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Study Group Performance Rubric

Study groups will be assessed on two categories: Time and Productivity
Time - 50 of your !roup"# !rade $i%% be determined ba#ed on t&e time your !roup put# in
to meetin!'
(u%% credit - Your group logs at least 12 hours of meetings.
)5 credit - Your group logs between 9 and 11.9 hours of meetings.
50 credit - Your group logs between 6 and 8.9 hours of meetings.
*5 credit - Your group logs between and 6.9 hours of meetings.
+o credit - Your group logs less than hours of meetings.
Productivity - T&e remainin! 50 of your !roup"# !rade $i%% be determined ba#ed on $&at
you $or, on and accomp%i#& in your #tudy !roup#'
(u%% credit - Your group is e!tremely functional and ta"es ad#antage of your time together. Your
meeting agendas are preplanned and e#eryone "nows what to e!pect at the meetings. $eetings are
intentionally planned around tests and important e#ents in class. Your meetings are planned to ensure
that each member can be present. %ach group member participates fully. $ember participation will be
determined based on self and peer assessments at the end of the grading period. &t your meetings you
are sol#ing problems together' correcting wor"' and discussing the reasons for the mista"es you were
ma"ing. (n addition to wor"ing on class wor" and homewor" assignments' your group is wor"ing on
items that are outside of assigned coursewor" such as correcting old tests' and utili)ing outside
resources. *utside resources could include &+ re#iew boo"s' &+ ,entral' and other &+ websites. Your
group-s log is detailed and e!plicitly shows what you accomplish during meetings.
)5 credit - Your group is pretty functional and gets wor" done. Your group wor"s problems together
and chec"s the answers. .he items your group is wor"ing on are homewor" and class wor" assignments.
.here is some but not a lot of preplanning associated with your meetings and meeting times are planned
around tests and class e#ents. Your group does not ta"e initiati#e to wor" abo#e and beyond your class
assignments. $ost of your group members participate fully. $ember participation will be determined
based on self and peer assessments at the end of the grading period. Your group-s log is complete but
may not gi#e a detailed account of e!actly what you accomplish during meetings.
50 credit - Your group is somewhat functional and is able to get some wor" done during meetings.
.he wor" that you complete is minimal and is often /ust class wor" or homewor" assignments. .here is
no preplanning associated with your meetings. 0ac" of participation from some of your group members
is e#ident. $ember participation will be determined based on self and peer assessments at the end of the
grading period. Your group-s log may be somewhat complete and does not gi#e much account of what
you are doing at your meetings.
*5 credit - Your group is minimally functional and often off tas". You get #ery little wor" done during
your meetings. (t ta"es a lot of time to complete a small amount of wor" &12 you are not confident in
your solutions and process. Your group members do not acti#ely participate or wor" well together.
$ember participation will be determined based on self and peer assessments at the end of the grading
period. Your group-s log is incomplete.

+o credit - Your group is completely dysfunctional and unable to get any wor" accomplished during
meetings. Your group is not recei#ing any benefit from your meetings.
&cti#e participation from &00 group members is a re3uirement for grading. (deally' all group members
should recei#e the same grade. 4owe#er' at the teacher-s discretion group members who are disrupting
producti#ity 5either by not attending or not contributing6 will be addressed indi#idually.

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