Eat and Exercise

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Betacarotene, found in pumpkin, carrots and sweet potatoes, and lutein,

found in kale, papaya and spinach are potent antioxidants, important for
normal skin cell development and healthy skin tone.
guava, kiwi fruits, oranges, papaya, strawberries and sweet potatoes
ther good sources are fsh, shellfsh, eggs, wheatgerm, tomatoes and
Foods high in vitamin E include almonds, avocado, hazelnuts, pine nuts and
sunower and corn oils.
!sanas that are benefcial for hair"loss are#
!ll forward bending asanas enhances blood circulation in the head or the
crown region. $his in turn nourishes the roots of the hair and as a result one
can observe the changes in the hair over a period of time. %ere are the few
asanas one must try&&
'. !dho (ukha )avasana
*ownward dog pose, provides good circulation to the head and is good for
sinus and common cold also. +t is also helpful for mental tiredness, depression
and insomnia.
,. -tthanasana
)tanding forward pose, helps in reducing fatigue and tiredness. .ood in
menopause and also improves digestion.
/. 0a1rasana
+t is also called diamond pose. -nlike other asanas it can be done
immediately after eating your food. +t helps in urinary disorders, weight loss
and digestion and also reduces gas in stomach.
2. !panasana
!pana refers to the prana or energy of you digestive tract, that aids in
purifying and eliminating toxins. !nd this pose gives clarity to the mind. +t
relieves constipation.
3. 4avanmukthasana
+t reduces gas, and helps digestion. $he muscles of lower back are
strengthened. +t also reduces fat of abdomen and buttocks.
5. )arvangasana
+t helps to nourish the thyroid gland, which means healthy function of
respiratory, alimentary, genital and nervous system.
Benefcial 4ranayamas for hair"loss#
'. 6apalbhati 4ranayam
$he brain cells receive more oxygen so it is good for the nervous system,
removes toxins from the body and cures obesity, diabetes
,. Bhastrika 4ranayam
+t helps remove excess wind, bile and phlegm in the body and purifes the
nervous system7 preventing all kinds of diseases in the body.
/. 8aadi )hodhan 4ranayam
+t helps to treat heart problems, asthama and arthritis, depression,
migrane, stress and eye and ear problems also.

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