Flexibility Session Plan

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University of Worcester Performance Centre Flexibility Programme

Author: Di Fox Page 1 07/01/2014

Stretch name/diagram

Instructions and teaching points
Rotating Forearm Stretch

Stand with right arm extended in front of you at shoulder height with palm facing the floor. Bend wrist to point
fingers down towards the floor. Using left hand, gently pull right hand towards you, simultaneously rotating
forearm clockwise to point inside of right elbow towards ceiling. Progression: Stretch as above then rotate
downward facing hand anti-clockwise slightly.

Hold for 10 secs then change arms.
Pectoral Stretch

Stand at arms length side on to a wall. Extend arm out to the side and place palm flat on the wall with fingers
pointing backwards. Walk towards the wall keeping torso square to the wall so that you feel a stretch in
pectoral muscle.

Hold for 10 secs then change arms.
Deltoid Stretch

Raise right arm horizontally in front of you, keeping right elbow slightly bent. Take left hand underneath right
arm and place it on back of right arm, just above the elbow joint. Bring right arm across body until stretch is
felt in rear of shoulder. Progression: resist as arm is pulled towards you.

Hold for 10 secs then change arms.
Tricep Stretch

Keeping the back straight, extend right arm to ceiling. Bend arm at the elbow to place hand on spine with
fingers pointing towards the floor. With left hand exert pressure on the arm until a stretch is felt in the back of
the right upper arm (triceps).

Hold for 10 secs then change arms.

University of Worcester Performance Centre Flexibility Programme
Author: Di Fox Page 2 07/01/2014
Standing Calf Stretch

Stand with balls of feet on a step, holding onto a rail or chair for support. Drop heels down, stretching out the
calf and then come back onto balls of the feet. Repeat x 20.

Standing at arms length from a wall place both palms on the wall at shoulder height. Extend the right leg
behind you and bend the front knee until you can press the heel of the rear foot into the floor. Slowly lean
forward to increase the stretch, bending the arms and keeping the rear heel pressed into the floor.

To stretch the lower part of the calf (soleus) bend the rear knee, still keeping heel pressed into the floor.

Hold each stretch for 10 secs then change legs.
Quadriceps Stretch

Stand in neutral spine position. Bend right leg raising right foot towards right buttock, slightly bending left
(supporting) leg. Hold front of right foot in right hand and gently pull the foot towards the buttock.

Keep knees together, but not touching, throughout.

Hold for 10 secs then change legs.
Hamstring Stretch

Lie face up maintaining neutral spine position.

Bend left leg to 90 degrees and place foot flat on the floor. Place a band or towel over toes of right foot and
extend right leg up towards the ceiling. Keeping right leg straight (but not locked) and hips on the floor use
both hands to pull on band/towel easing right leg towards torso. Pull toes down towards you, as if they are
reaching towards your nose.

Hold for 10 seconds. Increase the stretch by pulling leg closer towards you, or by taking leg across the body
so big toe in line with opposite shoulder. Hold for a further 20 secs. Change legs.

Lying Gluteal Stretch

Lie face up (supine) on mat maintaining neutral spine position.

Bend left leg to 90 degrees and place foot flat on the floor. Place right ankle on left knee. Gently pull the left
thigh towards you until a stretch is felt in the right gluteal (buttock).

Hold for 15 secs then change legs.

University of Worcester Performance Centre Flexibility Programme
Author: Di Fox Page 3 07/01/2014
Inner Thigh Stretch

Starting from Hamstring Stretch position take resistance band in right hand. Keeping neutral spine and
keeping hips on the floor let the right leg drop out to the side, using the band to provide as much support as

Hold for 10-15 secs.

Alternative: sit on floor with knees bent and soles of the feet touching. Use elbows to press down on inside of
knees. Hold for 10-15 secs but do not use this stretch if you feel tightness in the lower back.
Hip Flexor Stretch

Kneel at one end of a mat (or on a rolled up towel). Flex the right hip to bring the right knee forward to 90
with the right foot flat on the floor. Extend the right knee, in line with the right hip, as if on train tracks.

Extend the left hip until the right knee is above the right ankle to feel a stretch in the left hip flexor. Keep the
torso tall, as if there is a piece of string through the head pulling you upwards.

Progression: take rear foot in same side hand and gently pull it up towards buttock, using wall or chair for
support if needed.

Hold for 10-15 secs then change legs.

Rolldown (spinal mobility)

Stand up tall with feet hip width apart and shoulders relaxed down away from ears.

Take a breath in. As you breathe out start to curl down slowly lead with head, then shoulders, then upper
back, one vertebra at a time, as if your spine is a bicycle chain. Let the arms hang in front of you and reach
towards the floor.

Breathe in and slowly roll back up, uncurling the bicycle chain. Head comes up last.

Repeat x3.

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