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Bilal Hayat Butt

18 Aug 2014
Instructor: Bilal Butt, Assistant Professor
Contact: 0301-8212618
Twitter: @_bAlive
Room No: 6 (Open Door Policy)
Photo credit: Asim Ali
2011, LUMS
2009, MdH

2006, FAST

Past Experience
2012, TRG|TECH
2010, 2012, Visiting Faculty FAST.
2009, Research Assistant SSUET, LUMS, MdH
2008, VLSI Research Center/ Avieon Inc USA
2007, Shams Software Services
Academic Integrity
I am not predisposed to failing anyone.
Plagiarism is strictly prohibited
and would be strictly dealt with!!
Student should submit own solutions
Discussing assignments with peers is allowed,
unless stated otherwise

Max Grade penalty of 50% for late submissions.
Min Grade penalty of 100% for plagiarism.

Class Participation (CP - Theory)
Raise hand, ask a good question or give good
answers to earn CP point.

Individual CP Point. Would earn you (upto) 1% of
overall weightage.

IMPORTANT: Always send me same day EMAIL
reminder if I give you a CP (or any other comment
eg late allowed, leave allowed, avg marks etc).
Quizzes will be held in start of class.

Exams may be open book (closed notes).

Please do NOT write anything on the book.

There will be NO compensation for missed quiz. It can
ONLY be adjusted with a CP point.

Asgn can be submitted late, only if the solution has not
been discussed in Class.
Tentative Grading
Asgn 10-15% (homework)

Quizzes 10-15% (unannounced)

Midterm 20-25% (2 Mid terms)

Final Exam 30-40% (Comprehensive)

Attendance 0-5% (Mandatory)
Discussion Rules
Discussion Forum:

Subscribe using your NU Email:
1. Send a blank email to:
2. Reply to the confirmation email.

All general purpose queries shall be posted on the group.

If the instructor(s) does not reply on the group within 2 working days, then you may
send an individual query.

Maintain decorum in use of your language with peers and Instructor(s).

Always use your NU Email ID to post messages, EVERYTHING IS GRADED.

You may additionally subscribe via your personal email ID.

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