Managed Services

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Through Network Managed Services, we can take full responsibility for your
network, including planning, design and implementation, day-to-day operations and
Service description
The Network Managed Services oferings include all activities we would typically
perform running a telecom network, for instance
!ay-to-day operation and management of the entire network infrastructure
Management of end-customer problems escalated from your customer care
"orrective and preventive #eld maintenance
$ptimi%ation of systems and services to ensure performance is maintained at
or above agreed &uality levels
Management of changes to the network
'nstallation and upgrades of e&uipment
Multivendor Support
Network Managed Services embrace multi-vendor environments, which gives you
the (e)ibility to develop and deploy services and infrastructure by using the vendor
of your choice.
The service is controlled by a Service *evel +greement ,S*+- based on performance
.e can also help you to secure your own in-house capability to operate the network,
and while you get ready to operate we will take the full network management
Network Managed Services will enable you to achieve desired &uality at a
foreseeable cost.
/y letting us handle the network operation, you can focus on business strategy,
services and customers.
.e focus on improving operational e0ciency, network &uality and asset utili%ation,
helping you to improve pro#tability and customer e)perience.

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