and gives a tap on his shoulder.
Oh, Shinji. Good morning.
Good morning.
They both continue to walk to school, with students appearing around them, moving in the same direction. Not
long after the boys see Himiko appear from their right. She waves at the boys and walks to beside Myousuke.
"Good morning."
"Good morning."
Are you okay, Kawazoe-kun? After your near miss accident last evening?
What accident?
Shinji piques into the conversation.
It was nothing. Im fine. Dont worry too much, okay? Look, I'm as fit as ever.


He taps his chest with his palm to show that he is in the pink of health as they walk to the school entrance.
What are you doing patting on your chest?
Sacchan! Good morning!
Himiko runs over and Sacchi catches as the girl pounces on her.
Are you trying to seduce Himi-chan?
You think too much, Andou-san.
That is none of your business.
Sacchi then retorts Shinji with a Hmph and walks with Himiko into the school gate.
What a snob, that girl. Can you remind me how did you actually get into contact with her, Myousuke?
Myousuke gives a fake smile at his friend and looks down at his deck slotted in his back pocket.
In the classroom, most of the students arrive in groups and the noise in the classroom resembles that of a
market. Around Myousuke is even more of a market, as a whole group of girls (including Himiko) are engrossed in their
own girls talk.
How, Himiko? I forgot to bring my swimsuit again. I knew I packed it into my bag yesterday.
Myousukes ears flip up even though he is flipping through his textbook.
I have a spare, Na-chan. Ill get it from my locker later.
Nanako hugs her soft-spoken friend passionately from behind, hands around her neck.
Thanks, Yocchi! I know you are the best!
"You're too loud..."
Good morning, everyone. What is wrong, Yocchan?
A male classmate appears from behind and he places his left hand on the desk. The girl who is still reading the
book places on it with one hand with the other holding the book, reading it whilst grasping on his hand.
Ah, Kotobuki-san. Its nothing important. Na-chan forgot to bring her swimsuit again.
She said she recalled placing it in her bag yesterday night.
Hey maybe I can help you girls find it.
No, Satsuki. Not that.
Heh what? What?
The other girls seem more than enthusiastic compared to the girl reading the book.
Satsuki takes a card deck out and places it on the desk.
Whats that?
Its APoL! You girls dont know that? Its really popular now.

"I thought we are not allowed to bring cards to school, Kotobuki-san."

Myousuke starts to lean back, trying to listen in to the conversation.
Oh yeah, I know this. My cousin showed me one of these too recently. What are they exactly?
They say its a deck of playing cards, but as I see they are foretelling Cards, like Tarot, you know.
Come. Everyone gather round.
Satsuki drags a chair from a table and the girls close around. The girl who is reading the book lets her hand off
the boy. He passes his card deck to the girl in question.
Here. Shuffle the deck and draw three Cards face down. Place it from your left to your right.
The girl then follows his instructions and lays three Cards on the desk.
You see, this first Card Oh its Lost & Found!
Myousuke almost has the urge to turn around to look.
This means that-
Alright! Settle down, people!
Suddenly there is a knock at the front door, and in comes a teacher to signal the start of the first period. Halfway
through the lesson, Myousuke starts to doze off due to the repetition from the tutor even though it is a new topic. His
head slowly tips down to the desk. Himiko, who sits beside him, turns around to see him slowly inching himself to the
desk surface. Just before he hits it, the deck below his desk lights a quick glow and Myousuke throws himself upright. He
pats his face with both hands and tells himself to concentrate. Himiko witnessed everything until she is called by the
teacher to solve a question on the board. He looks down at his deck under the desk, which is still in a dim glow. He then
starts scribbling down on his textbook to keep himself awake.
A few lessons later and it is time for pool lessons. The sun shines brightly on the clear, blue pool. Students in
Myousukes class proceed to the changing room to switch to their swimsuits.
Today I hear the whole PE department is out on a course, so that also means
We're free!
The boys shout loudly in the changing room, enough to be heard by the girls next door. One of the girls takes a
sigh, passes a swimsuit to her friend and sits down with a book on her lap.
There you go, Na-chan. Since the teacher is not here, Ill stay here and take care of your belongings.
You just want to stay dry to finish up your book, right?
Outside the changing room is the pool. The absence of tutors and the warm weather makes of a perfect
combination of amazement and amusement.
Please behave yourselves! Im not going to be anyones lifeguard if you drown!
The teacher dons a hat and lies down on a bench far away from the pool. The boys quickly move out and sit on
the benches closest to them, staring into the female changing room.
Shouldnt we just start swimming? What are we staring at the changing room for?
The first time we had pool lessons I had a shock. Didnt you notice the girls in this class are Yeah?


They nudge each other in an array of giggles and one of them walks out. Myousuke and Shinji sit by the pool
ready to swim. All of a sudden the door to the female toilet opens and the girls walk out hastily to the other side of the
Wow I didnt notice anything much.
This is it?
No, not yet. There are still a few of them left.
Then, a girl with short hair and an hour-glass figure wearing a tight, dark blue swimsuit walks out into the open.
She continues to adjust her attire, to the shock of the boys staring at her.
A couple of girls walk out behind her to look at her attire.
"Hey I think this one that Minnoyou gave you is a size too small..."
Yeah Yocchi is pretty petit
She then notices a bunch of perverts staring across the pool from a bench, starts to raise her voice in fury.
Hey! What are you looking at, perverts!
The boys immediately turn away and comment in whisper.
Nanako is awesome! I didnt know she had so much in her!
Huhu Outstanding
Hey Myousuke, did you see that?
See what?
The boys jeer upon his reaction, and they continue to whisper amongst themselves. Myousuke, who dips his
head down in the pool, surfaces and spots two more girls walk out of the changing room.
The boys turn towards the changing room swiftly. A girl walks out and looks up into the sky, blocking her face
with her left hand against the bright sun. Many pairs of enthusiastic eyes quickly turn into disappointment.
Myousuke? If it is you who likes washing board Sacchi, please keep it to yourself.
The boys let out a laugh. Himiko walks behind her friend, hearing the laughter from across the area. They walk
away hastily to the rest of the girls in class.
What? No, I-
Shinji swims to his friend from behind, touches the edge and rises from the water beside him.
Hey. What are you doing? I thought freedom meant doing anything we like in the pool? Even though that
meant swimming non-stop for me. Come on
The day progresses as lessons continue throughout. It is not until the last period that is History lesson when the
tense classroom environment sets into the worrying class.
Everyone, I have a problem.
The class stop on their actions and look at their teacher intently.
May we ask what your problem is, Teacher?


I have to decide on what assignments to give you all. For your summer holidays.
Discussions and groans resound across the classroom, with some exaggerating their expressions, banging their
heads against their desks, strangling themselves, displaying fear and agony at the same time.
In view of not adding on to your load of work from other subjects, Ive decided to give you all an option on
what to do for your summer holidays.
Id rather choose nothing as an assignment
It is impossible to give nothing, Fukujou, because I have to grade you people on your assignments somehow.
Therefore I propose the following: Either you all complete a stack of research assignments Id like you to finish, or
The class hold their breaths as if they were enclosed in a vacuum.
Or you all can do up a group project and present it to me before we depart for the holidays. How about that?
The teacher gives an enthusiastic look to the class in silence.
Well its different.
Come on! Itll be more fun than doing stacks of assignments, isnt it? Besides I can save time going through
your written work, and we can all conserve some paper for the environment!
The class is still in amidst of an avid discussion within itself, ignoring the teacher.
So! Lets take a vote.
The teacher turns around to the board to write the separate proposals under the main topic of research Temples
of Japan. He turns back to see the class.
Those who want to do up a mountain pile of assignments for the upcoming summer holidays?
The teacher sees no hands raised. He turns around to draw a big fat zero on the board. The class waits patiently.
Those who want do get in groups and present me a project done before the long, tedious, potentially enjoyable
summer holidays?
Almost the whole class raise their hands, although it is slow and less spontaneous than their enthusiasm in their
Good. Its decided."
He takes a couple of pieces of paper on the teacher's desk.
"Satozashi, come and take this.
The teacher passes it to Kougaki after he walks up to the teachers podium.
Oh before you think you all can get together in your own groups, on that piece of paper are the groups you are
assigned to. Its good to mix around with your fellow classmates, isnt it?
The class grows into a moan after hearing the bad news. The class chairperson sees the list of groups with a dull
face and takes a sigh.
You all have the rest of the period to start planning for the presentation. You guys will present it to me next
A few minutes later, the class reluctantly yet faithfully splits itself into the groups assigned.


Its Himiko!
Its Satsuki!
Its Izumi. Why are you trying to be so friendly?
Come on, we need to be more proactive in order to know more people in our class.
Yeah, ironic.
He takes a laugh as he glances to the girl beside him, staring out of the window into the scenery.
Ah. Sorry.
On the other table, people are busy shaking hands with each other.
Hello. Its Satozashi Kougaki. You may not have known me well but, pleased to make your acquaintance.
He tidies up his hair and shakes the female classmates hand while looking her at her eyes, making her blush and
look away in embarrassment. He then looks over to shake hands with the girl beside him.
Hello. Weve known each other well, vice chairperson.
She gives a faint smile and looks at Myousuke.
And you are?
Kawazoe Myousuke. Pleased to meet you. Miss Vice Chairperson.
He stretches out his hands and the girl reacts appropriately by giving a firm hand shake. Myousuke reacts by
shaking her hand violently and more eagerly, lets his hand off the vice chairperson and proceeds to shake the other two
hands in front of him, giving a friendly smile.
Over at the front, on Shinjis table, his group is the quietest in the class. He is also the only one who is
surrounded by females in his group, due to a majority of female classmates.
Eh hello. Im Fukujou Shinji.
Fukujou-kun, yes? Im Nanako, this is Minnoyou, and she is
I know this guy.
Sacchi suddenly stands up, in which Nanako quickly pulls her down to her seat.
Come on, calm down. Youre attracting all the unnecessary attention, Sacchi.
They settle down and look at each other, with Minnoyou looking at her book. Nanako decides to speak up.
Any ideas how we should start this?
Well, were at his desk.
Nanako pats on Sacchis back to calm her down and faces Shinji.
How about we meet somewhere to further our plans for this project? Like a library?
Minnoyou nods twice to Nanakos proposal as she flips a page off the book she is reading.


I think this will work out! Sacchan, Fukujou-kun, do you both have any free time somewhere this week? We can
meet up after school and
The next day, Shinji arrives at the library on the outskirts of the city. With the sun shining above him as he
leaves the train station, he takes a step back into the shelter.
Shinji turns back behind him to see a familiar figure clad with a white blouse and a pair of short jeans.
Oh. Yo, Andou-san.
What? Is that how you greet people?
Sacchi takes a sigh.
Its Good Afternoon, mind you.
Shinji stays silent, cringing his palms on his pants.
And whats with this outfit?
Sacchi sees Shinji dressed in a striped polo tee and a pair of long baggy beige pants.
And school shoes? Do you have a lack of fashion sense?

Sacchan, are you interrogating Fukujou-kun?

Sacchi sees Nanako with Minnoyou behind her in the distance, Nanako with a handbag and Minnoyou with a bag
pack on her back.
No, Im not. And not like I give a damn about this freak anyway.
Shinji gives the unhappy look to Sacchi, and she looks away.
Come on, you two. Were here to discuss about the presentation.
Minnoyou nods in agreement, with her left hand resting on Nanakos shoulder.
Eh? Kotokai-san, wheres your usual material?
She says were going to a library so
I see
After a short walk, the group arrived at the library. For a regional library, the area looks about as big as a few
soccer fields. As they enter the entrance, they find a whole row of empty tables. They walk past the reception and settle
down on one of the desks.
Lets get started then. Well have to find books related to temple history.
Nanako-san, where is Minnoyou-san?
Nanako looks around and finds her companion missing. She then notices her bag pack on the table and her
leaning against one of the bookshelves, browsing through a thick hardcover book.
Well, I guess itll have to be the three of us for now, Sacchan. Lets start from that side.
The rest of the group start the search for reference materials to use for their project. They swiftly walk down the
alleys of books but find nothing of relevance. As Shinji walks through the shelves, he sees a lot of encyclopaedias, thick
reference books and academic writings. The quiet ambience and empty atmosphere slowly gets to the three who are
desperately trying to achieve their initial objective. After a whole afternoon, they get nowhere. Minnoyou, still enjoying

her book, is obviously unaware of what the other three have been doing. As the sun slowly sets down, the three gather
back at the table to discuss their current situation.
How can it be possible? We searched the whole area and found nothing that we can utilise.
Maybe we should just search online.
Maybe we should ask the receptionist.
The three look at Minnoyou in surprise. They then go to the reception to ask for help while Minnoyou puts the
book back on the shelf to join the others.
Oh this is the References Area. The Community Library is around the back.
The three of them drop their jaws. Their mouths open even wider when they see the lively reading environment
and discussions on dozens of tables at the Community Area of the library.
It would seem that weve totally wasted a whole afternoon today.
Yes, it would seem.
And we only have a couple of days till the presentation, Na-chan.
Its your entire fault.
Come on, Sacchi. Its all anyone's fault for not knowing that theres the real library on the other side of this
What do we do now?

Well, we try to do up as much as we can until sunset. Im afraid we may have to meet again to discuss about

Sacchi and Shinji look at each other for a moment with displease, and Sacchi looks away into the ceiling. Shinji
shrugs his shoulders to the other two, who do not know how to react to the situation.
Across the skyline, Myousuke and his group are in his house, sitting around the table in the middle of his room.
With a press of a button on the air conditioner's power and the sound of drawing of curtains, they have successfully
completed a day of discussions.
Well I guess this is it, huh. What do you think, Vice Chairperson?
Its perfect.
The girl raises her glasses as she looks at the presentation done up by Myousuke. Kougaki stretches his arms
and lands on the side of Myousukes bed.
Thanks for the hard work, everyone.
Myousuke is awesome as always!
You exaggerate too much, Akizawa-san.
You can call me Yumi-chan!
Oh. Thanks, Yumi-chan.
I didnt know you are this good at using the computer!
Well, it comes with experience I guess
Thats all for today, people! Today was the most fruitful project session Yumi-chan has experienced!
Ill do up the rest when I reach home.

Well depend on you then, Satozashi.

Everyone, lets do our best for the presentation! Yeah!
A fist is seen raised up in the air. The vice chairperson reluctantly follows suit. The guys quickly join in.
How about dinner downstairs? My mother prepared some food.
No, I have to go home for dinner.
Oh, me too. Sorry, Myousuke.
Myousuke frowns his brows and feels a shiver down his spine.
I have to meet Satsuki and Izumi later.
Well, I guess there is always next time. Ill go tell my mother.
A few days pass, and its finally time for the presentation. There is less activity happening in class, compared to
the noisy environment whenever there is a break between periods.
Hell probably tell us to do this AND the assignments.
True. Come on Satsuki, stop taking out that stack of cards.
Dont tell me this is also pissing you off, Izumi? Do you hate APoL like Kougaki?
Come on, its because you-
Clatters of chairs and desks can be heard spreading throughout the room as the chairperson raises his voice and
the teacher steps into the compound. He raises his hand and brings it down before placing it on the front desk. The class
quietly settle down.
"Well I suppose you have all prepared and are ready for the presentations, right?"
"Very nearly."
Sacchi looks at Shinji with a pair of stern eyes and looks back to the front.
"Well I know I am. The other class I tutored did a wonderful job. I hope this class does not disappoint."
"I hope he's not expecting much. Or else we'll be in trouble."
Satsuki and Izumi nod in unison. Himiko looks down on the scribbled name cards on her table.
"I'll give you all five minutes, and I'll call for the first group. Now where's the nearest vending machine..."
The class get into heated conversations the moment the teacher leaves the room.
"See, it's all because of you!"
"What about me?"
"Satsuki, you! You told us that you could settle it yourself: the research, the doing up of posters and our scripts."
"And all you did was just the research! And in front of the computer! You didnt even plan for the skit! If it is not
for Yonagawara-kun who asked about progress, we will be in deep trouble now! We still had to do the rest of it yesterday
after school!"


"Sorry. I cannot help you this time. Himiko-san is totally spot-on."

"Man, what's with the attitude, Ueutsu-san?"
Kougaki shifts his view from Sora to the other frowning two group members.
"I'm sorry about that, okay? I thought I could finish all of them myself..."
"Not this time, my friend. Well, let's quickly go through our roles again, shall we?"
Others are just plain nervous.
"Are you okay, Fukujou-kun?"
"You look as bad as when we met yesterday."
Its okay. Im like that when Im under stress.
"If you feel anxious, youll be fine if you imagine yourself reading a book."
"Thanks, Kotokai-san."
Hey Fukujou-kun, look at Yocchis book! The maid looks a little like Andou-san!
Shinji's face took a glance and barely moved despite Nanako's enthusiasm.
Wow, I can imagine her in the maid outfit already! The black apron, the head wear, the black stockings
Images of Sacchi in a maid outfit slowly form inside of Nanako. This arouses Minnoyous interest as she stops
and stares at the book.
The long hair, the petit height and build, the face
Shinji looks again at the book, and then at Sacchi. She gives a plain look back.
No, shes not even close.
Sacchi gives a pout which quickly turns into rage.
This is especially so when she looks this fierce.
Everyone besides Sacchi break into a laugh. She looks away and lays her head on a nearby desk.
Eh that is Fukujous table, Sacchan.
She realises almost immediately and lifts her hands above the desk. The others continue laughing at her.
"We had better go through it again, everyone. The rehearsal we did yesterday was not smooth."
Myousuke's group, on the other hand, is a different story.
"You, Myousuke!"
"Go check if the projector in the classroom is in working condition!"

"You! Yumi!
"Check through the scripts for any error. If they're inaccurate we can still follow-up now."
Yumi-chan, you dropped your pen.
Myousuke bends down under the desk to pick up the pen. The girls instinctively cover up their skirts. He comes
up from under the table and passes it to Yumi.
She holds the pen like it was a gift from a confession by a male classmate. The vice chairperson, who is beside
her, looks at Kougaki who is glancing towards the girls in the class.
"You, Satsuki!"
"Yes, ma'am!"
"Go set up the computer in the classroom!"
Satsuki and Myousuke are in front watching the whole class stare at the commanding class vice-chairperson,
sitting arms crossed in the middle of the classroom.
"What does she do?"
Satsuki laughs and wraps around Myousuke's shoulder.
"She supervises us."
"Wow that is a tough task."
The boys giggle as they get into preparation.
"Oh, so I see you guys are ready!"
Everyone pauses to see Myousuke and Satsuki at the front of the classroom.
"Great. Our chairpersons are taking the lead. Tell me when your group is ready, yes?"
He grabs a chair from the back of the classroom and takes a seat. He places his bottle of water on the floor,
holding on his other hand a pen and a piece of paper.
Myousuke's group quickly shuffle to the front to begin their presentation.
Five minutes pass by, and with a click on the mouse and a bow a round of applause sounds across the room.
The teacher scribbles on his piece of paper.
"Very well done. Next!"
"It's our turn. Let's go, Fukujou-kun."
The next group sets up, placing their vanguard sheet on top of the teachers' table. Sacchi takes a deep breath
and starts the presentation.

"Eh... good morning to everyone. I'm Sacchi, this is Shinji, Nanako and Minnoyou..."
A few minutes later, the group places down the sheet. A silence can be heard throughout the class.

"I knew it. I messed it up."

"Let's thank this group with a round of applause. You guys did pretty well. I liked it."
A slow rousing applause can then be heard throughout the class, some even shouting out the names of the girls.
Time flies by as other groups rise up to the occasion to present their findings. And not long after, it is time for
Himiko's group to do their presentation.
"We're going to do a skit."
"A skit? Great!"
The class roars into discussion and quietens down upon their signal to start.
"Once upon a time..."
The minutes pass by.
"That's all. Thank you for your attention."
A single, slow clap can be heard in the background. The rest of the class follow suit in a slowly and reluctant
manner. The teacher walks up to the podium.
"Well... I can see that some of you, if not most of you did put in effort for the presentation today. Some of you
obviously did not."
The teacher takes a glance to Satsuki and sees him salute in apology.
"In view of your efforts..."
The class suddenly turns into silence.
"... You all are free for your holidays."
Shouts can be heard throughout the room, and screams resonate out the windows into the open air. Shinji looks
down on his script and heaves a sigh of relief. Himiko looks at the class and at Sora, who is as expressionless as her at
the moment. Sora stares at the lively class, rests her head on her desk and looks out of the window.
"Tsk. I knew it. What a waste of time and effort."


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