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Discussion Questions

Headbangers in iraq, tHrasHing and Waiting

1. Why does the author of the article claim that Acrassicaudas story is an unlikely one?

2. What was life changing for the filmmakers and the musicians about making a
documentary about Acrassicauda?

3. How did the filmmakers ultimately get into the country?

4. What did the filmmakers choose as a focus in the film, and why?

5. Marwan Hussain was concerned about the band being seen as circus freaks why?

6. What purpose did playing heavy metal music serve for the band members in Iraq?

7. How did the band members attitudes towards their music change when they matured?

8. Why do you think music is the only true thing that happened to the band members?

9. What does music do for you in your own life?

10. Is music a positive or negative influence when we start to define ourselves by it?

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