Mac 9 Guidlines 2014-2015

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Biology 2014-2015
Classroom Guidelines
Welcome I hope this year can be both fun and productie!
"he follo#ing are a fe# of the e$pectations and procedures
I e$pect to be follo#ed throughout the year! %lease read
them and adhere to them and that should limit the problems
in this class!
1! &ou are e$pected to be in class and on time, every time
the class meets! Attendance is the ey to s!ccess you
cannot learn anything if you are not in my class!
2! &ou are e$pected to chec' the board everyday as soon as
you #al' in and pic' up any materials for dai"y #arm$!%s
and home#or on the front table!
(! &ou are e$pected to turn in all your assignments on time)
4! &ou are e$pected to participate in group actiities and
labs and #or' as a team player!
5! &ou are e$pected to treat all people in the classroom #ith
res%ect! "hat goes for your fello# students the teacher
and any isitors #ho may enter the room!
*! &ou are e$pected to res%ect the classroom+ all e,uipment
and accessories in the classroom -especially other
student.s property/!
0! "here are a fe# areas+ #hich are o&& "imits! "hese areas
include my des' and the bac' corner behind my des'! !
1eae eerything in those areas alone! 2o not remoe any
items unless I hae gien you specific permission to do so!
'ey (ords) We #ill define these #ords in class
Interactive Note/oos 0IAN1
1! "his noteboo' is designed to help you use both right and
left brain! &our logical and creatie portions of your brain
2! 3ore details #ill be proided #hen #e set up the
S!%%"y "ist)
3ar'ers4Colored %encils
5ptional e$tra credit 6 "issue paper
C"ass (e/site) -
Copies of home#or' and due dates #ill be located on
this site!
Mr. Moncada Period33333 ,4*5$,4*6

%lease print your name and sign this form! 7lso hae a parent
or guardian print and sign this form sho#ing that you hae
receied a copy of the classroom guidelines for this class!
8888888888888888 88888888888888888
-9tudent print/ -%arent print/
88888888888888888 88888888888888888
-9tudent signature/ -%arent signature/

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