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Adding New Operating Unit - Financials

Creatin Date!
Last Updated!
"ersin! #$%
&elease! ##$'$#%
SA! &e(iew Multi-Org Pr)le Optins$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#
AP! Chse Set * +,s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-
PO! De)ne In(entr. Organi/atin Para0eters$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$1
AP! De)ne Financial Optins$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2
AP! De)ne E3pense &eprt Te0plates$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$4
AP! De)ne Pa.a5les Optins$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$6
AP! De)ne +an,s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ #%
AP! De)ne New AP Signing Li0its$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#1
AP! De)ne Ta3 Cdes$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#2
AP! De)ne Ta3 7rups$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#'
AP! De)ne Ta3 &eprting Entities$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#4
OIE! De)ne iE3pense Plicies$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#6
Ena5le E3pense Allcatins$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#6
Set Up &e8uired E3pense Fields$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#9
De)ne &eceipt Nti)catin &ule Set$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#:
Assign &eceipt Nti)catin &ule Set$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-%
De)ne Mileage &ate Schedule$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-#
SA! Set OIE Pr)le Optins$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-1
A&! De)ne A& S.ste0 Optins$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-2
A&! Open Accunting Perids ;&e8uired<$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-9
A&! De)ne AutAccunting$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-:
A&! De)ne Transactin T.pes$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$1-
A&! De)ne Transactin Surces$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$11
A&! De)ne &e0ittance +an,s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$12
A&! De)ne &ecei(a5les Acti(ities$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$1'
A&! De)ne &eceipt Classes and Pa.0ent Methds$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$19
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page ii * ':
A&! De)ne &eceipt Surces$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$1:
A&! De)ne &e0it-T Addresses$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2%
A&! De)ne Standard Me0 Lines$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2#
OM! De)ne Ite0 "alidatin Organi/atin$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2-
FA! &e(iew Accunt 7eneratr Setup$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$21
FA! De)ne S.ste0 Cntrls$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$22
FA! De)ne Additinal Asset Lcatins$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2'
FA! De)ne Fiscal =ears$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$24
FA! De)ne Calendars$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$26
FA! De)ne Asset +,s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$29
FA! De)ne Prrate and &etire0ent Cn(entins$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'%
FA! De)ne Securit. 5. +,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'#
FA! De)ne Additinal Depreciatin Methds$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'-
FA! De)ne Depreciatin Ceilings$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'1
FA! De)ne Asset Categries$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'2
Open and Clsed Issues$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$''
Open Issues$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ''
Clsed Issues$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ''
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page iii * ':
SA: Review Multi-Org Profle Options
System Administrator > Options > System
This step shuld 5e s0e during the 0ulti-rg cn)guratins$ Ma,e sure the respecti(e respnsi5ilities ha(e the 0ulti-rg pr)le
ptins set t their respecti(e perating units$
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page # * ':
AP: Choose Set of oo!s
Paya"les Manager > Setup > Set of oo!s > Choose
=ur s.ste0 ad0inistratr assciates sets * 5,s with ne r 0re respnsi5ilities$ =ur respnsi5ilit. deter0ines with which set *
5,s .u are wr,ing$ =u ha(e the ptin * setting up 0ultiple rgani/atins within ne installatin * Pa.a5les$ =ur s.ste0
ad0inistratr assciates a respnsi5ilit. with a particular rgani/atin and set * 5,s$ The na0e * .ur set * 5,s appears n all
reprts .u generate in Pa.a5les$
#ield $ame %alue Comments
Set of oo!s
Chart of A&&ounts
#un&tional Curren&y
A&&ounting Calendar
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page - * ':
PO: 'efne (nventory Organi)ation Parameters
Pur&hasing Super *ser > Setup > Organi)ations > Organi)ations
Attach the in(entr. rgani/atins t the crrect perating unit> legal entit.> and set * 5,s$ I* .u ha(e 0re than ne 5usiness
grup> change t the respnsi5ilit. assciated with the ther 5usiness grup and cntinue de)ning .ur rgani/atin classi)catin$
#ield $ame %alue Comments
(nventory Parameters
Organi)ation Code
(tem master Organi)ation
Pro&ess +na"led
Costing (nformation
Costing Organi)ation
Costing Method
,ransfer to -.
%aluation A&&ounts / Material
Revision0 .ot0 Serial
Starting Revision
.ot Control
2ero Pad Su34
,otal .ength
Serial Control
2ero Pad Su34
Allo&ate Serial $um"ers
Other A&&ounts
Pur&hase Pri&e %arian&e
(nvoi&e Pri&e %arian&e
(nventory AP A&&rual
Costs of -oods Sold
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page 1 * ':
AP: 'efne #inan&ial Options
Paya"les Manager > Setup > Options > #inan&ials
Use the Financials Optins windw t de)ne the ptins and de*aults that .u use *r .ur Oracle Financial Applicatin;s<$ "alues .u
enter in this windw are shared 5. Oracle Pa.a5les> Oracle Purchasing> and Oracle Assets$ =u can de)ne de*aults in this windw t
si0pli*. supplier entr.> re8uisitin entr.> purchase rder entr.> in(ice entr.> and aut0atic pa.0ents$ Depending n .ur
applicatin> .u 0a. nt 5e re8uired t enter all )elds$
#ield $ame %alue Comments
#uture Periods
#uture 'ated Payment
'is&ount ,a!en
PO Rate %arian&e -ain
PO Rate %arian&e .oss
+4penses Clearing
Supplier +ntry
R#5 Only Site
6old *nmat&hed (nvoi&es
(nvoi&e Mat&h Option
Supplier $um"er +ntry
Supplier $um"er ,ype
$e4t Automati& $um"er
Supplier / Paya"les
Payment ,erms
Payment Method
Re&eipt A&&eptan&e 'ays
Always ,a!e 'is&ount
Pay Alone
Supplier / Pur&hasing
(nventory Organi)ation
Ship %ia
#reight ,erms
'efault ,a4 Code
Mem"er State
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page 2 * ':
#ield $ame %alue Comments
%A, Registration $um"er
+na"le Re&overa"le ,a4
'efault Re&overy Rate
Cal&ulation Rules: Rounding Rule
Cal&ulation Rules: Pre&ision
Cal&ulation Rules: Min7 A&&ounta"le *nit
6uman Resour&es
usiness -roup
+4pense Reim"ursement Address
*se Approval 6ierar&hy
+mployee $um"ering Method
$e4t Automati& $um"er
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page ' * ':
AP: 'efne +4pense Report ,emplates
Pa.a5les Manager! Setup ? In(ice ? E3pense &eprt Te0plate
Descriptin! =u 0ust de)ne at least ne e3pense reprt te0plate with the Ena5le *r Internet E3penses Users chec, 53 selected$
Onl. e3pense reprt te0plates with this ptin ena5led can 5e used in Internet E3penses$ Use the Oracle Pa.a5les E3pense &eprt
Te0plates windw t de)ne .ur e3pense reprt te0plates$
Ora&le #ield %alue $otes
,emplate $ame
+na"le for (nternet +4penses
+4pense (tem +4pense
-. A&&ount PA +4p ,ype Re&eipt
Use the Create E3pense &eprt Te0plate DataLad a(aila5le n the Feature site$
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page 4 * ':
AP: 'efne Paya"les Options
Paya"les Manager > Setup > Options > Paya"les
In the Pa.a5les Optins windw> select each regin that cntains the ptins .u want t de)ne$
#ield $ame %alue Comments
A&&ounting Methods
Primary A&&ounting Method
Primary Set of oo!s
Se&ondary A&&ounting Method
Se&ondary Set of oo!s
Automati& O9set Method
,ransfer to -.
,ransfer to -. (nterfa&e
,ransfer Reporting oo!s
Su"mit 8ournal (mport
Allow Override at Program Su"mission
Payment A&&ounting
:hen Payment is (ssued
:hen Payment Clears
Cal&ulate -ain and .oss
A&&ount for -ain and .oss: :hen Payment is
A&&ount for -ain and .oss: :hen Payment
*se #uture-'ated Payment A&&ount
*se Multiple Curren&ies
Re1uire +4&hange Rate +ntry
Cal&ulate *ser +4&hange Rate
+4&hange Rate ,ype
-. A&&ounts: Reali)ed -ain
-. A&&ounts: Reali)ed .oss
(nvoi&e ,oleran&es
Pay -roup
(nvoi&e Curren&y
,erms 'ate asis
Pay 'ate asis
an! Charge earer
,a4 Reporting: Com"ined #iling Program
,a4 Reporting: *se Pay Site ,a4 Program
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page 6 * ':
#ield $ame %alue Comments
(n&ome ,a4 Region
*se (nvoi&e Approval :or!;ow
Allow Ad<ustments to Paid (nvoi&es
Re&al&ulate S&heduled Payment
Automati&ally Create #reight 'istri"ution
Confrm 'ate as (nvoi&e $um"er
Allow Online %alidation
Allow 'o&ument Category Override
-. 'ate asis
Prepayment: Payment ,erms
Prepayment: Settlement 'ays
uild Prepayment A&&ount when Mat&hing
Allow #inal Mat&hing
Allow 'istri"ution .evel Mat&hing
Allow Mat&hing A&&ount Override
,ransfer PO '## (nformation
Allow (nterest (nvoi&es
Prorate A&ross Overdue (nvoi&e
(nterest A&&ounts: +4pense
(nterest A&&ounts: .ia"ility
+4pense Report
'efault ,emplate
Payment ,erms
Pay -roup
Payment Priority
Apply Advan&es
Automati&ally Create +mployee as Supplier
6old *nmat&hed +4pense Reports
an! A&&ount
Payment at&h .imit
+#, *ser $um"er
'is&ount 'istri"ution Method
Additional Pay ,hrough 'ays
Allow 'o&ument Category Override
+4&lude 'is&ount from ,a4 Cal&ulation
Allow Print
Allow Pre-'ate
Allow %oid and Reissue
Allow Address Change
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page 9 * ':
#ield $ame %alue Comments
=M. Payments Automati& Confrmation
Remit-,o an! A&&ount Override
*se an! Charges
(nvoi&e ,a4
+4&lude ,a4 from 'is&ount Cal&ulation
Re1uire ,a4 +ntry at 6eader
*se Automati& ,a4 Cal&ulation
Cal&ulation .evel
Allow Cal&ulation .evel Override
'istri"ution Amounts (n&lude ,a4
Allow Override
:ithholding ,a4
*se :ithholding ,a4
Allow Manual :ithholding
,a4 -roup
(n&lude 'is&ount Amount
(n&lude ,a4 Amount
Apply :ithholding ,a4
Create :ithholding (nvoi&e
(n&lude ,a4 ,ype on :ithholding 'istri"utions
,a4 'efaults and Rules
+nfor&e ,a4 #rom A&&ount
+nfor&e ,a4 #rom Pur&hase Order
PO for Mat&hed (nvoi&es
Supplier (nvoi&es
#inan&ial Options
(nvoi&e 6eader
Relieve #uture 'ated Payment .ia"ility
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page : * ':
AP: 'efne an!s
Pa.a5les Manager ? Setup ? Pa.0ents ? +an,s
=u can de)ne a 5an, r a clearing huse$ De)ne 5an,s t recrd internal 5an,s> where .u are the accunt hlder * a receipt and@r
dis5urse0ent accunt$ I* .u use Pa.a5les> .u can de)ne e3ternal 5an,s where .ur suppliers are the accunt hlders$ I* .u use
&ecei(a5les> de)ne 5an,s t recrd e3ternal 5an,s where .ur cust0ers are the accunt hlders * dis5urse0ent accunts$
#ield $ame %alue Comments
an! $ame
Alternate $ame
an! ran&h $ame
an! ran&h Alternate $ame
R#C (dentifer
Address .ine >
Address .ine ?
Postal Code
an! A&&ounts
Operating *nit
Agen&y .o&ation Code
Alternate Code
A&&ount *se
A&&ount ,ype
-. A&&ounts
Cash Clearing
an! Charges
an! +rrors
Confrmed Re&eipts
#uture 'ated Payment
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page #% * ':
#ield $ame %alue Comments
A&&ount Conta&t
A&&ount 6older
A&&ount 6older
Alternative A&&ount 6older
+#, Re1uest ('
Re&eiva"les Options
Multiple Curren&y Re&eipts
Remitted Re&eipts
#a&tored Re&eipts
Short ,erm 'e"t
*napplied Re&eipts
*nidentifed Re&eipts
On A&&ount Re&eipts
*nearned 'is&ounts
+arned 'is&ounts
Paya"les Options
Ma4imum Outlay
Multiple Curren&y Payments
Ma4imum Payment
Allow 2ero Payments
Minimum Payment
Pooled A&&ount
+#, $um"er
Reali)ed -ain
Reali)ed .oss
Paya"les 'o&uments
'o&ument (nformation
'o&ument $ame 'is"ursement ,ype Payment #ormat Payment Method (na&tive On
Additional (nformation
'o&ument $ame .ast *sed .ast Availa"le Setup Che&!s ,ransmission Code
-. (nformation
'o&ument $ame Cash Clearing an! Charges an! +rrors
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page ## * ':
#ield $ame %alue Comments
#uture 'ated Payments
'o&ument $ame #uture 'ate *se A&&ount
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page #- * ':
AP: 'efne $ew AP Signing .imits
Pa.a5les Manager ? E0pl.ees ? Signing Li0its
'es&ription: Use this *r0 t de)ne AP signing li0its$ Managers can appr(e an e3pense reprt nl. i* the ttal a0unt * the e3pense reprt
des nt e3ceed their signing li0it$ The Manager ;Spending< Appr(al Prcess in the E3pense &eprting wr,Aw uses the signing li0its .u de)ne
t deter0ine which 0anager has authrit. t appr(e e3pense reprts$ =u assign signing li0its in .ur pri0ar. *unctinal currenc.$
T assign signing li0its!
#$ Na(igate t the Signing Li0its windw$
-$ Add additinal appr(ers 5. *llwing the steps 5elw
1$ Select AP E3pense &eprt as the dcu0ent$
2$ Enter the na0e * the 0anager t wh0 .u want t assign a signing li0it in the Na0e )eld> r chse *r0 the list
* (alues$
'$ Enter the cst center *r which .u want this 0anager t appr(e e3pense reprts> r chse *r0 the list * (alues$
4$ Enter a signing li0it *r this 0anager$
6$ &epeat steps 1 - ' i* .u want this 0anager t 5e a5le t appr(e e3pense reprts *r 0re than ne cst center$
9$ Sa(e .ur wr,$
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page #1 * ':
AP: 'efne ,a4 Codes
Pa.a5les Manager! Setup ? Ta3 ? Cdes
In the Ta3 Cdes windw> .u de)ne the ta3 na0es> r tax codes> .u use n in(ices t recrd in(ice ta3es .u pa. t suppliers and
ta3 authrities$ Each ta3 cde has a ta3> a ta3 rate> and an accunt t which .u charge ta3 a0unts$
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page #2 * ':
AP: 'efne ,a4 -roups
Pa.a5les Manager! Setup ? Ta3 ? 7rups
Use Ta3 7rups t c05ine .ur ta3 cdes int ta3 grups t calculate 0ultiple ta3es n single ta3a5le ite0s in .ur Pa.a5les and
Purchasing transactins$ =u can als use this *eature t 0anage 0ultiple ta3 rec(er. re8uire0ents$ I* .u nl. use single ta3 cdes
with a single rec(er. rate> .u d nt need t set up ta3 grups$
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page #' * ':
AP: 'efne ,a4 Reporting +ntities
Pa.a5les Manager! Setup ? Ta3 ? &eprting Entities
Use the &eprting Entit. windw t de)ne reprting entities *r .ur #%:: ta3 reprting$ A reprting entit. is an. persn r
rgani/atin that has a uni8ue Ta3 Identi)catin Nu05er ;TIN<$
I* .u use the NACBA pa.0ent *r0at> the Na0e and Ta3 ID Nu05er are used t identi*. the reprting entit. that is initiating the
electrnic pa.0ent$ Chen .u de)ne .ur dis5urse0ent 5an, accunt> enter the ta3 reprting entit. in the Alternate Accunt Blder
)eld * the +an, Accunts windw> since Pa.a5les allws .u t de)ne 0re than ne entit. per rgani/atin$
#ield $ame %alue Comments
,a4 (' $um"er
alan&ing Segment %alue alan&ing Segment 'es&ription
-1% DNA
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page #4 * ':
O(+: 'efne i+4pense Poli&ies
+na"le +4pense Allo&ations
(nternet +4penses Setup and Administration: (nternet +4penses Setup > A&&ounting > 'efne
Select Enabled to let users update the default segment value. Select Read-only to display the current segment value but prevent update. Select Disabled
to omit this segment from expenses entry pages. Set status as follows:
Segment Status
C0pan. &ead nl.
Depart0ent &ead-Onl.
Accunt &ead-Onl.
Future Disa5led
Interc0pan. Disa5led
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page #6 * ':
Set *p Re1uired +4pense #ields
(nternet +4penses Setup and Administration: (nternet +4penses Setup > Poli&y > +4pense #ields
End Date Ena5led
Merchant &e8uired
Merchant &e8uired
Class * Tic,et Ena5led
Tic,et Nu05er Ena5led
Fr0 Lcatin &e8uired
T Lcatin &e8uired
Car Rental
Merchant &e8uired
Nu05er * Attendees Ena5led
Attendees &e8uired
Leave defaults
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page #9 * ':
'efne Re&eipt $otif&ation Rule Set
(nternet +4penses Setup and Administration: (nternet +4penses Setup > Audit > $otif&ation Rules
Create a new Nti)catin &ule Set as *llws!
#ield name %alue
Rule Set Name &eceipts Nti)catins
Descriptin &eceipts Nti)catins
Nti*. Indi(idual Chen &eceipts are
Overdue Re&eipts $otif&ations
Receipts overdue or missing after expense report
Subseuent notifications if receipts still overdue 6
Receipts considered overdue or missing after user
Receipt document reuired if user indicates
receipts are missing
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page #: * ':
Assign Re&eipt $otif&ation Rule Set
(nternet +4penses Setup and Administration: (nternet +4penses Setup > Audit > $otif&ation Rule
#ield name %alue
&ule Set Na0e &eceipts Nti)catins
EDecti(e Start Date %#@%#@-%%'
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page -% * ':
'efne Mileage Rate S&hedule
(nternet +4penses Setup and Administration: (nternet +4penses Setup > Poli&y > S&hedules >
Ce decided nt t set it up in Prductin at this pint$ The instructins will re0ain in the dcu0ent *r *uture re*erence$
De)ne a new 0ileage schedule *r Australian e0pl.ees!
Clic, ECreate $ew S&heduleF$ Ppulate re8uired )elds as *llws!
#ield $ame %alue Comments
*pdate Mileage Rate S&hedule: -eneral (nformation
S&hedule $ame
Distance Unit of Measure
Start Date
Currency Rules
Optional Rules
Distance Threshold =es
Fuel Type
Vehicle Category
Vehicle Type =es
'istan&e ,hresholds
Line Numer ,hreshold @MilesA
! #%%%%
%ehi&le ,ype
Line Numer Sele&t %ehi&le ,ype
! =es All Other
" =es Car
# =es Mtrc.cle
$ =es "an
*pdate Mileage Rate S&hedule: Periods and Rates
Line Numer %ehi&le ,ype 'istan&e (ntervals Mileage Rate
! All Other +etween % and #%%%% $-
" All Other 7reater Than #%%%% $-
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page -# * ':
#ield $ame %alue Comments
# Car +etween % and #%%%% $2
$ Car 7reater Than #%%%% $-'
% Mtrc.cle +etween % and #%%%% $-2
& Mtrc.cle 7reater Than #%%%% $-2
' "an +etween % and #%%%% $2
( "an 7reater Than #%%%% $-'
Clic, Apply7
Clic, A&tivate7
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page -- * ':
SA: Set O(+ Profle Options
System Administration: Profle > System
'es&ription: Use this *r0 t de)ne pr)le ptins$
Na(igate t S.ste0 Pr)les
Enter &espnsi5ilit.! EATL M+ E3pense Entr.F
Pr(ide (alues *r0 the ta5le 5elw$
Profle Site Appli&ation +4pense +ntry Responsi"ility
OIE!Appr(er &e8uired =es =es with De*ault
OIE!Ena5le E3pense Allcatins User-ena5led> with Online
Aut0aticall.-ena5led> with Online "alidatin
CF! Nti)catin &eassign Mde &e-assign
OIE!CC Appr(er &e8
OIE!CC Pa.0ent Nti*.
OIE!Ena5le Appr(er =es
OIE!Ena5le Credit Card
OIE!Ena5le DescFle3
Aut0ated Escalatin Nti)catin Tas,
Assignee &le
OIE!Allw Credit Lines =es
OIE!Allw Nn-+ase Pa.
OIE!Ena5le Plic.
OIE!Ena5le PrGects =es
OIE!Ena5le Ta3 N
OIE!7race Perid 1%
OIE!Purpse &e8uired =es
OIE!&eprt Nu05er Pre)3 EHP-
PA! Allw PrGect Ti0e and E3pense Entr. =es
PA! AutAppr(e E3pense &eprts
Persnali/e Sel*-Ser(ice De*n
CF! Mailer Cancellatin E0ail Ena5led
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page -1 * ':
AR: 'efne AR System Options
Re&eiva"les Manager: Setup > System > System Options
'es&ription: Use this *r0 t de)ne Oracle &ecei(a5les s.ste0 guidelines t cntrl hw Oracle &ecei(a5les wr,s *r .u$ During
&ecei(a5les setup> .u speci*. .ur accunting 0ethd> set * 5,s> ta3 0ethd and accunts> cust0er and in(ice para0eters>
and hw the AutIn(ice and Aut0atic &eceipts prgra0s will run$
#ield $ame %alue Comments
Operating *nit
A&&ounting Method
#inan&e Charge A&tivity
Reali)ed -ains A&&ount
Reali)ed .osses A&&ount
,a4 A&&ount
*nallo&ated Revenue A&&ount
Cross Curren&y Rate ,ype
Cross Curren&y Rounding A&&ount
6eader Rounding A&&ount
Automati& 8ournal (mport
6eader .evel Rounding
'ays Per Posting Cy&le
,a4 Method
.o&ation #le4feld Stru&ture
Postal Code Range @#romA
Address %alidation
(nvoi&e Printing
,a4 %endor %iews
(n&lusive ,a4 *sed
Compound ,a4es
,a4 Registration $um"er
Sales ,a4 -+O Override
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page -2 * ':
#ield $ame %alue Comments
,a4 'efaults and Rules
+nfor&e ,a4 from Revenue A&&ount
Cal&ulate ,a4 on Credit Memo during
,a4 Code 'efaults:
Customer Site
Revenue A&&ount
System Options
,a4 Code
+4&eption Rates:
*se Customer +4&eptions
*se (tem +4&eptions
*se (tem ,a4 Rate +4&eptions
,rans and Customers
Allow Change to Printed ,ransa&tions
Allow Payment to *nrelated ,ransa&tions
Allow ,ransa&tion 'eletion
Show illing $um"er
'o&ument $um"er -eneration .evel
Auto(nvoi&e ,uning Segments:
A&&ounting #le4
System (tems
Purge (nterfa&e ,a"les
Ma4 memory @in "ytesA
.og #ile Message .evel
Automati& Customer $um"ering
Automati& Site $um"ering
Create Re&ipro&al Customer
-rouping Rule $ame
Revenue Poli&y
Standard Refund Poli&y
Payment term ,hreshold
Sele&t Credit Classif&ations for 'eferring
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page -' * ':
#ield $ame %alue Comments
#irst Sele&tion
Se&ond Sele&tion
,hird Sele&tion
*nmat&hed Remittan&e Claims:
$egative .ines
Positive .ines
Mat&hed Remittan&e Claims:
Prepare for Claim Creation
+4&lude Credit Memos
Split Amount
'is&ount asis
Auto Cash Rule Set
'ays in 'ays Sales Outstanding
Sales Credit Per&ent .imit
:rite-o9 .imits Per Re&eipt
A&&rue (nterest
Allow *nearned 'is&ounts
'is&ount on Partial Payment
,rade A&&ounting (nstalled
ills Re&eiva"le +na"led
Re1uire Salesperson
Re1uire illing .o&ation for Re&eipts
Print Remit ,o Addresses
Print 6ome Country
Minim Refund Amount
Credit Card Payment Method
an! A&&ount Payment Method
(nvoi&es Per Commit
Re&eipts Per Commit
Charge"a&! 'ue 'ate
'efault Country
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page -4 * ':
#ield $ame %alue Comments
Sour&e of ,erritory
Appli&ation Rule Set
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page -6 * ':
AR: Open A&&ounting Periods @Re1uiredA
Re&eiva"les Manager: Control > A&&ounting > OpenBClose Periods
'es&ription: Open r clse perids in .ur accunting calendar t cntrl the recrding * accunting in*r0atin *r these perids$
&ecei(a5les uses the status * these accunting perids t cntrl transactin entr. and Gurnal entr. creatin t .ur general ledger$
=u cannt enter an acti(it. in a clsed accunting perid$ &ecei(a5les pr(ides the *llwing perid statuses! Nt Opened> Future>
Open> Clse Pending> and Clsed$
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page -9 * ':
AR: 'efne AutoA&&ounting
Re&eiva"les Manager: Setup > ,ransa&tions > AutoA&&ounting
'es&ription: De)ne AutAccunting t speci*. the general ledger accunts *r transactins that .u enter 0anuall. r i0prt using
AutIn(ice$ AutAccunting uses this in*r0atin t create the de*ault re(enue> recei(a5le> *reight> ta3> unearned re(enue> un5illed
recei(a5le> )nance charges> 5ills recei(a5le accunts> and AutIn(ice clearing ;suspense< accunts$
#ield $ame ,a"le $ame Constant
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page -: * ':
#ield $ame ,a"le $ame Constant
Auto(nvoi&e Clearing
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page 1% * ':
#ield $ame ,a"le $ame Constant
*n"illed Re&eiva"le
*nearned Revenue
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page 1# * ':
AR: 'efne ,ransa&tion ,ypes
Re&eiva"les Manager: Setup > ,ransa&tions > ,ransa&tion ,ypes
De)ne the transactin t.pes that .u assign t in(ices> de5it 0e0s> c00it0ents> charge5ac,s> credit 0e0s> nIaccunt credits>
and 5ills recei(a5le$ &ecei(a5les uses transactin t.pes t de*ault pa.0ent ter0> accunt> ta3> *reight> creatin sign> psting> and
recei(a5les in*r0atin$ &ecei(a5les pr(ides tw prede)ned transactin t.pes! In(ice and Credit Me0$
Option %alue $otes
Operating *nit
Open Re&eiva"le
Post to -.
Printing Option
,ransa&tion Status
Allow #reight
,a4 Cal&ulation
Creation Sign
$atural Appli&ation Only
Appli&ation Rule Set
Allow Over Appli&ation
(nvoi&e ,ype
Credit Memo ,ype
Start 'ate
Re&eiva"le A&&ount
Revenue A&&ount
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page 1- * ':
AR: 'efne ,ransa&tion Sour&es
Re&eiva"les Manager: Setup > ,ransa&tions > Sour&es
De)ne the transactin surces that .u assign t in(ices> de5it 0e0s> c00it0ents> credit 0e0s> nIaccunt credits> and 5ills
recei(a5le$ &ecei(a5les uses transactin surces t cntrl .ur transactin and transactin 5atch nu05ering> pr(ide de*ault
transactin t.pes *r transactins in 5atch> and t select (alidatin ptins *r i0prted transactins$ &ecei(a5les pr(ides the
*llwing prede)ned transactin surces! MANUALIOTBE&> DM &e(ersal> and Charge5ac,$
Option %alue $otes
Operating *nit
+9e&tive 'ates
Automati& at&h $um"ering
Automati& ,ransa&tion $um"ering
Copy 'o&ument $um"er to ,ransa&tion
Allow 'upli&ate ,ransa&tion $um"ers
Copy ,ransa&tion (nformation ;e4feld to
Re&eipt 6andling for Credits
Referen&e #ield 'efault %alue
Standard ,ransa&tion ,ype
Credit Memo at&h Sour&e
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page 11 * ':
AR: 'efne Remittan&e an!s
Re&eiva"les Manager > Setup > Re&eipts > an!s
This step was c0pleted in step AP! De)ne +an,s a5(e$
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page 12 * ':
AR: 'efne Re&eiva"les A&tivities
Re&eiva"les Manager: Setup > Re&eipts > Re&eiva"le A&tivities
'es&ription: Use this *r0 t de)ne as 0an. &ecei(a5le Acti(ities as .u re8uire$ De)ne recei(a5les acti(ities t de*ault accunting
in*r0atin *r Miscellaneus Cash> Discunts> Finance Charges> and AdGust0ents$
Option %alue $otes
Operating *nit
$ame Ad<ustment Reversal
'es&ription AdGust0ent &e(ersal
,ype AdGust0ent
A&tive =es
-. A&&ount Sour&e &e(enue n In(ice
,a4 Code Sour&e Nne
A&tivity -. A&&ount
'istri"ution Set
Operating *nit
$ame Charge"a&! Ad<ustment
'es&ription Charge5ac, AdGust0ent
,ype AdGust0ent
A&tive =es
-. A&&ount Sour&e Acti(it. 7L Accunt
,a4 Code Sour&e
A&tivity -. A&&ount
'istri"ution Set
Operating *nit
$ame Charge"a&! Reversal
'es&ription Charge5ac, &e(ersal
,ype AdGust0ent
A&tive =es
-. A&&ount Sour&e &e(enue On In(ice
,a4 Code Sour&e Nne
A&tivity -. A&&ount
'istri"ution Set
Operating *nit
$ame Payment $etting
'es&ription Clearing accunt used when Dsetting ne
receipt with anther receipt
,ype Pa.0ent Netting
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page 1' * ':
Option %alue $otes
Operating *nit
$ame Ad<ustment Reversal
'es&ription AdGust0ent &e(ersal
,ype AdGust0ent
A&tive =es
-. A&&ount Sour&e &e(enue n In(ice
,a4 Code Sour&e Nne
A&tivity -. A&&ount
'istri"ution Set
A&tive =es
-. A&&ount Sour&e Acti(it. 7L Accunt
,a4 Code Sour&e Nne
A&tivity -. A&&ount
'istri"ution Set
Operating *nit
$ame an! Charges
'es&ription +an, Charges - Fr0 +an, State0ent
,ype AdGust0ent
A&tive =es
-. A&&ount Sour&e Acti(it. 7L Accunt
,a4 Code Sour&e Nne
A&tivity -. A&&ount
'istri"ution Set
Operating *nit
$ame an! +rror
'es&ription +an, Errr - Fr0 +an, State0ent
,ype +an, Errr
A&tive =es
-. A&&ount Sour&e Acti(it. 7L Accunt
,a4 Code Sour&e Nne
A&tivity -. A&&ount
'istri"ution Set
Operating *nit
$ame +arned 'is&ounts
'es&ription Earned Discunts
,ype Earned Discunts
A&tive =es
-. A&&ount Sour&e Acti(it. 7L Accunt
,a4 Code Sour&e Nne
A&tivity -. A&&ount
'istri"ution Set
Operating *nit
$ame Mis&ellaneous Cash
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page 14 * ':
Option %alue $otes
Operating *nit
$ame Ad<ustment Reversal
'es&ription AdGust0ent &e(ersal
,ype AdGust0ent
A&tive =es
-. A&&ount Sour&e &e(enue n In(ice
,a4 Code Sour&e Nne
A&tivity -. A&&ount
'istri"ution Set
'es&ription Miscellaneus Cash
,ype Miscellaneus Cash
A&tive =es
-. A&&ount Sour&e Acti(it. 7L Accunt
,a4 Code Sour&e Nne
A&tivity -. A&&ount
'istri"ution Set
Operating *nit
$ame *nearned 'is&ount
'es&ription Unearned Discunt
,ype Unearned Discunt
A&tive =es
-. A&&ount Sour&e Acti(it. 7L Accunt
,a4 Code Sour&e Nne
A&tivity -. A&&ount
'istri"ution Set
Operating *nit
$ame :rite-O9
'es&ription Sales allwance CriteD
,ype AdGust0ent
A&tive =es
-. A&&ount Sour&e Acti(it. 7L Accunt
,a4 Code Sour&e Nne
A&tivity -. A&&ount
'istri"ution Set
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page 16 * ':
AR: 'efne Re&eipt Classes and Payment Methods
Re&eiva"les Manager: Setup > Re&eipts > Re&eipt Classes
De)ne receipt classes t speci*. whether receipts are created 0anuall. r aut0aticall.$ Fr 0anual receipts> .u can speci*. whether
t aut0aticall. re0it it t the 5an, and@r clear .ur accunts$ Fr aut0atic receipts> .u can speci*. a re0ittance and clearance
0ethd> and whether receipts using this class re8uire cn)r0atin$
Option %alue $otes
$otes Re&eiva"le
Creation Method
Re1uire Confrmation
Remittan&e Method
Clearan&e Method
ill of +4&hange
Payment Method $ame
Printed $ame
+9e&tive 'ates
'e"it Memos (nherit re&eipt $um"ers
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page 19 * ':
A&! De)ne &eceipt Surces
&ecei(a5les Manager! Setup ? &eceipts ? &eceipt Surces
'es&ription: Use this *r0 t de)ne .ur &eceipt Surces$ Chen .u de)ne .ur receipt surce> .u can enter a de*ault receipt
class and pa.0ent 0ethd$
Option %alue $otes
Operating *nit
Re&eipt Sour&e ,ype
Re&eipt Class
Payment Method
at&h $um"ering
.ast $um"er
+9e&tive 'ates
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page 1: * ':
AR: 'efne Remit-,o Addresses
Re&eiva"les Manager: Setup > Print > Remit-,o Addresses
'es&ription: Use this *r0 t 0aintain .ur cust0erFs &e0it-T Addresses that .u want Oracle &ecei(a5les t print n .ur
state0ents and dunning letters$ Assciate each re0it-t address with ne r 0re state> cuntr. and pstal cde c05inatins$
&e0it-t addresses are assigned 5ased n the 5ill-t address n the transactin$ I* .u d nt wish t set up a re0it-t address *r
each lcatin> .u can set up ne re0it-t address with a de*ault assign0ent$ This will 5e used *r all lcatins r *r an. lcatins
that d nt ha(e speci)c lcatin assign0ents$ T set up a de*ault re0it-t address> enter the re0it-t address> na(igate t the
assign0ent regin then> using the list * (alues in the Cuntr. )eld> select JDe*ault "alueJ$ M(e t the ne3t )eld and select the
JDEFAULTJ state *r0 the list * (alues$
Option %alue $otes
Alternate $ame
Postal Code
Re&eipts #rom
County State
De*ault (alue De*ault (alue
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page 2% * ':
AR: 'efne Standard Memo .ines
Re&eiva"les Manager: Setup > ,ransa&tions > Memo .ines
'es&ription: I* .u want t enter prede)ned lines *r de5it 0e0s> n-accunt credits and in(ices> .u can de)ne
standard 0e0 lines$ Chen .u de)ne .ur standard 0e0 lines> .u can speci*. whether a line is *r charges> *reight>
line> r ta3$ &ecei(a5les lets .u de)ne ne charge5ac, and ne de5it 0e0 re(ersal line$
Option %alue $otes
,a4 Code
*nit .ist Pri&e
*nit of Measure
Revenue A&&ount
A&&ount 'es&ription
(nvoi&ing Rule
A&&ounting Rule
A&tive 'ates: @#romA
A&tive 'ates: @,oA
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page 2# * ':
OM: 'efne (tem %alidation Organi)ation
Order Management Super *ser: Setup > System Parameters > %alues
'es&ription: Set the (alue *r Ite0 "alidatin Organi/atin ;In(entr. Organi/atins< t de)ne which In(entr.
Organi/atin .u can use t transact ite0s in a gi(en Operating Unit$
Option %alue $otes
Operating *nit
Category 7eneric Para0eters
(tem %alidation Organi)ation
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page 2- * ':
#A: Review A&&ount -enerator Setup
'es&ription: Oracle Assets uses the Accunt 7eneratr t generate accunting Ae3)eld c05inatins *r Gurnal entries$
=u 0ust re(iew the de*ault prcess that Oracle Assets uses t see i* it 0eets .ur accunting re8uire0ents$ =u can
ptinall. cust0i/e the Accunt 7eneratr *r each set * 5,s that .u ha(e de)ned$ Nte that .u 0ust set up Oracle
Cr,Aw in rder t use the Accunt 7eneratr$
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page 21 * ':
#A: 'efne System Controls
#i4ed Assets Manager > Setup > Asset System > System Controls
'es&ription: Set up .ur s.ste0 cntrls$ =u speci*. .ur enterprise na0e> asset nu05ering sche0e> and ,e. Ae3)eld
structures in the S.ste0 Cntrls windw$ =u als speci*. the ldest date placed in ser(ice * .ur assets$
Option %alue $otes
+nterprise $ame
Oldest 'ate Pla&ed in Servi&e
Category #le4feld
.o&ation #le4feld
Asset Cey #le4feld
Starting Asset $um"er
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page 22 * ':
#A: 'efne Additional Asset .o&ations
#i4ed Assets Manager: Setup > Asset System > .o&ations
'es&ription: De)ne (alid lcatins$ =ur lcatin Ae3)eld c05inatins tell Oracle Assets what lcatins are (alid *r .ur
c0pan.$ Oracle Assets uses lcatin *r trac,ing assets and *r prpert. ta3 reprting$
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page 2' * ':
#A: 'efne #is&al Dears
#i4ed Assets Manager: Setup > Asset System > #is&al Dears
'es&ription: Use the Fiscal =ears windw t de)ne the 5eginning and end * each )scal .ear since the start * .ur
c0pan.$ =ur )scal .ear grups .ur accunting perids$ =u 0ust de)ne the start and end date * each )scal .ear since
the ldest date placed in ser(ice$
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page 24 * ':
#A: 'efne Calendars
#i4ed Assets Manager: Setup > Asset System > Calendars
'es&ription: Use the Calendars windw t set up as 0an. depreciatin and prrate calendars as .u need$ Calendars
5rea, dwn .ur )scal .ear int accunting perids$ De)ne .ur calendars with as 0an. perids as .u need$
De)ne a prrate calendar and a depreciatin calendar *r each depreciatin 5,$ Depreciatin 5,s can share a
calendar> and .u can use the sa0e calendar *r .ur depreciatin calendar and prrate calendar i* apprpriate$
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page 26 * ':
#A: 'efne Asset oo!s
#i4ed Assets Manager: Setup > Asset System > oo! Controls
'es&ription: Use the +, Cntrls windw t set up .ur depreciatin 5,s$ =u can set up an unli0ited nu05er *
independent depreciatin 5,s$ Each 5, has its wn set * accunting rules and accunts s .u can rgani/e and
i0ple0ent .ur )3ed assets accunting plicies$
Option %alue $otes
Asso&iated Corporate oo!
(na&tive On
Allow Purge
-. Set of oo!s
Allow -. Posting
'epre&iation Calendar
#is&al Dear $ame
Prorate Calendar
Current Period
'ivide 'epre&iation
A&&ounting Rules
Allow Amorti)ed Changes
Allow Mass Changes
Create (nter&ompany alan&ing +ntries
Capital -ain ,hreshold
Allow Revaluations
Revalue A&&umulated 'epre&iation
Revalue D,' 'epre&iation
Retire Revaluation Reserve
Amorti)e Revaluation Reserve
Revalue #ully Reserved Assets
Allow -roup 'epre&iation
Allow C(P Mem"ers in -roup Assets
Allow C(P 'epre&iation in -roup Assets
Allow Mem"er Asset ,ra&!ing
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page 29 * ':
Option %alue $otes
Allow (nter&ompany Mem"er Asset
$atural A&&ounts
Retirement A&&ounts -ain .oss Clearing
Pro&eeds of Sale
Cost of Removal
$et oo! %alue Retired
Reval Reserve Retired
(nter&ompany Re&eiva"les
(nter&ompany Paya"les
'eferred 'epre&iation Reserve
'eferred 'epre&iation +4pense
'epre&iation Ad<ustment
A&&ount -enerator 'efaults
8ournal Categories
Select (alues that 0atch )eld na0es$
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page 2: * ':
#A: 'efne Prorate and Retirement Conventions
#i4ed Assets Manager: Setup > Asset System > Prorate Conventions
'es&ription: Use the Prrate Cn(entins windw t set up .ur prrate and retire0ent cn(entins$ Prrate and
retire0ent cn(entins deter0ine hw 0uch depreciatin e3pense t ta,e in the )rst and last .ear * li*e> 5ased n when
.u place the asset in ser(ice$
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page '% * ':
#A: 'efne Se&urity "y oo!
#i4ed Assets Manager: Setup > Asset System > Se&urity
'es&ription: I* .u ha(e 0ultiple depreciatin 5,s> .u 0a. need t set up securit. *r each 5,$ Fr e3a0ple> .u
0a. ha(e peratins in the U$S$> Eurpe> and Asia> and 0a. ha(e sets * 5,s and assciated depreciatin 5,s set up
*r each cuntr.> accrding t that cuntr.Fs currenc. and ta3 laws$ Fr a (ariet. * reasns> .u 0a. pre*er that the staD
at the diDerent sites are una5le t (iew depreciatin in*r0atin *r anther site$
Oracle Assets allws .u t li0it access t each 5, s that nl. certain indi(iduals can (iew the in*r0atin$ =u d this
5. creating asset rgani/atins and rgani/atin hierarchies that deter0ine which rgani/atins ha(e access t a speci)c
depreciatin 5,$
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page '# * ':
#A: 'efne Additional 'epre&iation Methods
#i4ed Assets Manager: Setup > Asset System > 'epre&iation > Methods
'es&ription: Depreciatin 0ethds speci*. hw t spread the asset cst$ Oracle Assets includes 0an. standard
depreciatin 0ethds> and .u can de)ne additinal 0ethds in the Methds windw> i* necessar.$
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page '- * ':
#A: 'efne 'epre&iation Ceilings
#i4ed Assets Manager: Setup > Asset System > 'epre&iation > Ceilings
'es&ription: Depreciatin ceilings li0it the depreciatin e3pense .u can ta,e *r an asset$ Set up depreciatin e3pense
ceilings t li0it the annual a0unt * depreciatin e3pense .u can ta,e n an asset$ Or set up depreciatin cst ceilings
t li0it the rec(era5le cst * an asset$
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page '1 * ':
#A: 'efne Asset Categories
#i4ed Assets Manager: Setup > Asset System > Asset Categories
'es&ription: Asset categries let .u de)ne in*r0atin that is c00n t all assets in a categr.> such as depreciatin
0ethd and prrate cn(entin$ Oracle Assets uses this in*r0atin t pr(ide de*ault (alues t help speed asset entr.$
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page '2 * ':
Open and Closed (ssues
Open (ssues
Closed (ssues
#$ KDescriptin * issue ?
-2-#2%-2'$dc Page '' * ':

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