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Lesson Plan~The Academy for Technology & the Classics~Cultivating Fearless Learners

Instructors name:
Mr Ayers
"rade #$ Pre%AP &nglish II
'ee( of:
$)!*+ , $)!*-
.nit /ame:
Lord of the Flies!AP essay 0riting 1ractice
(1A)*&ssential 2uestion3s4:
5o0 do 0e create a 6uality analysis essay7 'hat is the
role of sym8olism in Lord of the Flies7
(1A/1B) Connections 31rior!future learning4:
9tudents 0ill connect 0ith their 1rior e:1eriences 0ith
close reading; literary analysis and essay 0riting
(1A) Common Core!9tate 9tandards:
'-%#$#< '-%#$*< '-%#$=< '-%#$+
(1E) >ther considerations 3modifications;
accommodations; acceleration; &LL; etc
All accommodations and modifications indicated in
student I&Ps 0ill 8e follo0ed Any needs of &LL
students 3modification of assignment length;
modification of assignment com1le:ity; modification of
source reading; etc4 0ill 8e im1lemented
(1D) ?esources!Materials:
9tudents: novel , Lord of the Flies; AP multi1le choice
1ractice 6uestions
(1F) Assessment 35o0 0ill you monitor 1rogress and (no0 students have successfully met outcomes7 'hat ha11ens
0hen students understand and 0hen they dont understand7
@aily: direct o8servation
This 'ee(: direct o8servation; essay com1letion; class discussion
(1B) Lesson activities for instructor and students; (1F)
&m8edded Formative Assessment;
(1C) Learning Target: 9tudents 0ill develo1 technical
s(ills in essay 0riting They 0ill sho0 their learning 8y
1roducing a timed essay
(1C) @o /o0: @escri8e the essential elements of an AAP
styleB analysis essay
9tudents 0ill create an F?2 timed essay using a 1rom1t
8ased on The Lord of the Flies.
For Friday: read cha1ters =%C

(1F)&m8edded Formative Assessment: Timed essay 0ill
8e assessed
(1B)Closing Activity: Closing discussion , 0hat did you
find e:citing and!or difficult a8out this assignment7
(1C) Learning Target: 9tudents 0ill develo1 technical
s(ills in essay 0riting They 0ill sho0 their learning 8y
1roducing a timed essay
(1C) @o /o0: 5o0 do you 1lan to im1rove your essay7
5o0 0ill you s1ot mista(es!areas of need7
9tudents 0ill edit their F?2 essays and turn in t0o
drafts on Friday
(1F)&m8edded Formative Assessment: direct
o8servation!closing discussion
(1B)Closing Activity: discussion , ho0 0ere you a8le to
im1rove your essay7
(1C) Learning Target: 9tudents 0ill learn close reading
and literary analysis They 0ill sho0 their learning 8y
com1leting and discussing official AP multi1le choice
(1C) @o /o0: 'hat are some strategies you have used to
im1rove your 1erformance on multi1le choice tests7
initial essay assignment 3first draft; t0o 1eer edit sheets
and second draft4
(1F)&m8edded Formative Assessment: e:it tic(et ,
students 0ill 8riefly descri8e in 0riting their area of
greatest need in regard to successfully com1leting
multi1le choice activities
(1B)Closing Activity: Closing discussion , 0hat did you
find challenging a8out these 6uestions7
(1C) Learning Target: 9tudents 0ill learn close reading
and literary analysis They 0ill sho0 their learning 8y
com1leting and discussing official AP multi1le choice
(1C) @o /o0: /o0 that youve encountered the difficulty
of AP level multi1le choice items; 0hat do you thin( is
your 8est strategy for success7
(1F)&m8edded Formative Assessment: e:it tic(et ,
students 0ill 8riefly descri8e in 0riting their area of
greatest need in regard to successfully com1leting
multi1le choice activities
(1B)Closing Activity: Closing discussion , 0hat did you
find challenging a8out these 6uestions7
(1C) Learning Target: 9tudents 0ill im1rove their s(ills
in s1ea(ing and listening They 0ill sho0 their learning
8y 1artici1ating in a 9ocratic dialogue
(1C) @o /o0: Please 1roduce and 8e ready to discuss an
o1ening 6uestion for or discussion
@.&: F?2 essay 0ith revised draft 3t0o drafts4
9tudents 0ill engage in a 9ocratic dialogue covering
cha1ters =%C in The Lord of the Flies.
For ne:t 0ee(: read cha1ters D%- in Lord of the Flies
(1F)&m8edded Formative Assessment: Teacher
o8servation of class discussion
(1B)Closing Activity: Closing discussion , 'hat 0ent
0ell7 'hat could 8e im1roved7
*Refers to NMTEACH Rubric:
1ADe!o"str#ti"$ %"o&'e($e of co"te"t
1)Desi$"i"$ co*ere"t i"structio"
1CSetti"$ I"structio"#' outco!es
1DDe!o"str#ti"$ %"o&'e($e of resources
1EDe!o"str#ti"$ %"o&'e($e of stu(e"ts
1FDesi$"i"$ stu(e"t #ssess!e"t
For!#ti+e Assess!e"t i"c'u(es, but is "ot 'i!ite( to:
E-it tic%ets, &*ite bo#r( res.o"se, co"se"s#$r#!s, re(/$ree" c#r(s, for!#' or
i"for!#' stu(e"t co"fere"ces, stic%0 "ote #ssess!e"t1

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