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We also offer Online Training (Remote Training + Real-time exp) / In-Class Training with sure placement Assistance

A!out "s#
Onlineitguru is one of the lea$ing top Training an$ Consulting Compan% in "&' with a goo$ placement trac( recor$ We ha)e
certifie$ trainers We will pro)i$e Online Training' *ast Trac( online training' with +o! assistance We are pro)i$ing excellent
Training in all courses *acult% from top ,-C.s with highl% s(ille$ $omain expertise will Train / 0ui$e %ou with real time
examples' pro+ect explanation We also help %ou in resume preparation an$ pro)i$e +o! assistance till %ou get +o!
Our Training *eatures#
In Class / Online training !% certifie$ / experience$ Trainers
1 Training with Real time &cenarios
1 2xercise 3an$outs / Course pac( an$ 4isual -a)igations
56/7 Access to &A8 training &%stem
Certification Oriente$ ,aterial' 2-9oo(s' Online :ou!ts Clarification
4i$eo -a)igation *iles
Au$io/4isual 8resentations
Certification 8reparation 0ui$ance /,oc( Tests
Computer 9ase$ Training *iles
2xploring the phases of the *ull ;ife C%cle Implementation
2xploring *unctional/Technical :ocumentation
Tips an$ Techni<ues for 8reparing Certification
= to >months Training &%stem Access to &A8
&upport can$i$ate in resume preparation' inter)iew preparation
What We Offer ?ou#
2xcellent faculties from all parts of the worl$ @ "& who got )ast experience wor(ing with Top--otch "& companies for se)eral
8remar(eting# Our 8remar(eting team will assist %ou with Technical screening' Resume gui$ance' inter)iew orientation
sessions an$ moc(-inter)iews' !efore we actuall% start mar(eting
8resentations/ seminars on Real-time scenarios !% senior consultants who shares !usiness scenarios an$ inter)iew <uestions
On-+o! support for the first few months to !uil$ %our confi$ence
ABBC success rate for moti)ate$ an$ har$-wor(ing trainees
CO"R&2& W2 O**2R#
&A8 2R8 Technologies# &A8 0RC'&A8 3A-A'&A8 98C'&A8 23&'&A8 9asis' &A8 A9A8' &A8 securit%' &A8 -et wea)er' &A8
DI' &A8 *ICO' &A8 ,,' &A8 88' &A8 W,' &A8 &R,' &A8 9I' &A8 98C' &A8 28 A:,I-' &A8 &C,' &A8 9W' &A8 &:' &A8
CR,' &A8 3R'3C,'&A8 3R'A9A8' &A8 ,:,' &A8 is Retail' A9A8 3R
A$)ance$ Concepts# &A8 3A-A' &A8 98C' A9A8 Wor(flow' &A8 9usiness O!+ect' &A8 A8O' &A8 8;,' &A8 &2,
8rogramming Technologies# Ea)a/+5ee' I9, ,ain *rames
A:O92 Technologies# 8hotoshop C&' 83OTO&3O8' *lexF 6' *lash' Auto$es( ,a%a
,i$$leware Technologies# Ti!co' We! ,etho$s
Testing Tools# ;oa$ Runner' Win Runner' Guic( Test 8rofessional' &il( Test' Test :irector' Gualit% Center' Rational Ro!ot
8,8 (8ROE2CT ,A-A02,2-T 8RO0RA,) TRAI-I-0# 8ro+ect ,anagement Certification 2xam
9A (9"&I-2&& A-A;?&T)# &:;C' R"* (Rational unifie$ process)
,icrosoft Technologies# ,& :OT-2T',& &G;&2R42R',&9I',& &G; &2R42R :9A',& CR,',& AEAD',&O**IC2' ,&
&hare 8oint (,O&&)
:ata warehousing Technologies# Informatica' 3%perion 2ss!ase' 3%perion Interacti)e Reports' Cognos' A9-Initio' ,&9I' :ata
stage H' ,icro strateg%' &A&' 9usiness Anal%tics' Cognos 8lanning an$ 9u$geting' Cognos T,A' 9usiness O!+ect '9O
9O:I'I9, We! sphere
-etwor( / &%stem a$ministration Technologies# ,C&2' CC-A' CC-8' &un &olaris' "-ID' ;I-"D' 4, WAR2
:ata!ase T2C3-O;O0I2&# Oracle ABg/AAg' Oracle *orms an$ Reports' Oracle :9A' &G; &er)er' &G; &er)er Tuning'
Oracle T2C3-O;O0I2&# Oracle ABg / AAg'Oracle Apps Technical' Oracle Apps *inancials' Oracle A88& :9A' &ie!el CR,'
&ie!el Anal%st' 8eople soft 3R,& Technical' 8eople &oft 3R,& *unctional' 8eople &oft *inancial
-ote# We can customiIe an% CO"R&2 as per %our re<uirement
ATT2-: T32 *IR&T &2&&IO- C;A&&2& O- 242R? T"2&:A?/W2:-2&:A?/T3"R&:A?
Tues$a% @ &A8 9O
We$nes$a% @ &A8 98C-7J' ABB
Thurs$a% @ &A8 3A-A Ax / &A8 9I
*or a$$itional assistance' inclu$ing course $etails' !atch sche$uling information' technolog% selection for %our career
?ou ma% Contact to !elow A$$ress#
"&A# + A-7=5-7B=-KB>>
2-mail I:# I-*OLO-;I-2IT0"R"CO,
4isit# http#//wwwO-;I-2IT0"R"CO,/

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