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Group 15: I Had A Dream

Content : 9/9

Started off with the use of Martin L King's speech picture and the title of the presentation as a
metaphor. Technique, managerial parallel were laid out at start. They interacted in the way of
presentation as an act-out with the example of Walmart.

They touched upon a number of issues comparing the image of American Dream and the portrayal
by Walmart as compared to their real life policies. They talked about minimal Wages contrasted with
the claimed community and experience of working/feeling proud at Walmart by Walmart. They
presented how Walmart used and propagated charity/CSR to cover up their behaviour with
employees. Their numerous public stunts. Contrast was again exhibited in the form of the open door
policy claimed by corporates like Walmart while reality is even protests are not heard.

They used a number of techniques in the presentation
Surplus Value vs Exploitation : Dreams (aspiration) to generate profit via low prices
Class and Class Struggle : Dreams in terms of wishful thinking of workers
Alienation and Fetishism : Commoditized view

They also talked about the ideology of manipulation in terms of politics(anti union etc) , fiction
(imagined family and walmart world) and religion (daily rituals) and presented their hypothesis that
dreams fulfilled at cost of all the workers

Direct use of metaphor and imagery worked well. Laying out the presentation style and technique
made it easier to understand. Very clear hypothesis which is linked well with the metaphor and
They are able to give out the content in a clear manner highlighting the important points.
Explicitly named the techniques used and explained how their particular case is showcasing it and
linking it well. Ideology was also explained well covering all aspects in different subheadings

Delivery : 8/9

Started with video of WalMart employees protest to capture attention. Structure of presentation
defined along with technique and managerial parallel. Clearly laid out presentation with emphasis on
important points. They differentiated with an interview form of presentation.

Their speech was fluent and had constant usage of metaphor. They well connected and explained
ideology and hypothesis and maintained a good flow of presentation. Marginally exceeded time

Final : 9/9

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