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Possessive Noun Phrases

Rewrite each of the phrases to use a possessive noun.

Name: Date:
Copyright 2014
the handle of the screwdriver ( 1 )
the health of the puppy ( 2 )
the speed of the airplane ( 3 )
the price of the lawn mower ( 4 )
the pool of my brother ( 5 )
the clarity of the speakers ( 6 )
the paintings found in the museum ( 7 )
the climate in Africa ( 8 )
the punctuality of the deliveries ( 9 )
the weight of the books (10)
the color of the light (11)
the thickness of the lens (12)
the building owned by Ethan Wallace (13)
the roots of the tree (14)
the taste of the pizza (15)
Possessive Noun Phrases
Rewrite each of the phrases to use a possessive noun.
Copyright 2014
the handle of the screwdriver ( 1 )
the health of the puppy ( 2 )
the speed of the airplane ( 3 )
the price of the lawn mower ( 4 )
the pool of my brother ( 5 )
the clarity of the speakers ( 6 )
the paintings found in the museum ( 7 )
the climate in Africa ( 8 )
the punctuality of the deliveries ( 9 )
the weight of the books (10)
the color of the light (11)
the thickness of the lens (12)
the building owned by Ethan Wallace (13)
the roots of the tree (14)
the taste of the pizza (15)
the screwdrivers handle
the puppys health
the airplanes speed
the lawn mowers price
my brothers pool
the speakers clarity
the museums paintings
Africas climate
the deliveries punctuality
the books weight
the lights color
the lenss thickness
Ethan Wallaces building
the trees roots
the pizzas taste

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